@echo off rem OPTION Will update, the EQ2Emu World DB. 1 for on, anything else for off. rem Variables and Data SET NAME=ZekLabs.com TITLE %NAME% COLOR 0E rem start of the menu loop. exit after user input proccessed. :menu echo [ EQ2EMu Zeklabs Build Options ] echo 1) Update SQL. echo 2) Update LUA. echo 3) Update EXEs. echo 4) Update MAPs. echo 5) Update Startup Script. echo 6) Full Rebuild (update DB/LUA/SQL/MAPS after delete. This will take a long time). echo x) Exit. set /p option=What would you like to do? rem Parse User input. if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "1" echo [Checking for SQL Updates] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "1" wget -q -N --no-check-certificate https://zeklabs.com/dl/eq2emudb.rar if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "1" unrar x -y -inul eq2emudb.rar if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "1" echo [Completed SQL Updates] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "2" echo [Checking for LUA Updates] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "2" echo [This will take a moment due to number of files] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "2" cd server if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "2" wget -q -N --no-check-certificate https://zeklabs.com/dl/eq2emulua.rar if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "2" ..\unrar x -y -inul eq2emulua.rar if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "2" del eq2emulua.rar if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "2" echo [Completed LUA Updates] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "2" cd .. if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "3" echo [Checking for EXE Updates] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "3" cd server if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "3" wget -q -nc http://cutpon.com:3000/devn00b/EQ2EMu/raw/master/server/EQ2Login__Debug64.exe if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "3" wget -q -nc http://cutpon.com:3000/devn00b/EQ2EMu/raw/master/server/EQ2World__Debug_x64.exe if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "3" echo [Completed EXE Updates] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "3" cd .. if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "4" echo [Checking for MAP Updates] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "4" echo [This will take a moment due to LARGE map size] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "4" cd server if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "4" ..\wget -q -N --show-progress --progress=bar:force:noscroll --no-check-certificate https://zeklabs.com/dl/eq2emumaps.rar if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "4" echo [Begining Extraction of MAPs] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "4" ..\unrar x -y -inul eq2emumaps.rar if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "4" del eq2emumaps.rar if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "4" echo [Completed MAP Updates] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "4" cd ..\ if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "5" echo [Updating Startup Script] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "5" del /f /q "LAUNCH EQ2EMU.bat" if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "5" wget -q --no-check-certificate "https://zeklabs.com/dl/LAUNCH EQ2EMU.rar" if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "5" unrar x -y -inul"LAUNCH EQ2EMU.rar" if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "5" del /f /q "LAUNCH EQ2EMU.rar" if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "5" echo [Updated Startup Script] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "6" echo [Starting the reset script] if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "6" cd options if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "6" start reset.bat rem exit script if /I "%OPTION%" EQU "x" goto:eof rem User input complete actions completed or are running in another window lets return to the menu for more options goto menu rem start srvls.bat rem start srvwrld.bat exit