#155 lifts/transports don't work correctly on classic client

vor 4 Jahren geöffnet von image · 1 Kommentare
image kommentierte vor 4 Jahren

The lifts in the classic client do not behave like DoF. There is a partial fix (to be pushed later in the day) that allows the lift to move a player up/down if they slightly move forward/backward as the lift initially starts moving.. however if not they pass right through

The lifts in the classic client do not behave like DoF. There is a partial fix (to be pushed later in the day) that allows the lift to move a player up/down if they slightly move forward/backward as the lift initially starts moving.. however if not they pass right through
image kommentierte vor 4 Jahren
this was fixed via spawn serialize changes http://cutpon.com:3000/devn00b/EQ2EMu/commit/51bf3ab479f972b3f096d57b28403867695852ac
image hat vor 4 Jahren geschlossen
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