/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #endif #include #include #include "../../common/Log.h" #include "../WorldDatabase.h" #include "Commands.h" #include "ConsoleCommands.h" map* WorldDatabase::GetSpawnTemplateListByName(const char* name) { LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Player listing spawn templates by template name ('%s')...", name); map* ret = 0; string template_name = ""; Query query; MYSQL_RES* result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT id, name FROM spawn_templates WHERE name RLIKE '%s' LIMIT 0,10", getSafeEscapeString(name).c_str()); if(result && mysql_num_rows(result) > 0) { ret = new map; MYSQL_ROW row; while(result && (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { template_name = string(row[1]); (*ret)[atoul(row[0])] = template_name; LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "\t%u. '%s'", atoul(row[0]), template_name.c_str()); } } return ret; } map* WorldDatabase::GetSpawnTemplateListByID(int32 location_id) { LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Player listing spawn templates by LocaionID: %u...", location_id); map* ret = 0; string template_name = ""; Query query; MYSQL_RES* result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT id, name FROM spawn_templates WHERE spawn_location_id = %u", location_id); if(result && mysql_num_rows(result) > 0) { ret = new map; MYSQL_ROW row; while(result && (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { template_name = string(row[1]); (*ret)[atoul(row[0])] = template_name; LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "\t%u. '%s'", atoul(row[0]), template_name.c_str()); } } return ret; } int32 WorldDatabase::SaveSpawnTemplate(int32 placement_id, const char* template_name) { Query query; string str_name = getSafeEscapeString(template_name).c_str(); LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Player saving spawn template '%s' for placement_id %u...", str_name.c_str(), placement_id); query.RunQuery2(Q_INSERT, "INSERT INTO spawn_templates (name, spawn_location_id) VALUES ('%s', %u)", str_name.c_str(), placement_id); if(query.GetErrorNumber() && query.GetError() && query.GetErrorNumber() < 0xFFFFFFFF){ LogWrite(COMMAND__ERROR, 0, "Command", "Error in SaveSpawnTemplate query '%s': %s", query.GetQuery(), query.GetError()); return 0; } int32 ret = query.GetLastInsertedID(); LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Success! Returning TemplateID: %u...", ret); return ret; } bool WorldDatabase::RemoveSpawnTemplate(int32 template_id) { Query query; LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Player removing spawn template ID %u...", template_id); query.RunQuery2(Q_DELETE, "DELETE FROM spawn_templates WHERE id = %u", template_id); if(query.GetErrorNumber() && query.GetError() && query.GetErrorNumber() < 0xFFFFFFFF){ LogWrite(COMMAND__ERROR, 0, "Command", "Error in RemoveSpawnTemplate query '%s': %s", query.GetQuery(), query.GetError()); return false; } if (query.GetAffectedRows() > 0 ) { LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Success! Removed spawn template ID %u...", template_id); return true; } return false; } int32 WorldDatabase::CreateSpawnFromTemplateByID(Client* client, int32 template_id) { Query query, query2, query3, query4, query5, query6; MYSQL_ROW row; int32 spawn_location_id = 0; float new_x = client->GetPlayer()->GetX(); float new_y = client->GetPlayer()->GetY(); float new_z = client->GetPlayer()->GetZ(); float new_heading = client->GetPlayer()->GetHeading(); LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Creating spawn point from templateID %u...", template_id); LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "\tCoords: %.2f %.2f %.2f...", new_x, new_y, new_z); // find the spawn_location_id in the template we plan to duplicate MYSQL_RES* result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT spawn_location_id FROM spawn_templates WHERE id = %u", template_id); if (result && (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { if (row[0]) spawn_location_id = atoi(row[0]); } if( spawn_location_id > 0 ) { LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "\tUsing LocationID: %u...", spawn_location_id); // insert a new spawn_location_name record string name = "TemplateGenerated"; query2.RunQuery2(Q_INSERT, "INSERT INTO spawn_location_name (name) VALUES ('%s')", name.c_str()); if(query2.GetErrorNumber() && query2.GetError() && query2.GetErrorNumber() < 0xFFFFFFFF){ LogWrite(COMMAND__ERROR, 0, "Command", "Error in CreateSpawnFromTemplateByID query '%s': %s", query2.GetQuery(), query2.GetError()); return 0; } int32 new_location_id = query2.GetLastInsertedID(); LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "Created new Spawn Location: '%s' (%u)", name.c_str(), new_location_id); // get all spawn_location_entries that match the templates spawn_location_id value and insert as new LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "Finding existing spawn_location_entry(s) for location_id %u", spawn_location_id); MYSQL_RES* result2 = query3.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT spawn_id, spawnpercentage FROM spawn_location_entry WHERE spawn_location_id = %u", spawn_location_id); if(result2 && mysql_num_rows(result2) > 0){ MYSQL_ROW row2; while(result2 && (row2 = mysql_fetch_row(result2)) && row2[0]) { query4.RunQuery2(Q_INSERT, "INSERT INTO spawn_location_entry (spawn_id, spawn_location_id, spawnpercentage) VALUES (%u, %u, %i)", atoul(row2[0]), new_location_id, atoi(row2[1])); if(query4.GetErrorNumber() && query4.GetError() && query4.GetErrorNumber() < 0xFFFFFFFF){ LogWrite(COMMAND__ERROR, 0, "Command", "Error in CreateSpawnFromTemplateByID query '%s': %s", query4.GetQuery(), query4.GetError()); return 0; } LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "Insert Entry for spawn_id %u, location_id %u, percentage %i", atoul(row2[0]), new_location_id, atoi(row2[1])); } } // get all spawn_location_placements that match the templates spawn_location_id value and insert as new // Note: /spawn templates within current zone_id only, because of spawn_id issues (cannot template an Antonic spawn in Commonlands) LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "Finding existing spawn_location_placement(s) for location_id %u", spawn_location_id); MYSQL_RES* result3 = query5.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT zone_id, x_offset, y_offset, z_offset, respawn, expire_timer, expire_offset, grid_id FROM spawn_location_placement WHERE spawn_location_id = %u", spawn_location_id); if(result3 && mysql_num_rows(result3) > 0){ MYSQL_ROW row3; while(result3 && (row3 = mysql_fetch_row(result3)) && row3[0]) { query6.RunQuery2(Q_INSERT, "INSERT INTO spawn_location_placement (zone_id, spawn_location_id, x, y, z, heading, x_offset, y_offset, z_offset, respawn, expire_timer, expire_offset, grid_id) VALUES (%i, %u, %2f, %2f, %2f, %2f, %2f, %2f, %2f, %i, %i, %i, %u)", atoi(row3[0]), new_location_id, new_x, new_y, new_z, new_heading, atof(row3[1]), atof(row3[2]), atof(row3[3]), atoi(row3[4]), atoi(row3[5]), atoi(row3[6]), atoul(row3[7])); if(query6.GetErrorNumber() && query6.GetError() && query6.GetErrorNumber() < 0xFFFFFFFF){ LogWrite(COMMAND__ERROR, 0, "Command", "Error in CreateSpawnFromTemplateByID query '%s': %s", query6.GetQuery(), query6.GetError()); return 0; } LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "Insert Placement at new coords for location_id %u", new_location_id); } } LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Success! New spawn(s) from TemplateID %u created from location %u", template_id, spawn_location_id); return new_location_id; } return 0; } int32 WorldDatabase::CreateSpawnFromTemplateByName(Client* client, const char* template_name) { Query query, query1, query2, query3, query4, query5, query6; MYSQL_ROW row; int32 template_id = 0; int32 spawn_location_id = 0; float new_x = client->GetPlayer()->GetX(); float new_y = client->GetPlayer()->GetY(); float new_z = client->GetPlayer()->GetZ(); float new_heading = client->GetPlayer()->GetHeading(); LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Creating spawn point from template '%s'...", template_name); LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "\tCoords: %.2f %.2f %.2f...", new_x, new_y, new_z); // find the spawn_location_id in the template we plan to duplicate MYSQL_RES* result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT id, spawn_location_id FROM spawn_templates WHERE name = '%s'", template_name); if (result && (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { if (row[0]) { template_id = atoul(row[0]); spawn_location_id = atoi(row[1]); } } if( spawn_location_id > 0 ) { LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "\tUsing LocationID: %u...", spawn_location_id); // insert a new spawn_location_name record string name = "TemplateGenerated"; query2.RunQuery2(Q_INSERT, "INSERT INTO spawn_location_name (name) VALUES ('%s')", name.c_str()); if(query2.GetErrorNumber() && query2.GetError() && query2.GetErrorNumber() < 0xFFFFFFFF){ LogWrite(COMMAND__ERROR, 0, "Command", "Error in CreateSpawnFromTemplateByID query '%s': %s", query2.GetQuery(), query2.GetError()); return 0; } int32 new_location_id = query2.GetLastInsertedID(); LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "Created new Spawn Location: '%s' (%u)", name.c_str(), new_location_id); // get all spawn_location_entries that match the templates spawn_location_id value and insert as new LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "Finding existing spawn_location_entry(s) for location_id %u", spawn_location_id); MYSQL_RES* result2 = query3.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT spawn_id, spawnpercentage FROM spawn_location_entry WHERE spawn_location_id = %u", spawn_location_id); if(result2 && mysql_num_rows(result2) > 0){ MYSQL_ROW row2; while(result2 && (row2 = mysql_fetch_row(result2)) && row2[0]) { query4.RunQuery2(Q_INSERT, "INSERT INTO spawn_location_entry (spawn_id, spawn_location_id, spawnpercentage) VALUES (%u, %u, %i)", atoul(row2[0]), new_location_id, atoi(row2[1])); if(query4.GetErrorNumber() && query4.GetError() && query4.GetErrorNumber() < 0xFFFFFFFF){ LogWrite(COMMAND__ERROR, 0, "Command", "Error in CreateSpawnFromTemplateByID query '%s': %s", query4.GetQuery(), query4.GetError()); return 0; } LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "Insert Entry for spawn_id %u, location_id %u, percentage %i", atoul(row2[0]), new_location_id, atoi(row2[1])); } } // get all spawn_location_placements that match the templates spawn_location_id value and insert as new // Note: /spawn templates within current zone_id only, because of spawn_id issues (cannot template an Antonic spawn in Commonlands) LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "Finding existing spawn_location_placement(s) for location_id %u", spawn_location_id); MYSQL_RES* result3 = query5.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT zone_id, x_offset, y_offset, z_offset, respawn, expire_timer, expire_offset, grid_id FROM spawn_location_placement WHERE spawn_location_id = %u", spawn_location_id); if(result3 && mysql_num_rows(result3) > 0){ MYSQL_ROW row3; while(result3 && (row3 = mysql_fetch_row(result3)) && row3[0]) { query6.RunQuery2(Q_INSERT, "INSERT INTO spawn_location_placement (zone_id, spawn_location_id, x, y, z, heading, x_offset, y_offset, z_offset, respawn, expire_timer, expire_offset, grid_id) VALUES (%i, %u, %2f, %2f, %2f, %2f, %2f, %2f, %2f, %i, %i, %i, %u)", atoi(row3[0]), new_location_id, new_x, new_y, new_z, new_heading, atof(row3[1]), atof(row3[2]), atof(row3[3]), atoi(row3[4]), atoi(row3[5]), atoi(row3[6]), atoul(row3[7])); if(query6.GetErrorNumber() && query6.GetError() && query6.GetErrorNumber() < 0xFFFFFFFF){ LogWrite(COMMAND__ERROR, 0, "Command", "Error in CreateSpawnFromTemplateByID query '%s': %s", query6.GetQuery(), query6.GetError()); return 0; } LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 5, "Command", "Insert Placement at new coords for location_id %u", new_location_id); } } LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Success! New spawn(s) from TemplateID %u created from location %u", template_id, spawn_location_id); return new_location_id; } return 0; } bool WorldDatabase::SaveZoneSafeCoords(int32 zone_id, float x, float y, float z, float heading) { Query query; LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Setting safe coords for zone %u (X: %.2f, Y: %.2f, Z: %.2f, H: %.2f)", zone_id, x, y, z, heading); query.RunQuery2(Q_UPDATE, "UPDATE zones SET safe_x = %f, safe_y = %f, safe_z = %f, safe_heading = %f WHERE id = %u", x, y, z, heading, zone_id); if(query.GetErrorNumber() && query.GetError() && query.GetErrorNumber() < 0xFFFFFFFF){ LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBCore", "Error in SaveZoneSafeCoords query '%s': %s", query.GetQuery(), query.GetError()); return false; } if (query.GetAffectedRows() > 0 ) { LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Success! Set new safe coordinates in zone ID %u...", zone_id); return true; } LogWrite(COMMAND__ERROR, 0, "Command", "FAILED! Set new safe coordinates in zone ID %u...", zone_id); return false; } bool WorldDatabase::SaveSignZoneToCoords(int32 spawn_id, float x, float y, float z, float heading) { Query query; LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Setting Zone-To coords for Spawn ID %u (X: %.2f, Y: %.2f, Z: %.2f, H: %.2f)", spawn_id, x, y, z, heading); query.RunQuery2(Q_UPDATE, "UPDATE spawn_signs SET zone_x = %f, zone_y = %f, zone_z = %f, zone_heading = %f WHERE spawn_id = %u", x, y, z, heading, spawn_id); if(query.GetErrorNumber() && query.GetError() && query.GetErrorNumber() < 0xFFFFFFFF){ LogWrite(DATABASE__ERROR, 0, "DBCore", "Error in SaveSignZoneToCoords query '%s': %s", query.GetQuery(), query.GetError()); return false; } if (query.GetAffectedRows() > 0 ) { LogWrite(COMMAND__DEBUG, 0, "Command", "Success! Set new Zone-To coordinates in zone ID %u...", spawn_id); return true; } LogWrite(COMMAND__ERROR, 0, "Command", "FAILED! Set new Zone-To coordinates in zone ID %u...", spawn_id); return false; }