#273 some charsheet values do not update, like avoidance/parry (parry is subset to avoidance on display with hover over mouse)

3 лет назад открыта image · комментариев: 1
image прокомментировал 3 лет назад

It will update on first char login (assuming client is fresh). After first login the value is set and attempting to change it is not working. Have to close out client completely + reopen.

It will update on first char login (assuming client is fresh). After first login the value is set and attempting to change it is not working. Have to close out client completely + reopen.
image прокомментировал 3 лет назад

fixed, forgot to update player::serialize along with serialize2 (we had different fields in there, might need to scan and make sure both serializes are synched for other things).

fixed, forgot to update player::serialize along with serialize2 (we had different fields in there, might need to scan and make sure both serializes are synched for other things).
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