@echo off rem The following are the variables used, what they do, and the settings available. rem All settings on by default. rem SQLUPDATE Will update, the EQ2Emu World DB. 1 for on, 2 for updates only. anything else for off. rem ******** SETTING SQLUPDATE = 1 WILL ERASE ALL DATA IN THE DATABASE use 2 TO SAVE CHARACTERS/GUILDS ************ rem EXEUPDATE Will update, EXE files. 1 for on, anything else for off. rem LUAUPDATE Will update, LUA files. 1 for on, anything else for off. rem MAPUPDATE Will update, MAP files. 1 for on, anything else for off. rem SENDBUGS Will send your bug reports to an offsite server to be reviewed by staff. 1 for on, anything else is off. SET NAME=Zeklabs.com TITLE %NAME% SET SQLUPDATE=1 SET EXEUPDATE=1 SET LUAUPDATE=1 SET MAPUPDATE=1 SET SENDBUGS=1 if /I "%SENDBUGS%" EQU "1" echo [Uploading BUG Reports to Devn00b] if /I "%SENDBUGS%" EQU "1" cd mariadb\bin\ if /I "%SENDBUGS%" EQU "1" mysqldump -ueq2emu -peq2emu --no-create-db --no-create-info --complete-insert --skip-add-locks --skip-add-drop-table --skip-comments --compact eq2emu bugs >bugs.sql if /I "%SENDBUGS%" EQU "1" mysql -ueq2emu -pidontgive2shits --host=eq2db.devn00b.com --database=eq2emu