--[[ Script Name : Spells/Scout/Predator/Ranger/SnaringShot.lua Script Author : neatz09 Script Date : 2020.09.18 02:09:38 Script Purpose : : --]] -- Inflicts 182 - 304 ranged damage on target -- Slows target by 36.8% -- 10% chance to dispel when target receives hostile action -- Requires bow or aim function precast(Caster, Target) -- Requires bow local item = GetEquippedItemBySlot(Caster, 16) if not item or GetItemType(item) ~= 2 then -- no item or item is not a ranged item (no way to determine different range items currently) return false, 68 end return true end function cast(Caster, Target, DmgMin, DmgMax, SlowAmt, Chance) local Slow = 100 - SlowAmt SpellDamage(Target, nil, DmgMin, DmgMax) SetSpeedMultiplier(Target, Slow) AddProc(Target, 1, Chance) end function proc(Caster, Target, Type, DmgMin, DmgMax, SlowAmt, Chance) if type == 1 then SetSpeedMultiplier(Target, 1) RemoveProc(Target) end end function remove(Caster, Target) RemoveProc(Target) SetSpeedMultiplier(Target, 1) end