#250 Chest opening and closing randomly on AoM client

otvorené 3 rokov pred užívateľom neatz09 · 4 komentárov
neatz09 okomentoval 3 rokov pred
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image okomentoval 3 rokov pred

haven't seen this happening lately when testing

haven't seen this happening lately when testing
image okomentoval 3 rokov pred

i can't replicate the 'random opening closing' but I can cause the chest to reopen itself if I click it and close the loot window and try again.

i can't replicate the 'random opening closing' but I can cause the chest to reopen itself if I click it and close the loot window and try again.
image okomentoval 3 rokov pred

ok camping out and logging back in causes the chest to open/close repeatedly

ok camping out and logging back in causes the chest to open/close repeatedly
image okomentoval 3 rokov pred

Should be noted that it seems setting the visual_state, at least on a chest causes it to repeatedly open and close even for a client in zone seeing it open for the first time.

So SendStateCommand (WS_StateCmd) is the alternative as to not impede this one-shot behavior.

Should be noted that it seems setting the visual_state, at least on a chest causes it to repeatedly open and close even for a client in zone seeing it open for the first time. So SendStateCommand (WS_StateCmd) is the alternative as to not impede this one-shot behavior.
image sa odvolal na túto issue z commitu 3 rokov pred
image zatvorené 3 rokov pred
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