#305 persist spell effects / maintained effects cross zone

Créé il y a 3 ans par image · 4 commentaires
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This needs to be done to fully support auto-consume through zones and also the fact that its just annoying to re-cast spells all the time

This needs to be done to fully support auto-consume through zones and also the fact that its just annoying to re-cast spells all the time
image a référencé ce problème à partir d'un commit il y a 3 ans
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outstanding items:

  • need a targetting table, spells can have more than one target
  • need to flesh out what spells are specialized, like pets which need to track the previous 'name'. We also might need to track its individual stats.
outstanding items: - ~~need a targetting table, spells can have more than one target~~ - need to flesh out what spells are specialized, like pets which need to track the previous 'name'. We also might need to track its individual stats.
image a référencé ce problème à partir d'un commit il y a 3 ans
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two new rules for customizing the spell persisting functionality beyond the current zone:

    RULE_INIT(R_Spells, EnableCrossZoneGroupBuffs, "0"); // enables/disables allowing cross zone group buffs
    RULE_INIT(R_Spells, EnableCrossZoneTargetBuffs, "0"); // enables/disables allowing cross zone target buffs

two more rules for spell state saving in DB:

	RULE_INIT(R_Spells, PlayerSpellSaveStateWaitInterval, "100"); // time in milliseconds we wait before performing a save when the spell save trigger is activated, allows additional actions to take place until the cap is hit
	RULE_INIT(R_Spells, PlayerSpellSaveStateCap, "1000"); // sets a maximum wait time before we queue a spell state save to the DB, given a lot can go on in a short period with players especially in combat, maybe good to have this at a higher interval.
two new rules for customizing the spell persisting functionality beyond the current zone: ``` RULE_INIT(R_Spells, EnableCrossZoneGroupBuffs, "0"); // enables/disables allowing cross zone group buffs RULE_INIT(R_Spells, EnableCrossZoneTargetBuffs, "0"); // enables/disables allowing cross zone target buffs ``` two more rules for spell state saving in DB: ``` RULE_INIT(R_Spells, PlayerSpellSaveStateWaitInterval, "100"); // time in milliseconds we wait before performing a save when the spell save trigger is activated, allows additional actions to take place until the cap is hit RULE_INIT(R_Spells, PlayerSpellSaveStateCap, "1000"); // sets a maximum wait time before we queue a spell state save to the DB, given a lot can go on in a short period with players especially in combat, maybe good to have this at a higher interval. ```
image a commenté il y a 3 ans

EnableCrossZoneGroupBuffs ON:

  • Group based buffs remain on players and pets despite caster/target zone


  • Group based buffs will remove effects (right hand panel) from targets when outside range/zone of caster.
  • Caster will maintain effects (left panel) and RESTORES on target when in the same zone/area as the caster.



  • Target based buffs (non-group) will stay on a target despite their respective zone to the caster.


  • Target based buffs will be removed (effects right panel) when the target is in a different zone from the caster.
  • Maintained effects (left panel) on caster remains and RESTORES on target when in the same zone/area as the caster.
EnableCrossZoneGroupBuffs ON: - Group based buffs remain on players and pets despite caster/target zone OFF: - Group based buffs will remove effects (right hand panel) from targets when outside range/zone of caster. - Caster will maintain effects (left panel) and RESTORES on target when in the same zone/area as the caster. EnableCrossZoneTargetBuffs ON: - Target based buffs (non-group) will stay on a target despite their respective zone to the caster. OFF: - Target based buffs will be removed (effects right panel) when the target is in a different zone from the caster. - Maintained effects (left panel) on caster remains and RESTORES on target when in the same zone/area as the caster.
image a commenté il y a 3 ans

pet name should be tracked via the player profile I believe or at least some subset of the character since it can be set by the player. Will take that up as another issue #320

pet name should be tracked via the player profile I believe or at least some subset of the character since it can be set by the player. Will take that up as another issue #320
image a référencé ce problème à partir d'un commit il y a 3 ans
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