/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #include "../common/debug.h" #include "../common/Log.h" #include using namespace std; #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include "../common/version.h" #include "../common/GlobalHeaders.h" #include "../common/sha512.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #include #include #define strncasecmp _strnicmp #define strcasecmp _stricmp #else // Pyro: fix for linux #include #ifdef FREEBSD //Timothy Whitman - January 7, 2003 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/unix.h" #define SOCKET_ERROR -1 #define INVALID_SOCKET -1 extern int errno; #endif #include "../common/servertalk.h" #include "LoginServer.h" #include "../common/packet_dump.h" #include "net.h" #include "zoneserver.h" #include "WorldDatabase.h" #include "Variables.h" #include "World.h" #include "../common/ConfigReader.h" #include "Rules/Rules.h" extern sint32 numzones; extern sint32 numclients; extern NetConnection net; extern LoginServer loginserver; extern WorldDatabase database; extern ZoneAuth zone_auth; extern Variables variables; extern ZoneList zone_list; extern ClientList client_list; extern volatile bool RunLoops; volatile bool LoginLoopRunning = false; extern ConfigReader configReader; extern RuleManager rule_manager; bool AttemptingConnect = false; LoginServer::LoginServer(const char* iAddress, int16 iPort) { LoginServerIP = ResolveIP(iAddress); LoginServerPort = iPort; statusupdate_timer = new Timer(LoginServer_StatusUpdateInterval); tcpc = new TCPConnection(false); pTryReconnect = true; minLockedStatus = 100; maxPlayers = -1; minGameFullStatus = 100; last_checked_time = 0; zone_updates = 0; loginEquip_updates = 0; } LoginServer::~LoginServer() { delete statusupdate_timer; delete tcpc; } void LoginServer::SendImmediateEquipmentUpdatesForChar(int32 char_id) { LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 5, "World", "Sending login equipment updates for char_id: %u", char_id); int16 count = 0; if(!loginEquip_updates) loginEquip_updates = database.GetEquipmentUpdates(char_id); if(loginEquip_updates && loginEquip_updates->size() > 0) { map send_map; int32 size = 0; MutexMap::iterator itr = loginEquip_updates->begin(); while(itr.Next()) { send_map[itr->first] = itr->second; size += sizeof(EquipmentUpdate_Struct); loginEquip_updates->erase(itr->first); count++; } ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_LoginEquipment, size + sizeof(EquipmentUpdateList_Struct)+5); EquipmentUpdateList_Struct* updates = (EquipmentUpdateList_Struct*)outpack->pBuffer; updates->total_updates = count; int32 pos = sizeof(EquipmentUpdateList_Struct); map::iterator send_itr; for(send_itr = send_map.begin(); send_itr != send_map.end(); send_itr++) { EquipmentUpdate_Struct* update = (EquipmentUpdate_Struct*)(outpack->pBuffer + pos); update->id = send_itr->first; update->world_char_id = send_itr->second.world_char_id; update->equip_type = send_itr->second.equip_type; update->red = send_itr->second.red; update->green = send_itr->second.green; update->blue = send_itr->second.blue; update->highlight_red = send_itr->second.red; update->highlight_green = send_itr->second.green; update->highlight_blue = send_itr->second.blue; update->slot = send_itr->second.slot; pos += sizeof(EquipmentUpdate_Struct); } SendPacket(outpack); outpack->Deflate(); safe_delete(outpack); } if(loginEquip_updates && count) loginEquip_updates->clear(); if(loginEquip_updates && loginEquip_updates->size() == 0) { database.UpdateLoginEquipment(); safe_delete(loginEquip_updates); } } bool LoginServer::Process() { if(last_checked_time > Timer::GetCurrentTime2()) return true; last_checked_time = Timer::GetCurrentTime2() + 50; bool ret = true; if (statusupdate_timer->Check()) { this->SendStatus(); } /************ Get all packets from packet manager out queue and process them ************/ ServerPacket *pack = 0; while((pack = tcpc->PopPacket())) { switch(pack->opcode) { case ServerOP_LSFatalError: { LogWrite(OPCODE__DEBUG, 1, "Opcode", "Opcode 0x%X (%i): ServerOP_LSFatalError", pack->opcode, pack->opcode); LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "World", "Login Server returned a fatal error: %s\n", pack->pBuffer); tcpc->Disconnect(); ret = false; net.ReadLoginINI(); break; } case ServerOP_CharTimeStamp: { LogWrite(OPCODE__DEBUG, 1, "Opcode", "Opcode 0x%X (%i): ServerOP_CharTimeStamp", pack->opcode, pack->opcode); if(pack->size != sizeof(CharacterTimeStamp_Struct)) break; CharacterTimeStamp_Struct* cts = (CharacterTimeStamp_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; // determine if the character exists and retrieve its latest timestamp from the world server bool char_exist = false; //int32 character_timestamp = database.GetCharacterTimeStamp(cts->char_id,cts->account_id,&char_exist); if(!char_exist) { //Character doesn't exist, get rid of it SendDeleteCharacter ( cts ); break; } break; } // Push Character Select "item appearances" to login_equipment table case ServerOP_LoginEquipment:{ LogWrite(OPCODE__DEBUG, 1, "Opcode", "Opcode 0x%X (%i): ServerOP_LoginEquipment", pack->opcode, pack->opcode); LogWrite(MISC__TODO, 0, "TODO", "Implement map > method to update Login.\n%s, %s, %i", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if( pack->size == sizeof(EquipmentUpdateRequest_Struct) ) { int16 max = ((EquipmentUpdateRequest_Struct*)pack->pBuffer)->max_per_batch; int16 count = 0; if(!loginEquip_updates) loginEquip_updates = database.GetEquipmentUpdates(); if(loginEquip_updates && loginEquip_updates->size() > 0) { map send_map; int32 size = 0; MutexMap::iterator itr = loginEquip_updates->begin(); while(itr.Next() && count < max) { send_map[itr->first] = itr->second; size += sizeof(EquipmentUpdate_Struct); loginEquip_updates->erase(itr->first); count++; } ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_LoginEquipment, size + sizeof(EquipmentUpdateList_Struct)+5); EquipmentUpdateList_Struct* updates = (EquipmentUpdateList_Struct*)outpack->pBuffer; updates->total_updates = count; int32 pos = sizeof(EquipmentUpdateList_Struct); map::iterator send_itr; for(send_itr = send_map.begin(); send_itr != send_map.end(); send_itr++) { EquipmentUpdate_Struct* update = (EquipmentUpdate_Struct*)(outpack->pBuffer + pos); update->id = send_itr->first; update->world_char_id = send_itr->second.world_char_id; update->equip_type = send_itr->second.equip_type; update->red = send_itr->second.red; update->green = send_itr->second.green; update->blue = send_itr->second.blue; update->highlight_red = send_itr->second.red; update->highlight_green = send_itr->second.green; update->highlight_blue = send_itr->second.blue; update->slot = send_itr->second.slot; pos += sizeof(EquipmentUpdate_Struct); } SendPacket(outpack); outpack->Deflate(); safe_delete(outpack); } if(loginEquip_updates && count < max) loginEquip_updates->clear(); if(loginEquip_updates && loginEquip_updates->size() == 0) { database.UpdateLoginEquipment(); safe_delete(loginEquip_updates); } } break; } case ServerOP_ZoneUpdates:{ LogWrite(OPCODE__DEBUG, 1, "Opcode", "Opcode 0x%X (%i): ServerOP_ZoneUpdates", pack->opcode, pack->opcode); if(pack->size == sizeof(ZoneUpdateRequest_Struct)){ int16 max = ((ZoneUpdateRequest_Struct*)pack->pBuffer)->max_per_batch; int16 count = 0; if(!zone_updates) zone_updates = database.GetZoneUpdates(); if(zone_updates && zone_updates->size() > 0){ map send_map; int32 size = 0; MutexMap::iterator itr = zone_updates->begin(); while(itr.Next() && count < max){ send_map[itr->first] = itr->second; size += sizeof(ZoneUpdate_Struct) + itr->second.name.length() + itr->second.description.length(); zone_updates->erase(itr->first); count++; } ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_ZoneUpdates, size + sizeof(ZoneUpdateList_Struct)+5); ZoneUpdateList_Struct* updates = (ZoneUpdateList_Struct*)outpack->pBuffer; updates->total_updates = count; int32 pos = sizeof(ZoneUpdateList_Struct); map::iterator send_itr; for(send_itr = send_map.begin(); send_itr != send_map.end(); send_itr++){ ZoneUpdate_Struct* update = (ZoneUpdate_Struct*)(outpack->pBuffer + pos); update->zone_id = send_itr->first; update->zone_name_length = send_itr->second.name.length(); update->zone_desc_length = send_itr->second.description.length(); strcpy(update->data, send_itr->second.name.c_str()); strcpy(update->data + send_itr->second.name.length(), send_itr->second.description.c_str()); pos += sizeof(ZoneUpdate_Struct) + send_itr->second.name.length() + send_itr->second.description.length(); } SendPacket(outpack); outpack->Deflate(); safe_delete(outpack); } if(zone_updates && count < max) zone_updates->clear(); if(zone_updates && zone_updates->size() == 0){ database.UpdateLoginZones(); safe_delete(zone_updates); } } break; } case ServerOP_CharacterCreate:{ LogWrite(OPCODE__DEBUG, 1, "Opcode", "Opcode 0x%X (%i): ServerOP_CharacterCreate", pack->opcode, pack->opcode); int16 version = 1; if(pack->pBuffer[0] > 0) memcpy(&version, pack->pBuffer, sizeof(int16)); //DumpPacket(pack->pBuffer,pack->size); PacketStruct* packet = configReader.getStruct("CreateCharacter", version); int8 resp = 0; int32 acct_id = 0; int32 char_id = 0; if(packet && packet->LoadPacketData(pack->pBuffer+sizeof(int16),pack->size - sizeof(int16))){ EQ2_16BitString name = packet->getType_EQ2_16BitString_ByName("name"); resp = database.CheckNameFilter(name.data.c_str()); acct_id = packet->getType_int32_ByName("account_id"); LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 0, "World", "Response: %i", (int)resp); sint16 lowestStatus = database.GetLowestCharacterAdminStatus(acct_id); if(lowestStatus == -2) resp = UNKNOWNERROR_REPLY2; else if(resp == CREATESUCCESS_REPLY) char_id = database.SaveCharacter(packet, acct_id); } else{ LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "World", "Invalid creation request!"); resp = UNKNOWNERROR_REPLY; } // send name filter response data back to the login server SendFilterNameResponse ( resp , acct_id , char_id ); safe_delete(packet); break; } case ServerOP_BasicCharUpdate: { LogWrite(OPCODE__DEBUG, 1, "Opcode", "Opcode 0x%X (%i): ServerOP_BasicCharUpdate", pack->opcode, pack->opcode); if(pack->size != sizeof(CharDataUpdate_Struct)) break; CharDataUpdate_Struct* cdu = (CharDataUpdate_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; switch(cdu->update_field) { case DELETE_UPDATE_FLAG: { LogWrite(WORLD__DEBUG, 0, "World", "Delete character request: %i %i",cdu->account_id,cdu->char_id ); database.DeleteCharacter(cdu->account_id,cdu->char_id); break; } } break; } case ServerOP_UsertoWorldReq:{ LogWrite(OPCODE__DEBUG, 0, "Opcode", "Opcode 0x%X (%i): ServerOP_UsertoWorldReq", pack->opcode, pack->opcode); UsertoWorldRequest_Struct* utwr = (UsertoWorldRequest_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; /*int32 id = database.GetAccountIDFromLSID(utwr->lsaccountid); sint16 status = database.CheckStatus(id); */ int32 access_key = 0; // if it is a accepted login, we add the zone auth request access_key = DetermineCharacterLoginRequest ( utwr ); if ( access_key != 0 ) { zone_auth.PurgeInactiveAuth(); char* characterName = database.GetCharacterName( utwr->char_id ); if(characterName != 0){ ZoneAuthRequest* zar = new ZoneAuthRequest(utwr->lsaccountid,characterName,access_key); zar->setFirstLogin ( true ); zone_auth.AddAuth(zar); safe_delete_array(characterName); } } break; } case ServerOP_ResetDatabase:{ LogWrite(OPCODE__DEBUG, 1, "Opcode", "Opcode 0x%X (%i): ServerOP_ResetDatabase", pack->opcode, pack->opcode); database.ResetDatabase(); break; } default: { LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "World", "Unhandled opcode: %i", pack->opcode); DumpPacket(pack); } } safe_delete(pack); // break out if ret is now false if (!ret) break; } return ret; } // this should always be called in a new thread #ifdef WIN32 void AutoInitLoginServer(void *tmp) { #else void *AutoInitLoginServer(void *tmp) { #endif if (loginserver.GetState() == TCPS_Ready) { InitLoginServer(); } #ifndef WIN32 return 0; #endif } bool InitLoginServer() { if (loginserver.GetState() != TCPS_Ready) { LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "World", "InitLoginServer() while already attempting connect."); return false; } if (!net.LoginServerInfo) { LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "World", "Login server info not loaded."); return false; } AttemptingConnect = true; int16 port; char* address = net.GetLoginInfo(&port); loginserver.Connect(address, port); return true; } void LoginServer::InitLoginServerVariables() { minLockedStatus = rule_manager.GetGlobalRule(R_World, ServerLockedOverrideStatus)->GetSInt16(); maxPlayers = rule_manager.GetGlobalRule(R_World, MaxPlayers)->GetSInt16(); minGameFullStatus = rule_manager.GetGlobalRule(R_World, MaxPlayersOverrideStatus)->GetSInt16(); } bool LoginServer::Connect(const char* iAddress, int16 iPort) { if(!pTryReconnect) return false; char errbuf[TCPConnection_ErrorBufferSize]; memset(errbuf, 0, TCPConnection_ErrorBufferSize); if (iAddress == 0) { LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "World", "LoginServer::Connect: address == 0"); return false; } else { if ((LoginServerIP = ResolveIP(iAddress, errbuf)) == 0) { LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "World", "LoginServer::Connect: Resolving IP address: '%s'", errbuf); return false; } } if (iPort != 0) LoginServerPort = iPort; if (LoginServerIP == 0 || LoginServerPort == 0) { LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "World", "LoginServer::Connect: Connect info incomplete, cannot connect"); return false; } if (tcpc->Connect(LoginServerIP, LoginServerPort, errbuf)) { LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Connected to LoginServer: %s: %i", iAddress, LoginServerPort); SendInfo(); SendStatus(); return true; } else { LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "World", "LoginServer::Connect: '%s'", errbuf); return false; } } void LoginServer::GetLatestTables(){ ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_GetLatestTables, sizeof(GetLatestTables_Struct)); GetLatestTables_Struct* data = (GetLatestTables_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; data->table_version = CURRENT_DATABASE_MAJORVERSION*100 + CURRENT_DATABASE_MINORVERSION; data->data_version = CURRENT_DATABASE_MAJORVERSION*100 + CURRENT_DATABASE_MINORVERSION; SendPacket(pack); delete pack; } void LoginServer::SendInfo() { ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket; pack->opcode = ServerOP_LSInfo; pack->size = sizeof(ServerLSInfo_Struct); pack->pBuffer = new uchar[pack->size]; memset(pack->pBuffer, 0, pack->size); ServerLSInfo_Struct* lsi = (ServerLSInfo_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; strcpy(lsi->protocolversion, EQEMU_PROTOCOL_VERSION); strcpy(lsi->serverversion, CURRENT_VERSION); strcpy(lsi->name, net.GetWorldName()); strcpy(lsi->account, net.GetWorldAccount()); lsi->dbversion = CURRENT_DATABASE_MAJORVERSION*100 + CURRENT_DATABASE_MINORVERSION; #ifdef _DEBUG lsi->servertype = 4; #endif string passwdSha512 = sha512(net.GetWorldPassword()); memcpy(lsi->password, (char*)passwdSha512.c_str(), passwdSha512.length()); strcpy(lsi->address, net.GetWorldAddress()); SendPacket(pack); delete pack; } void LoginServer::SendStatus() { statusupdate_timer->Start(); ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket; pack->opcode = ServerOP_LSStatus; pack->size = sizeof(ServerLSStatus_Struct); pack->pBuffer = new uchar[pack->size]; memset(pack->pBuffer, 0, pack->size); ServerLSStatus_Struct* lss = (ServerLSStatus_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (net.world_locked) lss->status = -2; else if(loginserver.maxPlayers > -1 && numclients >= loginserver.maxPlayers) lss->status = -3; else lss->status = 1; lss->num_zones = numzones; lss->num_players = numclients; lss->world_max_level = rule_manager.GetGlobalRule(R_Player, MaxLevel)->GetInt8(); SendPacket(pack); delete pack; } void LoginServer::SendDeleteCharacter ( CharacterTimeStamp_Struct* cts ) { ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_BasicCharUpdate, sizeof(CharDataUpdate_Struct)); CharDataUpdate_Struct* cdu = (CharDataUpdate_Struct*)outpack->pBuffer; cdu->account_id = cts->account_id; cdu->char_id = cts->char_id; cdu->update_field = DELETE_UPDATE_FLAG; cdu->update_data = 1; SendPacket(outpack); safe_delete(outpack); } void LoginServer::SendFilterNameResponse ( int8 resp, int32 acct_id , int32 char_id ) { ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_CharacterCreate, sizeof(WorldCharNameFilterResponse_Struct)); WorldCharNameFilterResponse_Struct* wcfr = (WorldCharNameFilterResponse_Struct*)outpack->pBuffer; wcfr->response = resp; wcfr->account_id = acct_id; wcfr->char_id = char_id; SendPacket(outpack); safe_delete(outpack); } int32 LoginServer::DetermineCharacterLoginRequest ( UsertoWorldRequest_Struct* utwr ) { LogWrite(LOGIN__TRACE, 9, "Login", "Enter: %s", __FUNCTION__); ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket; outpack->opcode = ServerOP_UsertoWorldResp; outpack->size = sizeof(UsertoWorldResponse_Struct); outpack->pBuffer = new uchar[outpack->size]; memset(outpack->pBuffer, 0, outpack->size); UsertoWorldResponse_Struct* utwrs = (UsertoWorldResponse_Struct*) outpack->pBuffer; utwrs->lsaccountid = utwr->lsaccountid; utwrs->char_id = utwr->char_id; utwrs->ToID = utwr->FromID; int32 timestamp = Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp(); utwrs->access_key = timestamp; // set default response to 0 utwrs->response = 0; sint16 lowestStatus = database.GetLowestCharacterAdminStatus( utwr->lsaccountid ); sint16 status = 0; if(lowestStatus == -2) status = -1; else status = database.GetCharacterAdminStatus ( utwr->lsaccountid , utwr->char_id ); if(status < 100 && zone_list.ClientConnected(utwr->lsaccountid)) status = -9; if(status < 0){ LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 0, "World", "Login Rejected based on PLAY_ERROR (UserStatus) (MinStatus: %i), UserStatus: %i, CharID: %i",loginserver.minLockedStatus,status,utwr->char_id ); switch(status){ case -10: utwrs->response = PLAY_ERROR_CHAR_NOT_LOADED; break; case -9: utwrs->response = 0;//PLAY_ERROR_ACCOUNT_IN_USE; break; case -8: utwrs->response = PLAY_ERROR_LOADING_ERROR; break; case -1: utwrs->response = PLAY_ERROR_ACCOUNT_BANNED; break; default: utwrs->response = PLAY_ERROR_PROBLEM; } } else if(net.world_locked == true){ LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Login Lock Check (MinStatus: %i):, UserStatus: %i, CharID: %i",loginserver.minLockedStatus,status,utwr->char_id ); // has high enough status, allow it if(status >= loginserver.minLockedStatus) utwrs->response = 1; } else if(loginserver.maxPlayers > -1 && ((sint16)client_list.Count()) >= loginserver.maxPlayers) { LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 0, "World", "Login GameFull Check (MinStatus: %i):, UserStatus: %i, CharID: %i",loginserver.minGameFullStatus,status,utwr->char_id ); // has high enough status, allow it if(status >= loginserver.minGameFullStatus) { utwrs->response = 1; } else utwrs->response = -3; // server full response is -3 } else utwrs->response = 1; /*sint32 x = database.CommandRequirement("$MAXCLIENTS"); if( (sint32)numplayers >= x && x != -1 && x != 255 && status < 80) utwrs->response = -3; if(status == -1) utwrs->response = -1; if(status == -2) utwrs->response = -2; */ //printf("Response is %i for %i\n",utwrs->response,id);struct sockaddr_in sa; int32 ipv4addr = 0; int result = 0; #ifdef WIN32 struct sockaddr_in myaddr; ZeroMemory(&myaddr, sizeof(myaddr)); result = InetPton(AF_INET, utwr->ip_address, &(myaddr.sin_addr)); if(result) ipv4addr = ntohl(myaddr.sin_addr.s_addr); #else result = inet_pton(AF_INET, utwr->ip_address, &ipv4addr); if(result) ipv4addr = ntohl(ipv4addr); #endif if (((result > 0 && IsPrivateAddress(ipv4addr)) || (strcmp(net.GetWorldAddress(), utwr->ip_address) == 0)) && (strlen(net.GetInternalWorldAddress()) > 0)) strcpy(utwrs->ip_address, net.GetInternalWorldAddress()); else strcpy(utwrs->ip_address, net.GetWorldAddress()); LogWrite(CCLIENT__INFO, 0, "World", "New client login attempt from %s, providing %s as the world server address.",utwr->ip_address, utwrs->ip_address ); utwrs->port = net.GetWorldPort(); utwrs->worldid = utwr->worldid; SendPacket(outpack); delete outpack; LogWrite(LOGIN__TRACE, 9, "Login", "Exit: %s with timestamp=%u", __FUNCTION__, timestamp); // depending on the response determined above, this could return 0 (for failure) return timestamp; }