#425 equiping and unequiping armor freaks out the character sheet updates. seems to be fine after zoning

otevřeno před 2 roky uživatelem neatz09 · 2 komentářů
neatz09 okomentoval před 2 roky

see title

see title
image okomentoval před 2 roky

need some exact steps on this one cause I have tried equipping/unequipping and the stats are going down/up as expected. Is it the green color thats the problem or the stat value?

need some exact steps on this one cause I have tried equipping/unequipping and the stats are going down/up as expected. Is it the green color thats the problem or the stat value?
image okomentoval před 2 roky

I hope I fixed this with my last update I have not been able to replicate this

Bug fix for inventory updates, typically with overflow slots and after deleting items from inventory (packet count needs to be updated with current size in PlayerItemList::serialize)


I hope I fixed this with my last update I have not been able to replicate this Bug fix for inventory updates, typically with overflow slots and after deleting items from inventory (packet count needs to be updated with current size in PlayerItemList::serialize) https://git.eq2emu.com/devn00b/EQ2EMu/commit/1068849ef8465faa9a3970dbd198309c1e219dbf
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