#306 Speaking in a different language does not translate from client to client(displays in common)

Créé il y a 3 ans par neatz09 · 1 commentaires
neatz09 a commenté il y a 3 ans
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image a commenté il y a 2 ans
  • Say
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  • Group -- group doesn't enforce even if we send the 'understood' flag to 0. so I guess you can understand other languages in group?
  • Guild -- same as group, not enforced
  • OOC -- this works
  • Tell
- [x] Say - [x] Shout - [x] Group -- group doesn't enforce even if we send the 'understood' flag to 0. so I guess you can understand other languages in group? - [x] Guild -- same as group, not enforced - [x] OOC -- this works - [x] Tell
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