--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/TheBaubbleshire/NylaDiggs.lua Script Purpose : Nyla Diggs Script Author : Dorbin Script Date : 2022.01.10 Script Notes : Racial language check for Callout & Quest offering Applied new format/cleaned up script - 2022.08.11 Dorbin --]] require "SpawnScripts/Generic/DialogModule" dofile("SpawnScripts/Generic/UnknownLanguage.lua") local PieThief = 5437 function spawn(NPC) ProvidesQuest(NPC, PieThief) SetPlayerProximityFunction(NPC, 9, "InRange", "LeaveRange") end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end function InRange(NPC, Spawn) --Provides Language Based Callout with delay if GetFactionAmount(Spawn,11) >0 and math.random (0,100) <80 then if not HasLanguage(Spawn, 8) then Garbled(NPC,Spawn) elseif not HasCompletedQuest (Spawn, PieThief) and not HasQuest (Spawn, PieThief) then PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/nyla_diggs/qey_village06/100_nyla_diggs_nyla_first_d022db59.mp3", "Now where's that pie? I know I had it here.", "", 3499289366, 4159200256, Spawn, 8) end end end function LeaveRange(NPC, Spawn) end function hailed(NPC,Spawn) if GetFactionAmount(Spawn,11) <0 then PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "", "shakefist", 0, 0, Spawn) else if not HasLanguage(Spawn, 8) then -- Language Check for Stout (8) Garbled(NPC,Spawn) else if not HasCompletedQuest (Spawn, PieThief) and not HasQuest (Spawn, PieThief) then Dialog1(NPC,Spawn) elseif not HasCompletedQuest (Spawn, PieThief) and HasQuest (Spawn, PieThief) then Dialog2(NPC,Spawn) else PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/nyla_diggs/qey_village06/nyladiggs000.mp3", "Oh, why hello there dear. How are you today? Afraid I can't talk right now", "", 2088434236, 3361269998, Spawn,8) end end end end function Dialog1(NPC, Spawn) FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn) Dialog.New(NPC, Spawn) Dialog.AddDialog("Oh, why hello there dear. How are you today? Afraid I can't talk right now") Dialog.AddVoiceover("voiceover/english/nyla_diggs/qey_village06/nyladiggs000.mp3", 2088434236, 3361269998) Dialog.AddLanguage(8) Dialog.AddOption("You seem lost in thought. Anything I can help with?", "Pie1") Dialog.AddOption("Just saying hello!") Dialog.Start() end function Pie1(NPC, Spawn) FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn) Dialog.New(NPC, Spawn) Dialog.AddDialog("You see, the pie I baked earlier today, it's missing. Not an uncommon event around here if you know what I mean! You'll always find a rumblin' belly 'round here, love!") Dialog.AddVoiceover("voiceover/english/nyla_diggs/qey_village06/nyladiggs001.mp3", 919242821, 353275540) Dialog.AddLanguage(8) Dialog.AddOption("I can still smell it! Would you like me to look for it?","Offer") Dialog.AddOption("Oh, look at the time. I must be going!") Dialog.Start() end function Offer(NPC, Spawn) FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn) OfferQuest(NPC, Spawn, PieThief) end function Dialog2(NPC, Spawn) FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn) Dialog.New(NPC, Spawn) Dialog.AddDialog("Well, who is it? They're in for a tongue-lashing!") Dialog.AddVoiceover("voiceover/english/nyla_diggs/qey_village06/nyladiggs003.mp3", 1047555750, 2550790552) Dialog.AddLanguage(8) if GetQuestStep(Spawn, PieThief) == 5 then Dialog.AddOption( "Lozoria over in the tavern ate it!", "ThiefFinished") end Dialog.AddOption("I'm still looking!") Dialog.Start() end function ThiefFinished(NPC, Spawn) FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn) Dialog.New(NPC, Spawn) Dialog.AddDialog("Oh, that rascal! Here's your pie, dear. I'll take care of that rapscallion later!") Dialog.AddVoiceover("voiceover/english/nyla_diggs/qey_village06/nyladiggs004.mp3", 3185345641, 3927954754) Dialog.AddLanguage(8) Dialog.AddOption("Thanks, the pie smells delicous!") Dialog.Start() SetStepComplete(Spawn, PieThief, 5) end