# EQ2Emulator Project Based on https://www.eq2emulator.net/ visit https://www.eqpvp.com/ or https://www.zeklabs.com/ for more details ## Getting Started (Client) 1. Install Game: Install AoM client available on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/201230/EverQuest_II/ 2. Update Login Server: Navigate to EverQuest install directory, eg. C:\Steam\steamapps\common\EverQuest 2 a. Open eq2_default.ini with your Notepad or other flavor editor b. Replace first line with 'cl_ls_address a.b.c.d' - where a.b.c.d is one or many IPv4 addresses eg. cl_ls_address c. Save Changes d. Always Open EverQuest2.exe to start the game, **DO NOT USE EQ2.EXE** e. Splash login account / name is one provided by Login Server or otherwise created in 'Getting Started (Server)' Step 4 below. ## Getting Started (Server) Note: These instructions for now will be primarily based in Windows, but any Linux savvy individual should be able to translate the steps 1. Software Requirement: MariaDB (MySQL DB, etc.) to allow EQ2Emulator LoginServer / WorldServer to interface Obtain Latest Install (be sure to select OS on the right hand side as default will be a linux distro): https://mariadb.com/downloads/ Installation Instructions for MariaDB can be found here: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/installing-mariadb-msi-packages-on-windows/ Note: Be sure to remember the user and password defined in the installation!! Used in later steps. 2. Open MySQL Client: Login using the password (assigned to root or other default user) setup in the MariaDB installation. 3. Source in Databases: Issue the following commands to setup EQ2Emulator's databases for login (eq2ls) and world (eq2emu). - You must first go into source C:\\[YOUREQ2EMUGITSRC]\DB\ and extract world_db.zip 'Here' into the same \DB\ directory. - Run the following commands in the MySQL Client prompt: create database eq2ls; create database eq2emu; \u eq2ls source C:\\[YOUREQ2EMUGITSRC]\DB\ls_db.sql \u eq2emu source C:\\[YOUREQ2EMUGITSRC]\DB\world_db.sql 4. Add World Account (in Login Server database, eq2ls): \u eq2ls insert into login_worldservers set name='TestLabs',account='testlabs',description='TestLabs',password=sha2('testpass',512),note='',login_version='0.7.3-dev'; The account and password will be used in Step 5 for the 'account' and 'password' parameters. 5. Open the C:\\[YOUREQ2EMUGITSRC]\server\LoginServer.ini file (Notepad or other flavor editor) Note: Steps to find your LAN IP (command prompt, ipconfig, IPv4 address): https://www.lifewire.com/ip-config-818377 Find your WAN (Internet) IP: https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+my+ip - Modify the [LoginServer] section: - loginserver: LAN/WAN IP of your login server to use the login_worldservers account against - worldname: World Name that matches the 'name' column defined in login_worldservers (eg. TestLabs) - worldaddress: LAN/WAN IP of your world server - internalworldaddress: LAN IP of your world server - account: Column 'account' defined in login_worldservers (eg. testlabs) - password: Column 'password' in login_worldservers (eg. testpass) - Save Changes 6. Open the C:\\[YOUREQ2EMUGITSRC]\server\login_db.ini file (Notepad or other flavor editor) - Modify the [Database] section: - host: Should remain localhost unless you have your MariaDB server reside on another host IP - user: When installing MariaDB the user defined (default is 'root') should be set here - password: When installing MariaDB use the password defined along with the default user. - database: This field should remain eq2ls unless changed by the user to use a custom database name. 7. Open the C:\\[YOUREQ2EMUGITSRC]\server\world_db.ini file (Notepad or other flavor editor) - Modify the [Database] section: - host: Should remain localhost or unless you have your MariaDB server reside on another host IP - user: When installing MariaDB the user defined (default is 'root') should be set here - password: When installing MariaDB use the password defined along with the default user. - database: This field should remain eq2emu unless changed by the user to use a custom database name. 8. Start the Login Server: C:\\[YOUREQ2EMUGITSRC]\server\EQ2Login__Debug.exe 9. Start the World Server: C:\\[YOUREQ2EMUGITSRC]\server\EQ2World__Debug.exe 10. Startup EverQuest2.exe (DO NOT USE EQ2.EXE AS IT WILL PATCH!) and login using credentials of your choice. After login the account will be automatically created. 11. Optional: After creating a character and logging in give yourself all admin privileges to use commands/GM access \u eq2emu update characters set admin_status=255 where name='charname'; ### Building/Compiling TBD ## Authors Authors reside at https://www.zeklabs.com/ and https://www.eqpvp.com/ ## License This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details