--[[ Script Name : Spells/Mage/Sorcerer/Warlock/GraspofBertoxxulous.lua Script Author : Neatz09 Script Date : 9.25.2020 Script Purpose : : --]] -- On a combat hit this spell may cast Venomous Runes on target of attack. Lasts for 16.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute. -- Inflicts 17 - 21 poison damage on target instantly and every 4 seconds function cast(Caster, Target, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) AddProc(Target, 3, 25) end function proc(Caster, Target, Type, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) Spell = GetSpell(5434, GetSpellTier()) if Type == 3 then SetSpellDataIndex(Spell, 0, DmgType) SetSpellDataIndex(Spell, 1, MinVal) SetSpellDataIndex(Spell, 2, MaxVal) CastCustomSpell(Spell, Caster, Target) end end function remove(Caster, Target) RemoveProc(Target) end