/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #ifndef __EQ2_NPC__ #define __EQ2_NPC__ #include #include "Entity.h" #include "MutexMap.h" #define AI_STRATEGY_BALANCED 1 #define AI_STRATEGY_OFFENSIVE 2 #define AI_STRATEGY_DEFENSIVE 3 // Randomize Appearances #define RANDOMIZE_GENDER 1 #define RANDOMIZE_RACE 2 #define RANDOMIZE_MODEL_TYPE 4 // Randomize appearance id (spawn_npcs table values) #define RANDOMIZE_FACIAL_HAIR_TYPE 8 // was RANDOMIZE_FACIAL_HAIR #define RANDOMIZE_HAIR_TYPE 16 // was RANDOMIZE_HAIR //#define RANDOMIZE_LEGS_TYPE 32 // spare! #define RANDOMIZE_WING_TYPE 64 // Randomize parameters (npc_appearances, sInt values) #define RANDOMIZE_CHEEK_TYPE 128 #define RANDOMIZE_CHIN_TYPE 256 #define RANDOMIZE_EAR_TYPE 512 #define RANDOMIZE_EYE_BROW_TYPE 1024 #define RANDOMIZE_EYE_TYPE 2048 #define RANDOMIZE_LIP_TYPE 4096 #define RANDOMIZE_NOSE_TYPE 8192 // Randomize colors/hues (npc_appearances, RGB values) #define RANDOMIZE_EYE_COLOR 16384 #define RANDOMIZE_HAIR_COLOR1 32768 #define RANDOMIZE_HAIR_COLOR2 65536 #define RANDOMIZE_HAIR_HIGHLIGHT 131072 #define RANDOMIZE_HAIR_FACE_COLOR 262144 // was RANDOMIZE_FACIAL_HAIR_COLOR #define RANDOMIZE_HAIR_FACE_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR 524288 #define RANDOMIZE_HAIR_TYPE_COLOR 1048576 // was RANDOMIZE_HAIR_COLOR #define RANDOMIZE_HAIR_TYPE_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR 2097152 #define RANDOMIZE_SKIN_COLOR 4194304 #define RANDOMIZE_WING_COLOR1 8388608 #define RANDOMIZE_WING_COLOR2 16777216 // All Flags On: 33554431 #define PET_TYPE_COMBAT 1 #define PET_TYPE_CHARMED 2 #define PET_TYPE_DEITY 3 #define PET_TYPE_COSMETIC 4 #define PET_TYPE_DUMBFIRE 5 enum CAST_TYPE { CAST_ON_SPAWN=0, CAST_ON_AGGRO=1, MAX_CAST_TYPES=2 }; class Brain; class NPCSpell { public: NPCSpell() { } NPCSpell(NPCSpell* inherit) { list_id = inherit->list_id; spell_id = inherit->spell_id; tier = inherit->tier; cast_on_spawn = inherit->cast_on_spawn; cast_on_initial_aggro = inherit->cast_on_initial_aggro; } int32 list_id; int32 spell_id; int8 tier; bool cast_on_spawn; bool cast_on_initial_aggro; }; class NPC : public Entity { public: NPC(); NPC(NPC* old_npc); virtual ~NPC(); void Initialize(); EQ2Packet* serialize(Player* player, int16 version); void SetAppearanceID(int32 id){ appearance_id = id; } int32 GetAppearanceID(){ return appearance_id; } bool IsNPC(){ return true; } void StartRunback(bool reset_hp_on_runback = false); void InCombat(bool val); bool HandleUse(Client* client, string type); void SetRandomize(int32 value) {appearance.randomize = value;} void AddRandomize(sint32 value) {appearance.randomize += value;} int32 GetRandomize() {return appearance.randomize;} bool CheckSameAppearance(string name, int16 id); void Randomize(NPC* npc, int32 flags); Skill* GetSkillByName(const char* name, bool check_update = false); Skill* GetSkillByID(int32 id, bool check_update = false); int8 GetAttackType(); void SetAIStrategy(int8 strategy); int8 GetAIStrategy(); void SetPrimarySpellList(int32 id); int32 GetPrimarySpellList(); void SetSecondarySpellList(int32 id); int32 GetSecondarySpellList(); void SetPrimarySkillList(int32 id); int32 GetPrimarySkillList(); void SetSecondarySkillList(int32 id); int32 GetSecondarySkillList(); void SetEquipmentListID(int32 id); int32 GetEquipmentListID(); Spell* GetNextSpell(Spawn* target, float distance); virtual Spell* GetNextBuffSpell(Spawn* target = 0); void SetAggroRadius(float radius, bool overrideBaseValue = false); float GetAggroRadius(); float GetBaseAggroRadius() { return base_aggro_radius; } void SetCastPercentage(int8 percentage); int8 GetCastPercentage(); void SetSkills(map* in_skills); void SetSpells(vector* in_spells); void SetRunbackLocation(float x, float y, float z, int32 gridid, bool set_hp_runback = false); MovementLocation* GetRunbackLocation(); float GetRunbackDistance(); void Runback(float distance=0.0f, bool stopFollowing = true); void ClearRunback(); virtual bool PauseMovement(int32 period_of_time_ms); virtual bool IsPauseMovementTimerActive(); void AddSkillBonus(int32 spell_id, int32 skill_id, float value); virtual void RemoveSkillBonus(int32 spell_id); virtual void SetZone(ZoneServer* zone, int32 version=0); void SetMaxPetLevel(int8 val) { m_petMaxLevel = val; } int8 GetMaxPetLevel() { return m_petMaxLevel; } void ProcessCombat(); /// Sets the brain this NPC should use /// The brain this npc should use void SetBrain(Brain* brain); /// Gets the current brain this NPC uses /// The Brain this NPC uses ::Brain* Brain() { return m_brain; } bool m_runningBack; sint16 m_runbackHeadingDir1; sint16 m_runbackHeadingDir2; int32 GetShardID() { return m_ShardID; } void SetShardID(int32 shardid) { m_ShardID = shardid; } int32 GetShardCharID() { return m_ShardCharID; } void SetShardCharID(int32 charid) { m_ShardCharID = charid; } sint64 GetShardCreatedTimestamp() { return m_ShardCreatedTimestamp; } void SetShardCreatedTimestamp(sint64 timestamp) { m_ShardCreatedTimestamp = timestamp; } bool HasSpells() { return has_spells; } std::atomic m_call_runback; std::atomic cast_on_aggro_completed; private: MovementLocation* runback; int8 cast_percentage; float aggro_radius; float base_aggro_radius; Spell* GetNextSpell(float distance, int8 type); map* skills; vector* spells; vector cast_on_spells[CAST_TYPE::MAX_CAST_TYPES]; int32 primary_spell_list; int32 secondary_spell_list; int32 primary_skill_list; int32 secondary_skill_list; int32 equipment_list_id; int8 attack_type; int8 ai_strategy; int32 appearance_id; int32 npc_id; MutexMap skill_bonus_list; int8 m_petMaxLevel; // Because I named the get function Brain() as well we need to use '::' to specify we are refering to // the brain class and not the function defined above ::Brain* m_brain; Mutex MBrain; int32 m_ShardID; int32 m_ShardCharID; sint64 m_ShardCreatedTimestamp; bool has_spells; }; #endif