#547 Outstanding item stats to support / implement

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These will probably need separate issues at some point given the extent required (might require a feature on top of the stat implementation)

#define ITEM_STAT_ABILITYREUSESPEED         662 //% Ability Reuse Speed
#define ITEM_STAT_ABILITYRECOVERYSPEED      663 //% Ability Recovery Speed
#define ITEM_STAT_MULTIATTACKCHANCE                 641 //% Multi Attack Chance  // inconsistant with db

we don't support spell weapon ae auto attack

0 - no autoattack at all 1 - melee autoattack 2 - ranged autoattack 3 - spell autoattack

we only support 0,1,2 in command_auto_attack

#define ITEM_STAT_SPELLMULTIATTACKCHANCE            645 //% Spell Multi Atttack Chance

we also don't support spell multi attack chance -- not sure this is even classic

These will probably need separate issues at some point given the extent required (might require a feature on top of the stat implementation) ``` #define ITEM_STAT_ABILITYREUSESPEED 662 //% Ability Reuse Speed #define ITEM_STAT_ABILITYRECOVERYSPEED 663 //% Ability Recovery Speed #define ITEM_STAT_MULTIATTACKCHANCE 641 //% Multi Attack Chance // inconsistant with db ``` ``` #define ITEM_STAT_SPELLWEAPONAEAUTOATTACKCHANCE 640 // ``` we don't support spell weapon ae auto attack 0 - no autoattack at all 1 - melee autoattack 2 - ranged autoattack 3 - spell autoattack we only support 0,1,2 in command_auto_attack ``` #define ITEM_STAT_SPELLMULTIATTACKCHANCE 645 //% Spell Multi Atttack Chance ``` we also don't support spell multi attack chance -- not sure this is even classic
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