--[[ Script Name : Spells/Priest/Shaman/Mystic/UrsineAvatar.lua Script Author : Jabantiz Script Date : 2013.12.13 08:12:12 Script Purpose : : --]] function cast(Caster, Target, StaAmt, WisAmt, MitAmt) -- Shapechanges caster into a bear Say(Caster, "Not Implemented: shape change and see stealth") -- Increases STA of caster by 7.7 AddSpellBonus(Target, 1, StaAmt) -- Increases WIS of caster by 28.8 AddSpellBonus(Target, 3, WisAmt) -- Grants See Stealth to caster -- Increases Mitigation of caster vs elemental, noxious and arcane damage by 428 AddSpellBonus(Target, 201, MitAmt) AddSpellBonus(Target, 202, MitAmt) AddSpellBonus(Target, 203, MitAmt) end function remove(Caster, Target) RemoveSpellBonus(Target) end