--[[ Script Name : Spells/Fighter/Crusader/Paladin/HolyCircle.lua Script Author : Jabantiz(revamp Neatz09) Script Date : 2013.12.05 09:12:58 Script Purpose : Revamped for pct heal 12/27/2020 : --]] function cast(Caster, Target, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal, HealMin, HealMax) local Val1 = HealMin local Val2 = HealMax local HealAmt = randomFloat(Val1, Val2) -- Inflicts 25 - 43 divine damage on targets in Area of Effect SpellDamage(Target, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) -- Heals group members (AE) for 13 -- This effect cannot be critically applied. -- The healing of this spell cannot be modified except by direct means local group = GetGroup(Caster) if group == nil then SpellHealPct("Heal", HealAmt, false, true, Caster, 1, true) else for key,value in pairs(group) do if value ~= nil then if GetDistance(Caster, value) <= 5 then SpellHealPct("Heal", HealAmt, false, true, Caster, 1, true) end end end end end function randomFloat(Val1, Val2) return Val1 + math.random() * (Val2 - Val1); end