#199 need a /movechar command

vor 3 Jahren geöffnet von image · 1 Kommentare
image kommentierte vor 3 Jahren

move characters out of zones they are stuck in..


  • allow restriction below a certain status to only move their OWN characters
  • over the status requirement allows moving of any characters

eg. /movechar name farjourneyfreeport

move characters out of zones they are stuck in.. requirements: - allow restriction below a certain status to only move their OWN characters - over the status requirement allows moving of any characters eg. /movechar name farjourneyfreeport
image kommentierte vor 3 Jahren

/movecharacter newguy queenscolony

  • updates the characters table, moves to safe x,y,z,heading of zone
  • character should be logged out, otherwise there is no point to using this command (just gets overwritten on char save).
/movecharacter newguy queenscolony - updates the characters table, moves to safe x,y,z,heading of zone - character should be logged out, otherwise there is no point to using this command (just gets overwritten on char save).
image hat dieses Issue vor 3 Jahren aus einem Commit referenziert
image hat vor 3 Jahren geschlossen
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