#include "../WorldDatabase.h" #include "../../common/Log.h" #include "Bot.h" #include "../classes.h" #include "../races.h" extern Classes classes; extern Races races; int32 WorldDatabase::CreateNewBot(int32 char_id, string name, int8 race, int8 advClass, int8 gender, int16 model_id, int32& index) { DatabaseResult result; index = 0; if (!database_new.Select(&result, "SELECT MAX(`bot_id`) FROM `bots` WHERE `char_id` = %u", char_id)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return 0; } if (result.Next()) { if (result.IsNull(0)) index = 1; else index = result.GetInt32(0) + 1; } if (!database_new.Query("INSERT INTO `bots` (`char_id`, `bot_id`, `name`, `race`, `class`, `gender`, `model_type`) VALUES (%u, %u, \"%s\", %u, %u, %u, %u)", char_id, index, name.c_str(), race, advClass, gender, model_id)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return 0; } int32 ret = database_new.LastInsertID(); LogWrite(PLAYER__DEBUG, 0, "Player", "New bot (%s) created for player (%u)", name.c_str(), char_id); return ret; } void WorldDatabase::SaveBotAppearance(Bot* bot) { SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "skin_color", bot->features.skin_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "model_color", bot->features.model_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "eye_color", bot->features.eye_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "hair_color1", bot->features.hair_color1); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "hair_color2", bot->features.hair_color2); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "hair_highlight", bot->features.hair_highlight_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "hair_type_color", bot->features.hair_type_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "hair_type_highlight_color", bot->features.hair_type_highlight_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "hair_face_color", bot->features.hair_face_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "hair_face_highlight_color", bot->features.hair_face_highlight_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "wing_color1", bot->features.wing_color1); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "wing_color2", bot->features.wing_color2); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "shirt_color", bot->features.shirt_color); //SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "unknown_chest_color", ); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "pants_color", bot->features.pants_color); //SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "unknown_legs_color", ); //SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "unknown9", ); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "eye_type", bot->features.eye_type[0], bot->features.eye_type[1], bot->features.eye_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "ear_type", bot->features.ear_type[0], bot->features.ear_type[1], bot->features.ear_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "eye_brow_type", bot->features.eye_brow_type[0], bot->features.eye_brow_type[1], bot->features.eye_brow_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "cheek_type", bot->features.cheek_type[0], bot->features.cheek_type[1], bot->features.cheek_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "lip_type", bot->features.lip_type[0], bot->features.lip_type[1], bot->features.lip_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "chin_type", bot->features.chin_type[0], bot->features.chin_type[1], bot->features.chin_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "nose_type", bot->features.nose_type[0], bot->features.nose_type[1], bot->features.nose_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "body_size", bot->features.body_size, 0, 0); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "body_age", bot->features.body_age, 0, 0); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_skin_color", bot->features.soga_skin_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_model_color", bot->features.soga_model_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_eye_color", bot->features.soga_eye_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_hair_color1", bot->features.soga_hair_color1); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_hair_color2", bot->features.soga_hair_color2); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_hair_highlight", bot->features.soga_hair_highlight_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_hair_type_color", bot->features.soga_hair_type_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", bot->features.soga_hair_type_highlight_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_hair_face_color", bot->features.soga_hair_face_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", bot->features.soga_hair_face_highlight_color); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_wing_color1", bot->features.wing_color1); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_wing_color2", bot->features.wing_color2); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_shirt_color", bot->features.shirt_color); //SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_unknown_chest_color", ); SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_pants_color", bot->features.pants_color); //SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_unknown_legs_color", ); //SaveBotColors(bot->BotID, "soga_unknown13", ); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "soga_eye_type", bot->features.soga_eye_type[0], bot->features.soga_eye_type[1], bot->features.soga_eye_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "soga_ear_type", bot->features.soga_ear_type[0], bot->features.soga_ear_type[1], bot->features.soga_ear_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "soga_eye_brow_type", bot->features.soga_eye_brow_type[0], bot->features.soga_eye_brow_type[1], bot->features.soga_eye_brow_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "soga_cheek_type", bot->features.soga_cheek_type[0], bot->features.soga_cheek_type[1], bot->features.soga_cheek_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "soga_lip_type", bot->features.soga_lip_type[0], bot->features.soga_lip_type[1], bot->features.soga_lip_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "soga_chin_type", bot->features.soga_chin_type[0], bot->features.soga_chin_type[1], bot->features.soga_chin_type[2]); SaveBotFloats(bot->BotID, "soga_nose_type", bot->features.soga_nose_type[0], bot->features.soga_nose_type[1], bot->features.soga_nose_type[2]); if (!database_new.Query("UPDATE `bots` SET `model_type` = %u, `hair_type` = %u, `face_type` = %u, `wing_type` = %u, `chest_type` = %u, `legs_type` = %u, `soga_model_type` = %u, `soga_hair_type` = %u, `soga_face_type` = %u WHERE `id` = %u", bot->GetModelType(), bot->GetHairType(), bot->GetFacialHairType(), bot->GetWingType(), bot->GetChestType(), bot->GetLegsType(), bot->GetSogaModelType(), bot->GetSogaHairType(), bot->GetSogaFacialHairType(), bot->BotID)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return; } } void WorldDatabase::SaveBotColors(int32 bot_id, const char* type, EQ2_Color color) { if (!database_new.Query("INSERT INTO `bot_appearance` (`bot_id`, `type`, `red`, `green`, `blue`) VALUES (%i, '%s', %i, %i, %i) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `red` = %i, `blue` = %i, `green` = %i", bot_id, type, color.red, color.green, color.blue, color.red, color.blue, color.green)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return; } } void WorldDatabase::SaveBotFloats(int32 bot_id, const char* type, float float1, float float2, float float3) { if (!database_new.Query("INSERT INTO `bot_appearance` (`bot_id`, `type`, `red`, `green`, `blue`, `signed_value`) VALUES (%i, '%s', %i, %i, %i, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `red` = %i, `blue` = %i, `green` = %i", bot_id, type, float1, float2, float3, float1, float2, float3)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return; } } bool WorldDatabase::LoadBot(int32 char_id, int32 bot_index, Bot* bot) { DatabaseResult result; if (!database_new.Select(&result, "SELECT * FROM bots WHERE `char_id` = %u AND `bot_id` = %u", char_id, bot_index)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return false; } if (result.Next()) { bot->BotID = result.GetInt32(0); bot->BotIndex = result.GetInt32(2); bot->SetName(result.GetString(3)); bot->SetRace(result.GetInt8(4)); bot->SetAdventureClass(result.GetInt8(5)); bot->SetGender(result.GetInt8(6)); bot->SetModelType(result.GetInt16(7)); bot->SetHairType(result.GetInt16(8)); bot->SetFacialHairType(result.GetInt16(9)); bot->SetWingType(result.GetInt16(10)); bot->SetChestType(result.GetInt16(11)); bot->SetLegsType(result.GetInt16(12)); bot->SetSogaModelType(result.GetInt16(13)); bot->SetSogaHairType(result.GetInt16(14)); bot->SetSogaFacialHairType(result.GetInt16(15)); } else return false; LoadBotAppearance(bot); LoadBotEquipment(bot); return true; } void WorldDatabase::LoadBotAppearance(Bot* bot) { DatabaseResult result; string type; map appearance_types; EQ2_Color color; color.red = 0; color.green = 0; color.blue = 0; if (!database_new.Select(&result, "SELECT distinct `type` FROM bot_appearance WHERE length(`type`) > 0 AND `bot_id` = %u", bot->BotID)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return; } while (result.Next()) { type = result.GetString(0); appearance_types[type] = GetAppearanceType(type); if (appearance_types[type] == 255) LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "Appearance", "Unknown appearance type '%s' in LoadBotAppearances.", type.c_str()); } if (!database_new.Select(&result, "SELECT `type`, `signed_value`, `red`, `green`, `blue` FROM bot_appearance WHERE length(`type`) > 0 AND bot_id = %u", bot->BotID)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return; } while (result.Next()) { type = result.GetString(0); if (appearance_types[type] < APPEARANCE_SOGA_EBT) { color.red = result.GetInt8(2); color.green = result.GetInt8(3); color.blue = result.GetInt8(4); } switch (appearance_types[type]) { case APPEARANCE_SOGA_HFHC: { bot->features.soga_hair_face_highlight_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_HTHC: { bot->features.soga_hair_type_highlight_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_HFC: { bot->features.soga_hair_face_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_HTC: { bot->features.soga_hair_type_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_HH: { bot->features.soga_hair_highlight_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_HC1: { bot->features.soga_hair_color1 = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_HC2: { bot->features.soga_hair_color2 = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_SC: { bot->features.soga_skin_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_EC: { bot->features.soga_eye_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_HTHC: { bot->features.hair_type_highlight_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_HFHC: { bot->features.hair_face_highlight_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_HTC: { bot->features.hair_type_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_HFC: { bot->features.hair_face_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_HH: { bot->features.hair_highlight_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_HC1: { bot->features.hair_color1 = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_HC2: { bot->features.hair_color2 = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_WC1: { bot->features.wing_color1 = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_WC2: { bot->features.wing_color2 = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_SC: { bot->features.skin_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_EC: { bot->features.eye_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_EBT: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.soga_eye_brow_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_CHEEKT: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.soga_cheek_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_NT: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.soga_nose_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_CHINT: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.soga_chin_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_LT: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.soga_lip_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_EART: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.soga_ear_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_EYET: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.soga_eye_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_EBT: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.eye_brow_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_CHEEKT: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.cheek_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_NT: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.nose_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_CHINT: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.chin_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_EART: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.ear_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_EYET: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.eye_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_LT: { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bot->features.lip_type[i] = result.GetSInt8(2 + i); break; } case APPEARANCE_SHIRT: { bot->features.shirt_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_UCC: { break; } case APPEARANCE_PANTS: { bot->features.pants_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_ULC: { break; } case APPEARANCE_U9: { break; } case APPEARANCE_BODY_SIZE: { bot->features.body_size = color.red; break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_WC1: { break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_WC2: { break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_SHIRT: { break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_UCC: { break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_PANTS: { break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_ULC: { break; } case APPEARANCE_SOGA_U13: { break; } case APPEARANCE_BODY_AGE: { bot->features.body_age = color.red; break; } case APPEARANCE_MC:{ bot->features.model_color = color; break; } case APPEARANCE_SMC:{ bot->features.soga_model_color = color; break; } } } } void WorldDatabase::SaveBotItem(int32 bot_id, int32 item_id, int8 slot) { if (!database_new.Query("INSERT INTO `bot_equipment` (`bot_id`, `slot`, `item_id`) VALUES (%u, %u, %u) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `item_id` = %u", bot_id, slot, item_id, item_id)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return; } } void WorldDatabase::LoadBotEquipment(Bot* bot) { DatabaseResult result; if (!database_new.Select(&result, "SELECT `slot`, `item_id` FROM `bot_equipment` WHERE `bot_id` = %u", bot->BotID)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return; } Item* master_item = 0; Item* item = 0; while (result.Next()) { int8 slot = result.GetInt8(0); int32 item_id = result.GetInt32(1); master_item = master_item_list.GetItem(item_id); if (master_item) { item = new Item(master_item); if (item) { bot->GetEquipmentList()->AddItem(slot, item); bot->SetEquipment(item, slot); } } } } string WorldDatabase::GetBotList(int32 char_id) { DatabaseResult result; string ret; if (!database_new.Select(&result, "SELECT `bot_id`, `name`, `race`, `class` FROM `bots` WHERE `char_id` = %u", char_id)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return ret; } while (result.Next()) { ret += to_string(result.GetInt32(0)) + ": "; ret += result.GetString(1); ret += " the "; ret += races.GetRaceNameCase(result.GetInt8(2)); ret += " "; ret += classes.GetClassNameCase(result.GetInt8(3)) + "\n"; } return ret; } void WorldDatabase::DeleteBot(int32 char_id, int32 bot_index) { if (!database_new.Query("DELETE FROM `bots` WHERE `char_id` = %u AND `bot_id` = %u", char_id, bot_index)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); } } void WorldDatabase::SetBotStartingItems(Bot* bot, int8 class_id, int8 race_id) { int32 bot_id = bot->BotID; LogWrite(PLAYER__DEBUG, 0, "Bot", "Adding default items for race: %u, class: %u for bot_id: %u", race_id, class_id, bot_id); DatabaseResult result; if (!database_new.Select(&result, "SELECT item_id FROM starting_items WHERE class_id IN (%i, %i, %i, 255) AND race_id IN (%i, 255) ORDER BY id", classes.GetBaseClass(class_id), classes.GetSecondaryBaseClass(class_id), class_id, race_id)) { LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBNew", "MySQL Error %u: %s", database_new.GetError(), database_new.GetErrorMsg()); return; } while (result.Next()) { bot->GiveItem(result.GetInt32(0)); } }