[/ / Copyright (c) 2008 Joseph Gauterin / Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Niels Dekker / Copyright (c) 2014 Glen Fernandes / / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See / accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at / http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) / For more information, see http://www.boost.org /] [section:swap swap] [simplesect Authors] * Niels Dekker * Joseph Gauterin * Steven Watanabe * Eric Niebler [endsimplesect] [section Header ] `template void swap(T& left, T& right);` [endsect] [section Introduction] The template function `boost::swap` allows the values of two variables to be swapped, using argument dependent lookup to select a specialized swap function if available. If no specialized swap function is available, `std::swap` is used. [endsect] [section Rationale] The generic `std::swap` function requires that the elements to be swapped are assignable and copy constructible. It is usually implemented using one copy construction and two assignments - this is often both unnecessarily restrictive and unnecessarily slow. In addition, where the generic swap implementation provides only the basic guarantee, specialized swap functions are often able to provide the no-throw exception guarantee (and it is considered best practice to do so where possible [footnote Scott Meyers, Effective C++ Third Edition, Item 25: "Consider support for a non-throwing swap"]. The alternative to using argument dependent lookup in this situation is to provide a template specialization of `std::swap` for every type that requires a specialized swap. Although this is legal C++, no Boost libraries use this method, whereas many Boost libraries provide specialized swap functions in their own namespaces. `boost::swap` also supports swapping built-in arrays. Note that `std::swap` originally did not do so, but a request to add an overload of `std::swap` for built-in arrays has been accepted by the C++ Standards Committee[footnote [@http://open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/lwg-defects.html#809 LWG Defect Report 809: std::swap should be overloaded for array types]]. [endsect] [section Exception Safety] `boost::swap` provides the same exception guarantee as the underlying swap function used, with one exception; for an array of type `T[n]`, where `n > 1` and the underlying swap function for `T` provides the strong exception guarantee, `boost::swap` provides only the basic exception guarantee. [endsect] [section Requirements] Either: * T must be assignable * T must be copy constructible Or: * A function with the signature `swap(T&,T&)` is available via argument dependent lookup Or: * A template specialization of `std::swap` exists for T Or: * T is a built-in array of swappable elements [endsect] [section Portability] Several older compilers do not support argument dependent lookup. On these compilers `boost::swap` will call `std::swap`, ignoring any specialized swap functions that could be found as a result of argument dependent lookup. [endsect] [section Credits] * *Niels Dekker* - for implementing and documenting support for built-in arrays * *Joseph Gauterin* - for the initial idea, implementation, tests, and documentation * *Steven Watanabe* - for the idea to make `boost::swap` less specialized than `std::swap`, thereby allowing the function to have the name 'swap' without introducing ambiguity [endsect] [endsect]