/* @Copyright Barrett Adair 2015-2017 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_CLBL_TRTS_HAS_MEMBER_QUALIFIERS_HPP #define BOOST_CLBL_TRTS_HAS_MEMBER_QUALIFIERS_HPP #include namespace boost { namespace callable_traits { //[ has_member_qualifiers_hpp /*`[section:ref_has_member_qualifiers has_member_qualifiers] [heading Header] ``#include `` [heading Definition] */ // inherits from either std::true_type or std::false_type template struct has_member_qualifiers; //<- template struct has_member_qualifiers : detail::traits< detail::shallow_decay>::has_member_qualifiers { using type = typename detail::traits< detail::shallow_decay>::has_member_qualifiers; }; // older compilers don't support variable templates #ifdef BOOST_CLBL_TRTS_DISABLE_VARIABLE_TEMPLATES template struct has_member_qualifiers_v { static_assert(std::is_same::value, "Variable templates not supported on this compiler."); }; #else //-> // only available when variable templates are supported template //<- BOOST_CLBL_TRAITS_INLINE_VAR //-> constexpr bool has_member_qualifiers_v = //see below //<- detail::traits>::has_member_qualifiers::value; #endif }} // namespace boost::callable_traits //-> /*` [heading Constraints] * none [heading Behavior] * `std::false_type` is inherited by `has_member_qualifiers` and is aliased by `typename has_member_qualifiers::type`, except when one of the following criteria is met, in which case `std::true_type` would be similarly inherited and aliased: * `T` is a function with member qualifiers * `T` is a member function pointer with member qualifiers * `T` is a function object with a member-qualified `operator()` * On compilers that support variable templates, `has_member_qualifiers_v` is equivalent to `has_member_qualifiers::value`. [heading Input/Output Examples] [table [[`T`] [`has_member_qualifiers_v`]] [[`void() const`] [`true`]] [[`void() const transaction_safe`] [`true`]] [[`void() volatile &&`] [`true`]] [[`int(foo::*)() &`] [`true`]] [[`void(foo::*)() const`] [`true`]] [[`void(foo::*&)() const`] [`true`]] [[`void(foo::* const)() const`] [`true`]] [[`void()`] [`false`]] [[`void() transaction_safe`] [`false`]] [[`void(*)()`] [`false`]] [[`void(*&)()`] [`false`]] [[`int`] [`false`]] [[`const int`] [`false`]] [[`int foo::*`] [`false`]] [[`const int foo::*`] [`false`]] ] [heading Example Program] [import ../example/has_member_qualifiers.cpp] [has_member_qualifiers] [endsect] */ //] #endif //BOOST_CLBL_TRTS_HAS_MEMBER_QUALIFIERS_HPP