--[[ Script Name : Quests/SouthQeynos/the_former_resting_place_of_varsoon.lua Script Author : Dorbin Script Date : 2022.06.03 02:06:10 Script Purpose : Zone : SouthQeynos Quest Giver: Feodra Iceslayer Preceded by: None Followed by: --]] function Init(Quest) AddQuestStepLocation(Quest, 1, "I need to go to the Tomb of Varsoon in Antonica.", 6, "I would like to see this weakened Tomb of Varsoon on the Forbidden Isle off the coast of Antonica.", 11, 362.10, -19.69, -662.95) AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 1, "QuestComplete") UpdateQuestZone(Quest,"Antonica") end function Accepted(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) FaceTarget(QuestGiver, Player) conversation = CreateConversation() AddConversationOption(conversation, "I'll be careful. Thank you for the directions.") StartConversation(conversation, QuestGiver, Player, "Heck, I'll tell you where it is! Turn left as you leave the city gates; go through Klicnik Fields. You'll see the islands the tomb rests on. You go any further ... well, that's your decision, not mine.") end function Declined(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) -- Add dialog here for when the quest is declined end function Deleted(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) -- Remove any quest specific items here when the quest is deleted end function QuestComplete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) -- The following UpdateQuestStepDescription and UpdateTaskGroupDescription are not needed, parser adds them for completion in case stuff needs to be moved around UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 1, "I went to the Tomb of Varsoon.") UpdateQuestTaskGroupDescription(Quest, 1, "I went to the Tomb of Varsoon and saw that the crypt had been split open.") UpdateQuestDescription(Quest, "I went to the Tomb of Varsoon and saw that the crypt had been split open.") GiveQuestReward(Quest, Player) end function Reload(Quest, QuestGiver, Player, Step) if Step == 1 then QuestComplete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) end end