Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Devn00b eaadf44f2b Implement starting_languages. Per issue #405 il y a 2 ans
  Devn00b f02717f2f3 Removed database call from faction discovery replaced with native delayed write function. Faction will appear in database on next character save. il y a 2 ans
  Devn00b de5b160336 Fix V1 for issue 398 il y a 2 ans
  Image ecdcdfd123 Procyon Update il y a 3 ans
  Image 1af9491eb4 Cygni Updates il y a 3 ans
  Image 5e623860d4 Additional tradeskill/craft crash fixes, item db rework, source in new items db il y a 3 ans
  Image 963d40521e Albireo Stage First Update il y a 3 ans
  Image dffca17379 Status is supported for housing now, purchase, upkeep, escrow il y a 3 ans
  Image 611456cb06 SpawnSet given more color options il y a 3 ans
  Image 65e7222de5 Spirit Shards, Group and Solo EXP Debt (PVE/PVP), new lua functions, rules included il y a 3 ans
  Image 96debb941c Fixed titles, make sure to source in DB update! il y a 4 ans
  Image 2f8d68244d Address starting_zones limitation, fix harvesting / removespawn crashes il y a 4 ans
  Image 66505ccea3 RegionScripts, lava/death region support il y a 4 ans
  LethalEncounter 09bf3a3378 Fixed bug #3 (World crashing when port already in use) - will gracefully exit il y a 4 ans
  image 7fb275ee44 Support for starting skills/spells added after char created il y a 4 ans
  Image a7fe1df8f0 reload commands added il y a 4 ans
  Image 452ce7f157 add holiday_flag to spawn and transporters table il y a 4 ans
  Image 4f1005b647 History tab inside house now functioning for Paid Upkeep il y a 4 ans
  Image a1f8fb9ed2 Deposit tab in the house supports deposits, track deposit history and escrow balance il y a 4 ans
  Image 0dfce44b5a added /gm luadebug on/off for persisting cross zone luadebug il y a 4 ans
  Image 9ac85ecff8 Housing functionality (outside widget door, accessing house, pay upkeep) il y a 4 ans
  Image b3534cc556 command changes il y a 4 ans
  Image 4d83bb766f Prototype placement of objects/items in homes il y a 4 ans
  Image ae51e035fe Database updates for spawn db pulls to get expansion_flag il y a 4 ans
  Image dd8747054d DatabaseNew crashes on mysql_reconnect il y a 4 ans
  Image 7d6de27e1f spawn combine save crashes, reports wrong location id il y a 4 ans
  Image d7a00658d1 Rest of Chest Traps and Disarm Chest Traps implementation il y a 4 ans
  Image 2ea621db1b sub commands /loot list [add/remove/clearall] il y a 4 ans
  Image 0d9c901e0e spawn move openheading and closeheading il y a 4 ans
  Image 856e068cad castspell command il y a 4 ans