#160 show book support classic/DoF

vor 3 Jahren geöffnet von image · 0 Kommentare
image kommentierte vor 3 Jahren

classic/DoF show books didn't work, this comes in pretty important for /spawn details

implementation adds support for both. The color coding doesn't work the same between the clients, the view screen in classic is pretty bad with the dark blue, the DoF AoM client loses the text color if you scroll down, but this at least will add the implementation for books to function.

classic/DoF show books didn't work, this comes in pretty important for /spawn details implementation adds support for both. The color coding doesn't work the same between the clients, the view screen in classic is pretty bad with the dark blue, the ~~DoF~~ AoM client loses the text color if you scroll down, but this at least will add the implementation for books to function.
image hat dieses Issue vor 3 Jahren aus einem Commit referenziert
image hat vor 3 Jahren geschlossen
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