#358 lootdrop table needs a flag to restrict an item from dropping/being visable if a quest has been completed

vor 2 Jahren geöffnet von neatz09 · 1 Kommentare
neatz09 kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

example: lore and legend items have been changed to only drop when you have not completed the quest however if you are in a group the item still drops but it isnt visable and populates a message that says something like there are no items that you can loot. and if no group the items do not drop at all

example: lore and legend items have been changed to only drop when you have not completed the quest however if you are in a group the item still drops but it isnt visable and populates a message that says something like there are no items that you can loot. and if no group the items do not drop at all
image kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

Loot is added on Spawn, so we would have to remove items already added in the loot. Also having specialized behavior per group member in the loot window sounds horrible lol

Loot is added on Spawn, so we would have to remove items already added in the loot. Also having specialized behavior per group member in the loot window sounds horrible lol
image hat dieses Issue vor 2 Jahren aus einem Commit referenziert
image hat vor 2 Jahren geschlossen
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