#165 starting skills and starting spells dynamically checked when character zones

4 роки тому відкрито image · 1 коментарів
image відкоментовано 4 роки тому

Right now starting skills and spells are one off on character creation. We need to have the ability to add new skills/spells even after char creation so we will have sanity checks in the code to do the processing since DB is not capable of this functionality.

  • Also add reload commands for starting skills/spells
Right now starting skills and spells are one off on character creation. We need to have the ability to add new skills/spells even after char creation so we will have sanity checks in the code to do the processing since DB is not capable of this functionality. - Also add reload commands for starting skills/spells
image закрито 4 роки тому
image відкоментовано 4 роки тому
additional changes regarding this issue: http://cutpon.com:3000/devn00b/EQ2EMu/commit/51b314ac8711e83d9fc851c020f58a4887dcf25b
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