--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/CoveofDecay/RognogtheAngler.lua Script Author : Neveruary Script Date : 2022.03.01 05:03:34 Script Purpose : Governs the behavior of Rognog the Angler(x2) in Cove of Decay: Epic Angler. Script Notes : Spell IDs still need to be collected. Rognog starts on spawn as not attackable. : After all "a catch" mobs are dead, he attacks the player who killed his last fish. : The crabs in the zone also attack the player. --]] spells = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} -- need to get spell IDs/names -- basic inclusions for mob behavior here function spawn(NPC) SpawnSet(NPC, "attackable", "0") end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end function healthchanged(NPC, Spawn) -- at 50%, begin spawning the x4 version of this mob. if GetHP(NPC) <= GetMaxHP(NPC) * 0.5 then SpawnSet(NPC, "attackable", "0") ClearHate(NPC) AddTimer(NPC, 500, "spawnx4", 1, Spawn) end end function spawnx4(NPC, Spawn) -- spawns x4 by location ID. x4 despawns this mob. local zone = GetZone(NPC) local rognogx4 = SpawnByLocationID(zone, 133772888) if rognogx4 ~= nil then AddTimer(rognogx4, 500, "despawnx2") Attack(rognogx4, Spawn) end end