#136 Request: Please make /spawn remove 1 the default

Créé il y a 4 ans par devn00b · 1 commentaires
devn00b a commenté il y a 4 ans

I'd prefer if it was reversed so its more like the eq1emu system.

Currently have to do /spawn remove 1 to make the npc despawn, or repop zone

Id like it to default to despawn the npc, and 1 to keep it.

I'd prefer if it was reversed so its more like the eq1emu system. Currently have to do /spawn remove 1 to make the npc despawn, or repop zone Id like it to default to despawn the npc, and 1 to keep it.
image a commenté il y a 4 ans

due to complications in setting up the new dev machine moving to leo 2.0

due to complications in setting up the new dev machine moving to leo 2.0
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