#28 Need a command to assign loot tables to specific NPCS

vor 4 Jahren geöffnet von devn00b · 1 Kommentare
devn00b kommentierte vor 4 Jahren

Ala #npcedit loottable id. Currently no way to do it.

Ala #npcedit loottable id. Currently no way to do it.
image hat dieses Issue vor 4 Jahren aus einem Commit referenziert
image hat vor 4 Jahren geschlossen
image kommentierte vor 4 Jahren

Fixes #28

/loot list add loottable_id

/loot list remove loottable_id

/loot list clearall

auto reloads loot, purges previous loot and re-assigns loot to selected spawn.

If you have multiple of the same spawn, then /repop the zone and it will repopulate after one is updated.

Fixes #28 /loot list add loottable_id /loot list remove loottable_id /loot list clearall auto reloads loot, purges previous loot and re-assigns loot to selected spawn. If you have multiple of the same spawn, then /repop the zone and it will repopulate after one is updated.
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