#388 appearance only items don't equip properly

vor 3 Jahren geöffnet von image · 0 Kommentare
image kommentierte vor 3 Jahren

If you have a item to be attuned, you double click to put it in the appearance tab and this item is appearance only.

You click yes, it doesn't equip it throws "This item is for appearance slots only"

Yet subsequent click+drag of the item equips (its attuned) and double clicking equips

If you have a item to be attuned, you double click to put it in the appearance tab and this item is appearance only. You click yes, it doesn't equip it throws "This item is for appearance slots only" Yet subsequent click+drag of the item equips (its attuned) and double clicking equips
image hat dieses Issue vor 2 Jahren aus einem Commit referenziert
image hat vor 2 Jahren geschlossen
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