#259 Spell concentration not working

3 سال پیش باز شده توسط neatz09 · 1 دیدگاه

spells that use concentration do not consume concentration slots

also spell examines do not show required concentration

spells that use concentration do not consume concentration slots also spell examines do not show required concentration
image نظر 3 سال پیش

we were dividing req_concentration by 256, I don't really understand why. It works fine within the re-design of the InfoStruct now.

req_concentration in the spell_tiers db doesn't have a value higher than 3.

we were dividing req_concentration by 256, I don't really understand why. It works fine within the re-design of the InfoStruct now. req_concentration in the spell_tiers db doesn't have a value higher than 3.
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