/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #ifndef QUESTS_H #define QUESTS_H #include #include #include "Items/Items.h" #define QUEST_STEP_TYPE_KILL 1 #define QUEST_STEP_TYPE_CHAT 2 #define QUEST_STEP_TYPE_OBTAIN_ITEM 3 #define QUEST_STEP_TYPE_LOCATION 4 #define QUEST_STEP_TYPE_SPELL 5 #define QUEST_STEP_TYPE_NORMAL 6 #define QUEST_STEP_TYPE_CRAFT 7 #define QUEST_STEP_TYPE_HARVEST 8 #define QUEST_STEP_TYPE_KILL_RACE_REQ 9 // kill using race type requirement instead of npc db id #define QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_HIDDEN 0 #define QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_NO_CHECK 1 #define QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_YELLOW 2 #define QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_COMPLETED 4 #define QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_REPEATABLE 8 #define QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_UNKNOWN1 16 #define QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_COMPLETE_FLAG 32 #define QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_UNKNOWN2 64 #define QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHECK 128 // Almost all quests have these values, but they don't see to effect anything #define QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_NORMAL QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_UNKNOWN1 + QUEST_DISPLAY_STATUS_UNKNOWN2 struct QuestFactionPrereq{ int32 faction_id; sint32 min; sint32 max; }; struct Location { int32 id; float x; float y; float z; int32 zone_id; }; class QuestStep{ public: QuestStep(int32 in_id, int8 in_type, string in_description, vector* in_ids, int32 in_quantity, const char* in_task_group, vector* in_locations, float in_max_variation, float in_percentage, int32 in_usableitemid); QuestStep(QuestStep* old_step); ~QuestStep(); bool CheckStepKillRaceReqUpdate(Spawn* spawn); bool CheckStepReferencedID(int32 id); bool CheckStepLocationUpdate(float char_x, float char_y, float char_z, int32 zone_id); int32 AddStepProgress(int32 val); void SetStepProgress(int32 val); int32 GetStepProgress(); int8 GetStepType(); bool Complete(); void SetComplete(); void ResetTaskGroup(); const char* GetTaskGroup(); const char* GetDescription(); void SetDescription(string desc); int16 GetQuestCurrentQuantity(); int16 GetQuestNeededQuantity(); map* GetUpdateIDs() { return ids; } int16 GetIcon(); void SetIcon(int16 in_icon); const char* GetUpdateTargetName(); void SetUpdateTargetName(const char* name); const char* GetUpdateName(); void SetUpdateName(const char* name); int32 GetStepID(); int32 GetItemID(); bool WasUpdated(); void WasUpdated(bool val); float GetPercentage(); void SetTaskGroup(string val) { task_group = val; } private: bool updated; int32 id; string update_name; string update_target_name; int16 icon; int8 type; string description; std::map* ids; int32 quantity; string task_group; vector* locations; float max_variation; float percentage; int32 usableitemid; int32 step_progress; }; class Player; class Spell; class Quest{ public: Quest(int32 in_id); Quest(Quest* old_quest); ~Quest(); EQ2Packet* OfferQuest(int16 version, Player* player); EQ2Packet* QuestJournalReply(int16 version, int32 player_crc, Player* player, QuestStep* updateStep = 0, int8 update_count = 1, bool old_completed_quest=false, bool quest_failure = false, bool display_quest_helper = true); void RegisterQuest(string in_name, string in_type, string in_zone, int8 in_level, string in_desc); void SetPrereqLevel(int8 lvl); void SetPrereqTSLevel(int8 lvl); void SetPrereqMaxLevel(int8 lvl) {prereq_max_level = lvl;} void SetPrereqMaxTSLevel(int8 lvl) {prereq_max_tslevel = lvl;} void AddPrereqClass(int8 class_id); void AddPrereqTradeskillClass(int8 class_id); void AddPrereqModelType(int16 model_type); void AddPrereqRace(int8 race); void AddPrereqQuest(int32 quest_id); void AddPrereqFaction(int32 faction_id, sint32 min, sint32 max = 0); void AddPrereqItem(Item* item); void AddRewardItem(Item* item); void AddTmpRewardItem(Item* item); void GetTmpRewardItemsByID(std::vector* items); void AddRewardItemVec(vector* items, Item* item, bool combine_items = true); void AddSelectableRewardItem(Item* item); void AddRewardCoins(int32 copper, int32 silver, int32 gold, int32 plat); void AddRewardCoinsMax(int64 coins); void AddRewardFaction(int32 faction_id, sint32 amount); void SetRewardStatus(int32 amount); void SetRewardComment(string comment); void SetRewardXP(int32 xp); void SetRewardTSXP(int32 xp) { reward_tsexp = xp; } bool AddQuestStep(QuestStep* step); QuestStep* AddQuestStep(int32 id, int8 in_type, string in_description, vector* in_ids, int32 in_quantity, const char* in_task_group = 0, vector* in_locations = 0, float in_max_variation = 0, float in_percentage = 0,int32 in_usableitemid = 0); bool SetStepComplete(int32 step); bool AddStepProgress(int32 step_id, int32 progress); int16 GetQuestStep(); int32 GetStepProgress(int32 step_id); int16 GetTaskGroupStep(); bool QuestStepIsActive(int16 quest_step_id); bool CheckQuestReferencedSpawns(Spawn* spawn); bool CheckQuestKillUpdate(Spawn* spawn, bool update = true); bool CheckQuestChatUpdate(int32 id, bool update = true); bool CheckQuestItemUpdate(int32 id, int8 quantity = 1); bool CheckQuestLocationUpdate(float char_x, float char_y, float char_z, int32 zone_id); bool CheckQuestSpellUpdate(Spell* spell); bool CheckQuestRefIDUpdate(int32 id, int32 quantity = 1); int8 GetQuestLevel(); int8 GetVisible(); int32 GetQuestID(); void SetQuestID(int32 in_id); int8 GetPrereqLevel(); int8 GetPrereqTSLevel(); int8 GetPrereqMaxLevel() {return prereq_max_level;} int8 GetPrereqMaxTSLevel() {return prereq_max_tslevel;} vector* GetPrereqFactions(); vector* GetPrereqRaces(); vector* GetPrereqModelTypes(); vector* GetPrereqClasses(); vector* GetPrereqTradeskillClasses(); vector* GetPrereqQuests(); vector* GetPrereqItems(); vector* GetRewardItems(); vector* GetTmpRewardItems(); vector* GetSelectableRewardItems(); map* GetRewardFactions(); void GiveQuestReward(Player* player); void AddCompleteAction(int32 step, string action); void AddProgressAction(int32 step, string action); void SetName(string in_name); void SetType(string in_type); void SetLevel(int8 in_level); void SetEncounterLevel(int8 level) {enc_level = level;} void SetDescription(string desc); void SetStepDescription(int32 step, string desc); void SetTaskGroupDescription(int32 step, string desc, bool display_bullets); void SetStatusTmpReward(int32 status) { tmp_reward_status = status; } int64 GetStatusTmpReward() { return tmp_reward_status; } void SetCoinTmpReward(int64 coins) { tmp_reward_coins = coins; } int64 GetCoinTmpReward() { return tmp_reward_coins; } int64 GetCoinsReward(); int64 GetCoinsRewardMax(); int64 GetGeneratedCoin(); void SetGeneratedCoin(int64 coin); int8 GetLevel(); int8 GetEncounterLevel() { return enc_level; } const char* GetName(); const char* GetDescription(); const char* GetType(); void SetZone(string in_zone); const char* GetZone(); int8 GetDay(); int8 GetMonth(); int8 GetYear(); int32 GetStatusPoints(); void SetDay(int8 value); void SetMonth(int8 value); void SetYear(int8 value); vector* GetQuestUpdates(); vector* GetQuestFailures(); vector* GetQuestSteps(); bool GetQuestStepCompleted(int32 step_id); QuestStep* GetQuestStep(int32 step_id); void SetCompleteAction(string action); const char* GetCompleteAction(); const char* GetCompleteAction(int32 step); void SetQuestGiver(int32 id); int32 GetQuestGiver(); void SetQuestReturnNPC(int32 id); int32 GetQuestReturnNPC(); Player* GetPlayer(); void SetPlayer(Player* in_player); bool GetCompleted(); bool HasSentLastUpdate() { return has_sent_last_update; } void SetSentLastUpdate(bool val) { has_sent_last_update = val; } void SetCompletedDescription(string desc); const char* GetCompletedDescription(); int32 GetExpReward(); int32 GetTSExpReward() { return reward_tsexp; } bool GetDeleted(); void SetDeleted(bool val); bool GetUpdateRequired(); void SetUpdateRequired(bool val); void SetTurnedIn(bool val); bool GetTurnedIn(); bool GetSaveNeeded(){ return needs_save; } void SetSaveNeeded(bool val){ needs_save = val; } void SetFeatherColor(int8 val) { m_featherColor = val; } int8 GetFeatherColor() { return m_featherColor; } void SetRepeatable(bool val) { m_repeatable = val; } bool IsRepeatable() { return m_repeatable; } void SetTracked(bool val) { m_tracked = val; } bool IsTracked() { return m_tracked && !m_hidden; } void SetCompletedFlag(bool val); bool GetCompletedFlag() {return completed_flag;} bool GetYellowName() {return yellow_name;} void SetYellowName(bool val) {yellow_name = val;} bool CheckCategoryYellow(); ///Sets the custom flags for use in lua ///Value to set the flags to void SetQuestFlags(int32 flags) { m_questFlags = flags; SetSaveNeeded(true); } ///Gets the custom lua flags ///The current flags (int32) int32 GetQuestFlags() { return m_questFlags; } ///Checks to see if the quest is hidden ///True if the quest is hidden bool IsHidden() { return m_hidden; } ///Sets the quest hidden flag ///Value to set the hidden flag to void SetHidden(bool val) { m_hidden = val; SetSaveNeeded(true); } ///Gets the step timer ///Unix timestamp (int32) int32 GetStepTimer() { return m_timestamp; } ///Sets the step timer ///How long to set the timer for, in seconds void SetStepTimer(int32 duration); ///Sets the step that the timer is for ///Step to set the timer for void SetTimerStep(int32 step) { m_timerStep = step; } ///Gets the step that the timer is for int32 GetTimerStep() { return m_timerStep; } ///Adds a lua call back function for when the step fails ///The step to add the call back for ///The lua callback function void AddFailedAction(int32 step, string action); ///Fail the given step ///The step to fail void StepFailed(int32 step); ///Removes the given step from the quest ///The step id to remove ///The client who has this quest ///True if able to remove the quest bool RemoveQuestStep(int32 step, Client* client); int16 GetCompleteCount() { return m_completeCount; } void SetCompleteCount(int16 val) { m_completeCount = val; } void IncrementCompleteCount() { m_completeCount += 1; } void SetQuestTemporaryState(bool tempState, std::string customDescription = string("")); bool GetQuestTemporaryState() { return quest_state_temporary; } std::string GetQuestTemporaryDescription() { return quest_temporary_description; } protected: bool needs_save; Mutex MQuestSteps; Mutex MCompletedActions; Mutex MProgressActions; Mutex MFailedActions; bool turned_in; bool update_needed; bool deleted; bool has_sent_last_update; string completed_description; map complete_actions; map progress_actions; map failed_actions; int8 day; //only here to make our lives easier int8 month; int8 year; int8 visible; int32 id; string name; string type; string zone; int8 level; int8 enc_level; string description; string complete_action; Player* player; vector prereq_factions; int8 prereq_level; int8 prereq_tslevel; int8 prereq_max_level; int8 prereq_max_tslevel; vector prereq_model_types; vector prereq_races; vector prereq_classes; vector prereq_tradeskillclass; vector prereq_quests; vector prereq_items; vector reward_items; vector selectable_reward_items; vector tmp_reward_items; int64 reward_coins; int64 reward_coins_max; int32 tmp_reward_status; int64 tmp_reward_coins; int64 generated_coin; map reward_factions; int32 reward_status; string reward_comment; int32 reward_exp; int32 reward_tsexp; vector step_updates; vector step_failures; map quest_step_map; map quest_step_reverse_map; vector quest_steps; map task_group_order; int16 task_group_num; map > task_group; int32 quest_giver; int32 return_id; int8 m_featherColor; bool m_repeatable; bool m_tracked; bool completed_flag; bool yellow_name; int32 m_questFlags; bool m_hidden; int32 m_timestamp; // timer for a quest step int32 m_timerStep; // used for the fail action when timer expires int16 m_completeCount; bool quest_state_temporary; std::string quest_temporary_description; }; class MasterQuestList{ public: MasterQuestList(); Quest* GetQuest(int32 id, bool copyQuest = true){ if(quests.count(id) > 0) { if(copyQuest) return new Quest(quests[id]); else return quests[id]; } else return 0; } map* GetQuests(){ return &quests; } void AddQuest(int32 id, Quest* quest){ quests[id] = quest; } void Reload(); void LockQuests(); void UnlockQuests(); private: Mutex MQuests; map quests; }; #endif