// Copyright 2015-2018 Hans Dembinski // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt // or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) //[ guide_indexed_access #include #include #include #include #include // for std::accumulate #include using namespace boost::histogram; int main() { // make histogram with 2 x 2 = 4 bins (not counting under-/overflow bins) auto h = make_histogram(axis::regular<>(2, -1.0, 1.0), axis::regular<>(2, 2.0, 4.0)); h(weight(1), -0.5, 2.5); // bin index 0, 0 h(weight(2), -0.5, 3.5); // bin index 0, 1 h(weight(3), 0.5, 2.5); // bin index 1, 0 h(weight(4), 0.5, 3.5); // bin index 1, 1 // use the `indexed` range adaptor to iterate over all bins; // it is not only more convenient but also faster than a hand-crafted loop! std::ostringstream os; for (auto&& x : indexed(h)) { // x is a special accessor object const auto i = x.index(0); // current index along first axis const auto j = x.index(1); // current index along second axis const auto b0 = x.bin(0); // current bin interval along first axis const auto b1 = x.bin(1); // current bin interval along second axis const auto v = *x; // "dereference" to get the bin value os << boost::format("%i %i [%2i, %i) [%2i, %i): %i\n") % i % j % b0.lower() % b0.upper() % b1.lower() % b1.upper() % v; } std::cout << os.str() << std::flush; assert(os.str() == "0 0 [-1, 0) [ 2, 3): 1\n" "1 0 [ 0, 1) [ 2, 3): 3\n" "0 1 [-1, 0) [ 3, 4): 2\n" "1 1 [ 0, 1) [ 3, 4): 4\n"); // `indexed` skips underflow and overflow bins by default, but can be called // with the second argument `coverage::all` to walk over all bins std::ostringstream os2; for (auto&& x : indexed(h, coverage::all)) { os2 << boost::format("%2i %2i: %i\n") % x.index(0) % x.index(1) % *x; } std::cout << os2.str() << std::flush; assert(os2.str() == "-1 -1: 0\n" " 0 -1: 0\n" " 1 -1: 0\n" " 2 -1: 0\n" "-1 0: 0\n" " 0 0: 1\n" " 1 0: 3\n" " 2 0: 0\n" "-1 1: 0\n" " 0 1: 2\n" " 1 1: 4\n" " 2 1: 0\n" "-1 2: 0\n" " 0 2: 0\n" " 1 2: 0\n" " 2 2: 0\n"); } //]