--[[ Script Name : Spells/Scout/Predator/Assassin/Massacre.lua Script Author : Jabantiz Script Date : 2014.04.17 05:04:44 Script Purpose : : --]] function precast(Caster, Target) -- You must be in stealth to use this! if not IsStealthed(Caster) then SendMessage(Caster, "You must be in stealth to use this!", "yellow") return false end return true end function cast(Caster, Target, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) -- Inflicts 203 - 339 melee damage on targets in Area of Effect if MaxVal ~= nil and MinVal < MaxVal then SpellDamage(Target, DmgType, math.random(MinVal, MaxVal)) else SpellDamage(Target, DmgType, MinVal) end end