/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #include "../common/debug.h" #include "../common/Log.h" #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/queue.h" #include "../common/timer.h" #include "../common/EQStreamFactory.h" #include "../common/EQStream.h" #include "net.h" #include "Variables.h" #include "WorldDatabase.h" #include "../common/seperator.h" #include "../common/version.h" #include "../common/EQEMuError.h" #include "../common/opcodemgr.h" #include "../common/Common_Defines.h" #include "LoginServer.h" #include "Commands/Commands.h" #include "Factions.h" #include "World.h" #include "../common/ConfigReader.h" #include "Skills.h" #include "LuaInterface.h" #include "Guilds/Guild.h" #include "Commands/ConsoleCommands.h" #include "Traits/Traits.h" #include "Transmute.h" #include "Zone/ChestTrap.h" double frame_time = 0.0; #ifdef WIN32 #include #define strncasecmp _strnicmp #define strcasecmp _stricmp #include #else #include #include "../common/unix.h" #endif #ifdef PROFILER #define SHINY_PROFILER TRUE #include "../Profiler/src/Shiny.h" #endif NetConnection net; World world; EQStreamFactory eqsf(LoginStream); LoginServer loginserver; LuaInterface* lua_interface = new LuaInterface(); #include "MutexList.h" #include "Rules/Rules.h" #include "Titles.h" #include "Languages.h" #include "Achievements/Achievements.h" volatile bool RunLoops = true; sint32 numclients = 0; sint32 numzones = 0; extern ClientList client_list; extern ZoneList zone_list; extern MasterFactionList master_faction_list; extern WorldDatabase database; extern MasterSpellList master_spell_list; extern MasterTraitList master_trait_list; extern MasterSkillList master_skill_list; extern MasterItemList master_item_list; extern GuildList guild_list; extern Variables variables; ConfigReader configReader; int32 MasterItemList::next_unique_id = 0; int last_signal = 0; RuleManager rule_manager; MasterTitlesList master_titles_list; MasterLanguagesList master_languages_list; ChestTrapList chest_trap_list; extern MasterAchievementList master_achievement_list; extern map EQOpcodeVersions; ThreadReturnType ItemLoad (void* tmp); ThreadReturnType AchievmentLoad (void* tmp); ThreadReturnType SpellLoad (void* tmp); int main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifdef PROFILER PROFILE_FUNC(); #endif int32 t_total = Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp(); LogStart(); LogParseConfigs(); net.WelcomeHeader(); LogWrite(INIT__INFO, 0, "Init", "Starting EQ2Emulator WorldServer..."); //int32 server_startup = time(NULL); //remove this when all database calls are using the new database class if (!database.Init()) { LogStop(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!database.ConnectNewDatabase()) return EXIT_FAILURE; #ifdef _DEBUG _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); #endif if (signal(SIGINT, CatchSignal) == SIG_ERR) { LogWrite(INIT__ERROR, 0, "Init", "Could not set signal handler"); return 0; } if (signal(SIGSEGV, CatchSignal) == SIG_ERR) { LogWrite(INIT__ERROR, 0, "Init", "Could not set signal handler"); return 0; } if (signal(SIGILL, CatchSignal) == SIG_ERR) { LogWrite(INIT__ERROR, 0, "Init", "Could not set signal handler"); return 0; } #ifndef WIN32 if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) { LogWrite(INIT__ERROR, 0, "Init", "Could not set signal handler"); return 0; } #endif LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 0, "World", "Randomizing World..."); srand(time(NULL)); net.ReadLoginINI(); // JA: Grouping all System (core) data loads together for timing purposes LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Loading System Data..."); int32 t_now = Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp(); LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 1, "World", "-Loading opcodes..."); EQOpcodeVersions = database.GetVersions(); map::iterator version_itr; int16 version1 = 0; int16 prevVersion = 0; std::string prevString = std::string(""); std::string builtString = std::string(""); for (version_itr = EQOpcodeVersions.begin(); version_itr != EQOpcodeVersions.end(); version_itr++) { version1 = version_itr->first; EQOpcodeManager[version1] = new RegularOpcodeManager(); map eq = database.GetOpcodes(version1); std::string missingOpcodesList = std::string(""); if(!EQOpcodeManager[version1]->LoadOpcodes(&eq, &missingOpcodesList)) { LogWrite(INIT__ERROR, 0, "Init", "Loading opcodes failed. Make sure you have sourced the opcodes.sql file!"); return false; } if(version1 == 0) // we don't need to display version 0 continue; if(prevString.size() > 0) { if(prevString == missingOpcodesList) { builtString += ", " + std::to_string(version1); } else { LogWrite(OPCODE__WARNING, 1, "Opcode", "Opcodes %s.", builtString.c_str()); builtString = std::string(""); prevString = std::string(""); } } if(prevString.size() < 1) { prevString = std::string(missingOpcodesList); builtString = std::string(missingOpcodesList + " are missing from the opcodes table for version(s) " + std::to_string(version1)); } } if(builtString.size() > 0) { LogWrite(OPCODE__WARNING, 1, "Opcode", "Opcodes %s.", builtString.c_str()); } LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 1, "World", "-Loading structs..."); if(!configReader.LoadFile("CommonStructs.xml") || !configReader.LoadFile("WorldStructs.xml") || !configReader.LoadFile("SpawnStructs.xml") || !configReader.LoadFile("ItemStructs.xml")) { LogWrite(INIT__ERROR, 0, "Init", "Loading structs failed. Make sure you have CommonStructs.xml, WorldStructs.xml, SpawnStructs.xml, and ItemStructs.xml in the working directory!"); return false; } world.init(); bool threadedLoad = rule_manager.GetGlobalRule(R_World, ThreadedLoad)->GetBool(); LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 1, "World", "-Loading EQ2 time of day..."); loginserver.InitLoginServerVariables(); LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Loaded System Data (took %u seconds)", Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp() - t_now); // JA: End System Data loading functions if (threadedLoad) { LogWrite(WORLD__WARNING, 0, "Threaded", "Using Threaded loading of static data..."); #ifdef WIN32 _beginthread(ItemLoad, 0, &world); _beginthread(SpellLoad, 0, &world); //_beginthread(AchievmentLoad, 0, &world); #else pthread_t thread; pthread_create(&thread, NULL, ItemLoad, &world); pthread_detach(thread); pthread_t thread2; pthread_create(&thread2, NULL, SpellLoad, &world); pthread_detach(thread2); //pthread_t thread3; //pthread_create(&thread3, NULL, AchievmentLoad, &world); //pthread_detach(thread3); #endif } // Called as a function so we can use /reload spawns any time /*LogWrite(SPAWN__INFO, 0, "Spawn", "Initializing Spawn Subsystem..."); t_now = Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp(); world.LoadSpawnInformation(); LogWrite(SPAWN__INFO, 0, "Spawn", "Initialize Spawn Subsystem complete (took %u seconds)", Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp() - t_now);*/ // JA temp logger LogWrite(MISC__TODO, 0, "Reformat", "JA: This is as far as I got reformatting the console logs."); if (!threadedLoad) { // JA: Load all Item info LogWrite(ITEM__INFO, 0, "Items", "Loading Items..."); database.LoadItemList(); MasterItemList::ResetUniqueID(database.LoadNextUniqueItemID()); } if (!threadedLoad) { // JA: Load all Spell info LogWrite(SPELL__INFO, 0, "Spells", "Loading Spells..."); database.LoadSpells(); LogWrite(SPELL__INFO, 0, "Spells", "Loading Spell Errors..."); database.LoadSpellErrors(); // Jabantiz: Load traits LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "Traits", "Loading Traits..."); database.LoadTraits(); } if (!threadedLoad) { // JA: Load all Quest info LogWrite(QUEST__INFO, 0, "Quests", "Loading Quests..."); database.LoadQuests(); } if (!threadedLoad) { LogWrite(COLLECTION__INFO, 0, "Collect", "Loading Collections..."); database.LoadCollections(); } LogWrite(GUILD__INFO, 0, "Guilds", "Loading Guilds..."); database.LoadGuilds(); LogWrite(TRADESKILL__INFO, 0, "Recipes", "Loading Recipe Books..."); database.LoadRecipeBooks(); LogWrite(TRADESKILL__INFO, 0, "Recipes", "Loading Recipes..."); database.LoadRecipes(); LogWrite(TRADESKILL__INFO, 0, "Tradeskills", "Loading Tradeskill Events..."); database.LoadTradeskillEvents(); if (!threadedLoad) { LogWrite(ACHIEVEMENT__INFO, 0, "Achievements", "Loading Achievements..."); //database.LoadAchievements(); //master_achievement_list.CreateMasterAchievementListPacket(); } LogWrite(SPELL__INFO, 0, "AA", "Loading Alternate Advancements..."); database.LoadAltAdvancements(); LogWrite(SPELL__INFO, 0, "AA", "Loading AA Tree Nodes..."); database.LoadTreeNodes(); LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "Titles", "Loading Titles..."); database.LoadTitles(); LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "Languages", "Loading Languages..."); database.LoadLanguages(); LogWrite(CHAT__INFO, 0, "Chat", "Loading channels..."); database.LoadChannels(); if (!threadedLoad) { LogWrite(MERCHANT__INFO, 0, "Merchants", "Loading Merchants..."); database.LoadMerchantInformation(); } LogWrite(LUA__INFO, 0, "LUA", "Loading Spawn Scripts..."); database.LoadSpawnScriptData(); LogWrite(LUA__INFO, 0, "LUA", "Loading Zone Scripts..."); database.LoadZoneScriptData(); LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Loading House Zone Data..."); database.LoadHouseZones(); database.LoadPlayerHouses(); LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Loading Heroic OP Data..."); database.LoadHOStarters(); database.LoadHOWheel(); LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Loading Race Types Data..."); database.LoadRaceTypes(); LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Loading Transmuting Data..."); database.LoadTransmuting(); LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Loading Chest Trap Data..."); database.LoadChestTraps(); if (threadedLoad) { LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Waiting for load threads to finish."); while (!world.items_loaded || !world.spells_loaded /*|| !world.achievments_loaded*/) Sleep(10); LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Load threads finished."); } LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Total World startup time: %u seconds.", Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp() - t_total); int ret_code = 0; if (eqsf.Open(net.GetWorldPort())) { if (strlen(net.GetWorldAddress()) == 0) LogWrite(NET__INFO, 0, "Net", "World server listening on port %i", net.GetWorldPort()); else LogWrite(NET__INFO, 0, "Net", "World server listening on: %s:%i", net.GetWorldAddress(), net.GetWorldPort()); if(strlen(net.GetInternalWorldAddress())>0) LogWrite(NET__INFO, 0, "Net", "World server listening on: %s:%i", net.GetInternalWorldAddress(), net.GetWorldPort()); } else { LogWrite(NET__ERROR, 0, "Net", "Failed to open port %i.", net.GetWorldPort()); ret_code = 1; } Timer* TimeoutTimer = 0; if (ret_code == 0) { Timer InterserverTimer(INTERSERVER_TIMER); // does MySQL pings and auto-reconnect InterserverTimer.Trigger(); TimeoutTimer = new Timer(5000); TimeoutTimer->Start(); EQStream* eqs = 0; UpdateWindowTitle(0); LogWrite(ZONE__INFO, 0, "Zone", "Starting static zones..."); database.LoadSpecialZones(); map connecting_clients; map::iterator cc_itr; LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 0, "Thread", "Starting console command thread..."); #ifdef WIN32 _beginthread(EQ2ConsoleListener, 0, NULL); #else /*pthread_t thread; pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &EQ2ConsoleListener, NULL); pthread_detach(thread);*/ #endif // // just before starting loops, announce how to get console help LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "Console", "Type 'help' or '?' and press enter for menu options."); std::chrono::time_point frame_prev = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); while (RunLoops) { Timer::SetCurrentTime(); std::chrono::time_point frame_now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); frame_time = std::chrono::duration_cast>(frame_now - frame_prev).count(); frame_prev = frame_now; #ifndef NO_CATCH try { #endif while ((eqs = eqsf.Pop())) { struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = eqs->GetRemoteIP(); LogWrite(NET__DEBUG, 0, "Net", "New client from ip: %s port: %i", inet_ntoa(in), ntohs(eqs->GetRemotePort())); // JA: Check for BannedIPs if (rule_manager.GetGlobalRule(R_World, UseBannedIPsTable)->GetInt8() == 1) { LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 0, "World", "Checking inbound connection %s against BannedIPs table", inet_ntoa(in)); if (database.CheckBannedIPs(inet_ntoa(in))) { LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 0, "World", "Connection from %s FAILED banned IPs check. Closing connection.", inet_ntoa(in)); eqs->Close(); // JA: If the inbound IP is on the banned table, close the EQStream. } } if (eqs && eqs->CheckActive() && client_list.ContainsStream(eqs) == false) { LogWrite(NET__DEBUG, 0, "Net", "Adding new client..."); Client* client = new Client(eqs); client_list.Add(client); } else if (eqs && !client_list.ContainsStream(eqs)) { LogWrite(NET__DEBUG, 0, "Net", "Adding client to waiting list..."); connecting_clients[eqs] = Timer::GetCurrentTime2(); } } if (connecting_clients.size() > 0) { for (cc_itr = connecting_clients.begin(); cc_itr != connecting_clients.end(); cc_itr++) { if (cc_itr->first && cc_itr->first->CheckActive() && client_list.ContainsStream(cc_itr->first) == false) { LogWrite(NET__DEBUG, 0, "Net", "Removing client from waiting list..."); Client* client = new Client(cc_itr->first); client_list.Add(client); connecting_clients.erase(cc_itr); break; } else if (Timer::GetCurrentTime2() >= (cc_itr->second + 10000)) { connecting_clients.erase(cc_itr); break; } } } world.Process(); client_list.Process(); loginserver.Process(); if (TimeoutTimer->Check()) { eqsf.CheckTimeout(); } if (InterserverTimer.Check()) { InterserverTimer.Start(); database.ping(); database.PingNewDB(); database.PingAsyncDatabase(); if (net.LoginServerInfo && loginserver.Connected() == false && loginserver.CanReconnect()) { LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 0, "Thread", "Starting autoinit loginserver thread..."); #ifdef WIN32 _beginthread(AutoInitLoginServer, 0, NULL); #else pthread_t thread; pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &AutoInitLoginServer, NULL); pthread_detach(thread); #endif } } #ifndef NO_CATCH } catch (...) { LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "World", "Exception caught in net main loop!"); } #endif if (numclients == 0) { Sleep(10); continue; } Sleep(1); } } LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 0, "World", "The world is ending!"); LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 0, "World", "Shutting down zones..."); zone_list.ShutDownZones(); LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 0, "World", "Shutting down LUA interface..."); safe_delete(lua_interface); safe_delete(TimeoutTimer); eqsf.Close(); map::iterator opcode_itr; for(opcode_itr=EQOpcodeManager.begin();opcode_itr!=EQOpcodeManager.end();opcode_itr++){ safe_delete(opcode_itr->second); } CheckEQEMuErrorAndPause(); #ifdef PROFILER PROFILER_UPDATE(); PROFILER_OUTPUT(); #endif LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Exiting... we hope you enjoyed your flight."); LogStop(); return ret_code; } ThreadReturnType ItemLoad (void* tmp) { LogWrite(WORLD__WARNING, 0, "Thread", "Item Loading Thread started."); #ifdef WIN32 SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); #endif if (tmp == 0) { ThrowError("ItemLoad(): tmp = 0!"); THREAD_RETURN(NULL); } World* world = (World*) tmp; WorldDatabase db; db.Init(); db.ConnectNewDatabase(); LogWrite(ITEM__INFO, 0, "Items", "Loading Items..."); db.LoadItemList(); MasterItemList::ResetUniqueID(db.LoadNextUniqueItemID()); // Relies on the item list so needs to be in the item thread LogWrite(COLLECTION__INFO, 0, "Collect", "Loading Collections..."); db.LoadCollections(); LogWrite(MERCHANT__INFO, 0, "Merchants", "Loading Merchants..."); db.LoadMerchantInformation(); LogWrite(QUEST__INFO, 0, "Quests", "Loading Quests..."); db.LoadQuests(); world->items_loaded = true; LogWrite(WORLD__WARNING, 0, "Thread", "Item Loading Thread completed."); mysql_thread_end(); THREAD_RETURN(NULL); } ThreadReturnType SpellLoad (void* tmp) { LogWrite(WORLD__WARNING, 0, "Thread", "Spell Loading Thread started."); #ifdef WIN32 SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); #endif if (tmp == 0) { ThrowError("ItemLoad(): tmp = 0!"); THREAD_RETURN(NULL); } World* world = (World*) tmp; WorldDatabase db; db.Init(); db.ConnectNewDatabase(); LogWrite(SPELL__INFO, 0, "Spells", "Loading Spells..."); db.LoadSpells(); LogWrite(SPELL__INFO, 0, "Spells", "Loading Spell Errors..."); db.LoadSpellErrors(); LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "Traits", "Loading Traits..."); db.LoadTraits(); world->spells_loaded = true; LogWrite(WORLD__WARNING, 0, "Thread", "Spell Loading Thread completed."); mysql_thread_end(); THREAD_RETURN(NULL); } ThreadReturnType AchievmentLoad (void* tmp) { LogWrite(WORLD__WARNING, 0, "Thread", "Achievement Loading Thread started."); #ifdef WIN32 SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); #endif if (tmp == 0) { ThrowError("ItemLoad(): tmp = 0!"); THREAD_RETURN(NULL); } World* world = (World*) tmp; WorldDatabase db; db.Init(); db.ConnectNewDatabase(); LogWrite(ACHIEVEMENT__INFO, 0, "Achievements", "Loading Achievements..."); int32 t_now = Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp(); db.LoadAchievements(); master_achievement_list.CreateMasterAchievementListPacket(); LogWrite(ACHIEVEMENT__INFO, 0, "Achievements", "Achievements loaded (took %u seconds)", Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp() - t_now); world->achievments_loaded = true; LogWrite(WORLD__WARNING, 0, "Thread", "Achievement Loading Thread completed."); mysql_thread_end(); THREAD_RETURN(NULL); } ThreadReturnType EQ2ConsoleListener(void* tmp) { char cmd[300]; size_t i = 0; size_t len; while( RunLoops ) { // Read in single line from "stdin" memset( cmd, 0, sizeof( cmd ) ); if( fgets( cmd, 300, stdin ) == NULL ) continue; if( !RunLoops ) break; len = strlen(cmd); for( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) { if(cmd[i] == '\n' || cmd[i] == '\r') cmd[i] = '\0'; } ProcessConsoleInput(cmd); } THREAD_RETURN(NULL); } #include void CatchSignal(int sig_num) { // In rare cases this can be called after the log system is shut down causing a deadlock or crash // when the world shuts down, if this happens again comment out the LogWrite and uncomment the printf if (last_signal != sig_num){ static Mutex lock; static std::ofstream signal_out; lock.lock(); if (!signal_out.is_open()) signal_out.open("signal_catching.log", ios::trunc); if (signal_out){ signal_out << "Caught signal " << sig_num << "\n"; signal_out.flush(); } printf("Caught signal %i\n", sig_num); lock.unlock(); last_signal = sig_num; RunLoops = false; } } bool NetConnection::ReadLoginINI() { char buf[201], type[201]; int items[3] = {0, 0}; FILE *f; if (!(f = fopen (MAIN_INI_FILE, "r"))) { LogWrite(INIT__ERROR, 0, "Init", "File '%s' could not be opened", MAIN_INI_FILE); return false; } do { if (fgets (buf, 200, f) == NULL || feof(f)) { LogWrite(INIT__ERROR, 0, "Init", "[LoginServer] block not found in '%s'.", MAIN_INI_FILE); fclose (f); return false; } } while (strncasecmp (buf, "[LoginServer]\n", 14) != 0 && strncasecmp (buf, "[LoginServer]\r\n", 15) != 0); while (!feof (f)) { #ifdef WIN32 if (fscanf (f, "%[^=]=%[^\n]\r\n", type, buf) == 2) #else if (fscanf (f, "%[^=]=%[^\r\n]\n", type, buf) == 2) #endif { if (!strncasecmp(type, "[", 1)) { // new block after LoginServer, skip break; } if (!strncasecmp (type, "worldname", 9)) { snprintf(worldname, sizeof(worldname), "%s", buf); items[1] = 1; if(strlen(worldname)<4) LogWrite(INIT__ERROR, 0, "Init", "Invalid worldname, please edit LoginServer.ini. Server name must be at least 4 characters."); } if (!strncasecmp (type, "account", 7)) { strncpy(worldaccount, buf, 30); } if (!strncasecmp (type, "logstats", 8)) { if (strcasecmp(buf, "true") == 0 || (buf[0] == '1' && buf[1] == 0)) net.UpdateStats = true; } if (!strncasecmp (type, "password", 8)) { strncpy (worldpassword, buf, 30); for(int i=strlen(worldpassword);i>=0;i--){ if(worldpassword[i] == ' ' || worldpassword[i] == '\n' || worldpassword[i] == '\t' || worldpassword[i] == '\r') worldpassword[i] = '\0'; } } if (!strncasecmp (type, "locked", 6)) { if (strcasecmp(buf, "true") == 0 || (buf[0] == '1' && buf[1] == 0)) world_locked = true; } if (!strncasecmp (type, "worldaddress", 12)) { if (strlen(buf) >= 3) { strncpy (worldaddress, buf, 250); } } if (!strncasecmp (type, "internalworldaddress", 20)) { if (strlen(buf) >= 3) { strncpy(internalworldaddress, buf, 20); } } if (!strncasecmp (type, "worldport", 9)) { if(Seperator::IsNumber(buf) && atoi(buf) > 0 && atoi(buf) < 0xFFFF) worldport = atoi(buf); } if ((!strcasecmp (type, "loginserver")) || (!strcasecmp (type, "loginserver1"))) { strncpy (loginaddress[0], buf, 100); items[0] = 1; } if ((!strcasecmp(type, "loginport")) || (!strcasecmp(type, "loginport1"))) { if (Seperator::IsNumber(buf) && atoi(buf) > 0 && atoi(buf) < 0xFFFF) { loginport[0] = atoi(buf); } } if (!strcasecmp (type, "loginserver2")) { strncpy (loginaddress[1], buf, 250); } if (!strcasecmp(type, "loginport2")) { if (Seperator::IsNumber(buf) && atoi(buf) > 0 && atoi(buf) < 0xFFFF) { loginport[1] = atoi(buf); } } if (!strcasecmp (type, "loginserver3")) { strncpy (loginaddress[2], buf, 250); } if (!strcasecmp(type, "loginport3")) { if (Seperator::IsNumber(buf) && atoi(buf) > 0 && atoi(buf) < 0xFFFF) { loginport[2] = atoi(buf); } } } } if (!items[0] || !items[1]) { LogWrite(INIT__ERROR, 0, "Init", "Incomplete LoginServer.INI file."); fclose (f); return false; } /* if (strcasecmp(worldname, "Unnamed server") == 0) { cout << "LoginServer.ini: server unnamed, disabling uplink" << endl; fclose (f); return false; } */ fclose(f); f=fopen (MAIN_INI_FILE, "r"); do { if (fgets (buf, 200, f) == NULL || feof(f)) { LogWrite(INIT__ERROR, 0, "Init", "[WorldServer] block not found in %s", MAIN_INI_FILE); fclose (f); return true; } } while (strncasecmp (buf, "[WorldServer]\n", 14) != 0 && strncasecmp (buf, "[WorldServer]\r\n", 15) != 0); while (!feof (f)) { #ifdef WIN32 if (fscanf (f, "%[^=]=%[^\n]\r\n", type, buf) == 2) #else if (fscanf (f, "%[^=]=%[^\r\n]\n", type, buf) == 2) #endif { if (!strcasecmp(type, "Defaultstatus")) { if (Seperator::IsNumber(buf) && atoi(buf) > 0 && atoi(buf) < 0xFFFF) { DEFAULTSTATUS = atoi(buf); } } } } fclose (f); LogWrite(INIT__DEBUG, 0, "Init", "%s read...", MAIN_INI_FILE); LoginServerInfo=1; return true; } char* NetConnection::GetLoginInfo(int16* oPort) { if (oPort == 0) return 0; if (loginaddress[0][0] == 0) return 0; int8 tmp[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int8 count = 0; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { if (loginaddress[i][0]) tmp[count++] = i; } int x = rand() % count; *oPort = loginport[tmp[x]]; return loginaddress[tmp[x]]; } void UpdateWindowTitle(char* iNewTitle) { char tmp[500]; if (iNewTitle) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "World: %s", iNewTitle); } else { string servername = net.GetWorldName(); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s (%s), Version: %s: %i Clients(s) in %i Zones(s)", EQ2EMU_MODULE, servername.c_str(), CURRENT_VERSION, numclients, numzones); } // Zero terminate ([max - 1] = 0) the string to prevent a warning tmp[499] = 0; #ifdef WIN32 SetConsoleTitle(tmp); #else printf("%c]0;%s%c", '\033', tmp, '\007'); #endif } ZoneAuthRequest::ZoneAuthRequest(int32 account_id, char* name, int32 access_key) { accountid = account_id; character_name = string(name); accesskey = access_key; timestamp = Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp(); firstlogin = false; } ZoneAuthRequest::~ZoneAuthRequest ( ) { } void ZoneAuth::AddAuth(ZoneAuthRequest *zar) { LogWrite(NET__DEBUG, 0, "Net", "AddAuth: %u Key: %u", zar->GetAccountID(), zar->GetAccessKey()); list.Insert(zar); } ZoneAuthRequest* ZoneAuth::GetAuth(int32 account_id, int32 access_key) { LinkedListIterator iterator(list); iterator.Reset(); while(iterator.MoreElements()) { if (iterator.GetData()->GetAccountID() == account_id && iterator.GetData()->GetAccessKey() == access_key) { ZoneAuthRequest* tmp = iterator.GetData(); return tmp; } iterator.Advance(); } return 0; } void ZoneAuth::PurgeInactiveAuth() { LinkedListIterator iterator(list); iterator.Reset(); int32 current_time = Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp(); while(iterator.MoreElements()) { if ((iterator.GetData()->GetTimeStamp()+60) < current_time) { iterator.RemoveCurrent(); } iterator.Advance(); } } void ZoneAuth::RemoveAuth(ZoneAuthRequest *zar) { LinkedListIterator iterator(list); iterator.Reset(); while(iterator.MoreElements()) { if (iterator.GetData() == zar) { iterator.RemoveCurrent(); break; } iterator.Advance(); } } void NetConnection::WelcomeHeader() { #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE console = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, FOREGROUND_WHITE_BOLD); #endif printf("Module: %s, Version: %s", EQ2EMU_MODULE, CURRENT_VERSION); #ifdef _WIN32 SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, FOREGROUND_YELLOW_BOLD); #endif printf("\n\nCopyright (C) 2007-2022 EQ2Emulator. https://www.eq2emu.com \n\n"); printf("EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"); printf("it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"); printf("the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n"); printf("(at your option) any later version.\n\n"); printf("EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"); printf("but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"); printf("MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n"); printf("GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n"); #ifdef _WIN32 SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, FOREGROUND_GREEN_BOLD); #endif printf(" /$$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$$ \n"); printf("| $$_____/ /$$__ $$ /$$__ $$| $$_____/ \n"); printf("| $$ | $$ \\ $$|__/ \\ $$| $$ /$$$$$$/$$$$ /$$ /$$\n"); printf("| $$$$$ | $$ | $$ /$$$$$$/| $$$$$ | $$_ $$_ $$| $$ | $$\n"); printf("| $$__/ | $$ | $$ /$$____/ | $$__/ | $$ \\ $$ \\ $$| $$ | $$\n"); printf("| $$ | $$/$$ $$| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$| $$ | $$\n"); printf("| $$$$$$$$| $$$$$$/| $$$$$$$$| $$$$$$$$| $$ | $$ | $$| $$$$$$/\n"); printf("|________/ \\____ $$$|________/|________/|__/ |__/ |__/ \\______/ \n"); printf(" \\__/ \n\n"); #ifdef _WIN32 SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, FOREGROUND_MAGENTA_BOLD); #endif printf(" Website : https://eq2emu.com \n"); printf(" Wiki : https://wiki.eq2emu.com \n"); printf(" Git : https://git.eq2emu.com \n"); printf(" Discord : https://discord.gg/5Cavm9NYQf \n\n"); #ifdef _WIN32 SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, FOREGROUND_WHITE_BOLD); #endif printf("For more detailed logging, modify 'Level' param the log_config.xml file.\n\n"); #ifdef _WIN32 SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, FOREGROUND_WHITE); #endif fflush(stdout); }