#261 spawns table needs a water spawn and flying spawn type support

3 лет назад открыта image · комментариев: 2
image прокомментировал 3 лет назад

Need a flag to allow these options to be set by spawn

Need a flag to allow these options to be set by spawn
image прокомментировал 3 лет назад
alter table spawn_npcs add column water_type tinyint(1) unsigned not null default 0;
alter table spawn_npcs add column flying_type tinyint(1) unsigned not null default 0;
``` alter table spawn_npcs add column water_type tinyint(1) unsigned not null default 0; alter table spawn_npcs add column flying_type tinyint(1) unsigned not null default 0; ```
image прокомментировал 3 лет назад

supplementing with using the code values until we have all the DB entries updated in spawn_npcs

    RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, UseHardCodeWaterModelType, "1"); // uses alternate method of setting water type by model type (hardcoded) versus relying on just DB
    RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, UseHardCodeFlyingModelType, "1"); // uses alternate method of setting flying type by model type (hardcoded) versus relying on just DB

if flying type / water type isn't set already, then we will check by model type by a hard coded set. Once we have DB in place these rules can be disabled (0)

supplementing with using the code values until we have all the DB entries updated in spawn_npcs ``` RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, UseHardCodeWaterModelType, "1"); // uses alternate method of setting water type by model type (hardcoded) versus relying on just DB RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, UseHardCodeFlyingModelType, "1"); // uses alternate method of setting flying type by model type (hardcoded) versus relying on just DB ``` if flying type / water type isn't set already, then we will check by model type by a hard coded set. Once we have DB in place these rules can be disabled (0)
image упомянул эту задачу в коммите 3 лет назад
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