.. Distributed under the Boost .. Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying .. file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ++++++++++++++++++ Iterator Concepts ++++++++++++++++++ :Author: David Abrahams, Jeremy Siek, Thomas Witt :Contact: dave@boost-consulting.com, jsiek@osl.iu.edu, witt@styleadvisor.com :organization: `Boost Consulting`_, Indiana University `Open Systems Lab`_, `Zephyr Associates, Inc.`_ :date: $Date$ :copyright: Copyright David Abrahams, Jeremy Siek, and Thomas Witt 2004. .. _`Boost Consulting`: http://www.boost-consulting.com .. _`Open Systems Lab`: http://www.osl.iu.edu .. _`Zephyr Associates, Inc.`: http://www.styleadvisor.com :abstract: The iterator concept checking classes provide a mechanism for a template to report better error messages when a user instantiates the template with a type that does not meet the requirements of the template. For an introduction to using concept checking classes, see the documentation for the |concepts|_ library. .. |concepts| replace:: ``boost::concept_check`` .. _concepts: ../../concept_check/index.html Reference ========= Iterator Access Concepts ........................ * |Readable|_ * |Writable|_ * |Swappable|_ * |Lvalue|_ .. |Readable| replace:: *Readable Iterator* .. _Readable: ReadableIterator.html .. |Writable| replace:: *Writable Iterator* .. _Writable: WritableIterator.html .. |Swappable| replace:: *Swappable Iterator* .. _Swappable: SwappableIterator.html .. |Lvalue| replace:: *Lvalue Iterator* .. _Lvalue: LvalueIterator.html Iterator Traversal Concepts ........................... * |Incrementable|_ * |SinglePass|_ * |Forward|_ * |Bidir|_ * |Random|_ .. |Incrementable| replace:: *Incrementable Iterator* .. _Incrementable: IncrementableIterator.html .. |SinglePass| replace:: *Single Pass Iterator* .. _SinglePass: SinglePassIterator.html .. |Forward| replace:: *Forward Traversal* .. _Forward: ForwardTraversal.html .. |Bidir| replace:: *Bidirectional Traversal* .. _Bidir: BidirectionalTraversal.html .. |Random| replace:: *Random Access Traversal* .. _Random: RandomAccessTraversal.html ``iterator_concepts.hpp`` Synopsis .................................. :: namespace boost_concepts { // Iterator Access Concepts template class ReadableIteratorConcept; template < typename Iterator , typename ValueType = std::iterator_traits::value_type > class WritableIteratorConcept; template class SwappableIteratorConcept; template class LvalueIteratorConcept; // Iterator Traversal Concepts template class IncrementableIteratorConcept; template class SinglePassIteratorConcept; template class ForwardTraversalConcept; template class BidirectionalTraversalConcept; template class RandomAccessTraversalConcept; // Interoperability template class InteroperableIteratorConcept; }