#9 Login Server Support for clients other than Steam AoM

4 anos atrás foi aberto por image · 3 comentários
image comentado 4 anos atrás

Right now Login Server has not been tested for clients beyond what steam has currently: (AoM) 12133L Aug 17 2015 11:19:13

Right now Login Server has not been tested for clients beyond what steam has currently: (AoM) 12133L Aug 17 2015 11:19:13
devn00b comentado 4 anos atrás

Whenever this is ready to be tested, I have the DoV Disks available.

Whenever this is ready to be tested, I have the DoV Disks available.
devn00b reaberto em 4 anos atrás
devn00b comentado 4 anos atrás

Re-opened because I'm a color blind moron and clicked "comment and close"

Re-opened because I'm a color blind moron and clicked "comment and close"
image comentado 4 anos atrás

The version restriction in the login server was removed with the login server cleanup: http://cutpon.com:3000/devn00b/EQ2EMu/issues/8

Going to close this issue as current plans are for:

  • AoM as primary client
  • 'Classic' client in the works by LE (which will also obviously be supported through the LS as a result)
  • An intermediate 'classic' client (DoF era?). To offset the limitations in the classic client.
  • On the back burner would be BoL or any 'current' client, however the interest in the live client is limited right now overall.
The version restriction in the login server was removed with the login server cleanup: http://cutpon.com:3000/devn00b/EQ2EMu/issues/8 Going to close this issue as current plans are for: - AoM as primary client - 'Classic' client in the works by LE (which will also obviously be supported through the LS as a result) - An intermediate 'classic' client (DoF era?). To offset the limitations in the classic client. - On the back burner would be BoL or any 'current' client, however the interest in the live client is limited right now overall.
image fechado em 4 anos atrás
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