#288 (Rylec) FaceTarget optional boolean parameter to disable action state being set to 0

vor 3 Jahren geöffnet von image · 0 Kommentare
image kommentierte vor 3 Jahren

FaceTarget(Originator, Target, disable_action_state)

the disable_action_state is optional, defaults to 'true'. Overriding to false will allow the action_state's set to continue while facing the target


FaceTarget(Originator, Target, false)

FaceTarget(Originator, Target, disable_action_state) the disable_action_state is optional, defaults to 'true'. Overriding to false will allow the action_state's set to continue while facing the target eg. FaceTarget(Originator, Target, false)
image hat dieses Issue vor 3 Jahren aus einem Commit referenziert
image hat vor 3 Jahren geschlossen
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