[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk 1.1.1, don't change, will be overwritten automatically] [/ Generated from xml/group__rtree__functions.xml] [section:group__rtree__functions R-tree free functions (boost::geometry::index::)] [heading Functions] [table [[Function][Description]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1gada4f62111ed22eb2860ea30995c1ce60 `insert(rtree<...> &, Value const &)`]][Insert a value to the index. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1ga056469ea699e609e67762fe1b789997f `insert(rtree<...> &, Iterator, Iterator)`]][Insert a range of values to the index. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1gab4edad000d63eb103f2dad3813ceb2b3 `insert(rtree<...> &, ConvertibleOrRange const &)`]][Insert a value created using convertible object or a range of values to the index. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1gaf353d90fd933e6110b031f63166fb45a `remove(rtree<...> &, Value const &)`]][Remove a value from the container. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1gaa460a8985496cf133f63f245527ac6e7 `remove(rtree<...> &, Iterator, Iterator)`]][Remove a range of values from the container. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1ga700c922f8b4d5ebd073e999e12b55249 `remove(rtree<...> &, ConvertibleOrRange const &)`]][Remove a value corresponding to an object convertible to it or a range of values from the container. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1gadb43b211d5d743ebe2ef256328286e95 `query(rtree<...> const &, Predicates const &, OutIter)`]][Finds values meeting passed predicates e.g. nearest to some Point and/or intersecting some Box. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1ga45c2b7b112bf730d10367e10df62aa3c `qbegin(rtree<...> const &, Predicates const &)`]][Returns the query iterator pointing at the begin of the query range. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1ga5c9a1eb0421bf2c702392247d48143e5 `qend(rtree<...> const &)`]][Returns the query iterator pointing at the end of the query range. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1ga2467dc6ac90303496abd6ebd136eba18 `begin(rtree<...> const &)`]][Returns the iterator pointing at the begin of the rtree values range. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1ga8fd1e53d8492643cbc9840ff715bb736 `end(rtree<...> const &)`]][Returns the iterator pointing at the end of the rtree values range. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1gabaca6c24c3838a8164aa3700c459e7a4 `clear(rtree<...> &)`]][Remove all values from the index. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1gaa19a09e7b5f0a86a4b74ef2342de1d68 `size(rtree<...> const &)`]][Get the number of values stored in the index. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1gaba44e2fb12fdc7b528bfee56a88e0844 `empty(rtree<...> const &)`]][Query if there are no values stored in the index. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1ga4e43e7720c66e88959ff511a7462a3ff `bounds(rtree<...> const &)`]][Get the box containing all stored values or an invalid box if the index has no values. ]] [[[link group__rtree__functions_1gaa1250318a78d7e27ba8f3537eb0ddb3f `swap(rtree<...> &, rtree<...> &)`]][Exchanges the contents of the container with those of other. ]] ] [#group__rtree__functions_1gada4f62111ed22eb2860ea30995c1ce60] [section insert(rtree<...> &, Value const &)] '''insert''' Insert a value to the index. [heading Description] It calls [^[link classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1rtree_1ad47980467e66b8644df18a480dbf9d86 rtree::insert(value_type const&)]].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``>` `void` `insert``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &` `tree``,` `Value const &` `v``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &`][ `tree` ][The spatial index. ]] [[`Value const &`][ `v` ][The value which will be stored in the index. ]] ] [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1ga056469ea699e609e67762fe1b789997f] [section insert(rtree<...> &, Iterator, Iterator)] '''insert''' Insert a range of values to the index. [heading Description] It calls [^[link classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1rtree_1a60d4c8790fd8810ff8b57f049e6bed8d rtree::insert(Iterator, Iterator)]].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``,` `typename Iterator``>` `void` `insert``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &` `tree``,` `Iterator` `first``,` `Iterator` `last``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &`][ `tree` ][The spatial index. ]] [[`Iterator`][ `first` ][The beginning of the range of values. ]] [[`Iterator`][ `last` ][The end of the range of values. ]] ] [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1gab4edad000d63eb103f2dad3813ceb2b3] [section insert(rtree<...> &, ConvertibleOrRange const &)] '''insert''' Insert a value created using convertible object or a range of values to the index. [heading Description] It calls [^[link classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1rtree_1a5db294b14ebf1319edcfc92e78c8167e rtree::insert(ConvertibleOrRange const&)]].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``,` `typename ConvertibleOrRange``>` `void` `insert``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &` `tree``,` `ConvertibleOrRange const &` `conv_or_rng``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &`][ `tree` ][The spatial index. ]] [[`ConvertibleOrRange const &`][ `conv_or_rng` ][The object of type convertible to value_type or a range of values. ]] ] [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1gaf353d90fd933e6110b031f63166fb45a] [section remove(rtree<...> &, Value const &)] '''remove''' Remove a value from the container. [heading Description] Remove a value from the container. In contrast to the [^`std::set`] or [^`std::map erase()`] method this function removes only one value from the container. It calls [^[link classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1rtree_1a1ce933b0b833faec5349bfc27bde15d4 rtree::remove(value_type const&)]].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``>` `rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::size_type` `remove``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &` `tree``,` `Value const &` `v``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &`][ `tree` ][The spatial index. ]] [[`Value const &`][ `v` ][The value which will be removed from the index.]] ] [heading Returns] 1 if value was removed, 0 otherwise. [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1gaa460a8985496cf133f63f245527ac6e7] [section remove(rtree<...> &, Iterator, Iterator)] '''remove''' Remove a range of values from the container. [heading Description] Remove a range of values from the container. In contrast to the [^`std::set`] or [^`std::map erase()`] method it doesn't take iterators pointing to values stored in this container. It removes values equal to these passed as a range. Furthermore this function removes only one value for each one passed in the range, not all equal values. It calls [^[link classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1rtree_1aa97084231d17564a94f0142d095cecaa rtree::remove(Iterator, Iterator)]].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``,` `typename Iterator``>` `rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::size_type` `remove``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &` `tree``,` `Iterator` `first``,` `Iterator` `last``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &`][ `tree` ][The spatial index. ]] [[`Iterator`][ `first` ][The beginning of the range of values. ]] [[`Iterator`][ `last` ][The end of the range of values.]] ] [heading Returns] The number of removed values. [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1ga700c922f8b4d5ebd073e999e12b55249] [section remove(rtree<...> &, ConvertibleOrRange const &)] '''remove''' Remove a value corresponding to an object convertible to it or a range of values from the container. [heading Description] Remove a value corresponding to an object convertible to it or a range of values from the container. In contrast to the [^`std::set`] or [^`std::map erase()`] method it removes values equal to these passed as a range. Furthermore this method removes only one value for each one passed in the range, not all equal values. It calls [^[link classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1rtree_1a320cd1861ba7b43364ed53e1f93a4411 rtree::remove(ConvertibleOrRange const&)]].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``,` `typename ConvertibleOrRange``>` `rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::size_type` `remove``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &` `tree``,` `ConvertibleOrRange const &` `conv_or_rng``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &`][ `tree` ][The spatial index. ]] [[`ConvertibleOrRange const &`][ `conv_or_rng` ][The object of type convertible to value_type or the range of values.]] ] [heading Returns] The number of removed values. [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1gadb43b211d5d743ebe2ef256328286e95] [section query(rtree<...> const &, Predicates const &, OutIter)] '''query''' Finds values meeting passed predicates e.g. nearest to some Point and/or intersecting some Box. [heading Description] This query function performs spatial and k-nearest neighbor searches. It allows to pass a set of predicates. Values will be returned only if all predicates are met. [*Spatial predicates] Spatial predicates may be generated by one of the functions listed below: * [^[link group__predicates_1gac52a6557110425d4ece53fbd6f9ff866 boost::geometry::index::contains()]], * [^[link group__predicates_1ga02dbb7cca47de0b921ef96af464d9590 boost::geometry::index::covered_by()]], * [^[link group__predicates_1ga0e92e4a20dd19185584fe85847439108 boost::geometry::index::covers()]], * [^[link group__predicates_1ga0aa114ab16f40c8caeb3338adba5d6da boost::geometry::index::disjoint()]], * [^[link group__predicates_1ga78cb2ef221b951867c591ffb51b7d8c5 boost::geometry::index::intersects()]], * [^[link group__predicates_1ga4a6d33e6f61ad5bff3bdee50a972d54b boost::geometry::index::overlaps()]], * [^[link group__predicates_1gaabce901b82af2aab10ebbd0dda12f4d5 boost::geometry::index::within()]], It is possible to negate spatial predicates: * [^`! `[link group__predicates_1gac52a6557110425d4ece53fbd6f9ff866 boost::geometry::index::contains()]], * [^`! `[link group__predicates_1ga02dbb7cca47de0b921ef96af464d9590 boost::geometry::index::covered_by()]], * [^`! `[link group__predicates_1ga0e92e4a20dd19185584fe85847439108 boost::geometry::index::covers()]], * [^`! `[link group__predicates_1ga0aa114ab16f40c8caeb3338adba5d6da boost::geometry::index::disjoint()]], * [^`! `[link group__predicates_1ga78cb2ef221b951867c591ffb51b7d8c5 boost::geometry::index::intersects()]], * [^`! `[link group__predicates_1ga4a6d33e6f61ad5bff3bdee50a972d54b boost::geometry::index::overlaps()]], * [^`! `[link group__predicates_1gaabce901b82af2aab10ebbd0dda12f4d5 boost::geometry::index::within()]] [*Satisfies predicate] This is a special kind of predicate which allows to pass a user-defined function or function object which checks if Value should be returned by the query. It's generated by: * [^[link group__predicates_1ga3213772dd3e54ad03340c2ca66b4f58c boost::geometry::index::satisfies()]]. [*Nearest predicate] If the nearest predicate is passed a k-nearest neighbor search will be performed. This query will result in returning k values to the output iterator. Only one nearest predicate may be passed to the query. It may be generated by: * [^[link group__predicates_1ga8772d9d3e5b12b3292f7d94d47310e3e boost::geometry::index::nearest()]]. [*Connecting predicates] Predicates may be passed together connected with [^`operator&&()`].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``,` `typename Predicates``,` `typename OutIter``>` `rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::size_type` `query``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &` `tree``,` `Predicates const &` `predicates``,` `OutIter` `out_it``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &`][ `tree` ][The rtree. ]] [[`Predicates const &`][ `predicates` ][Predicates. ]] [[`OutIter`][ `out_it` ][The output iterator, e.g. generated by std::back_inserter().]] ] [heading Returns] The number of values found. [heading Example] `` // return elements intersecting box bgi::query(tree, bgi::intersects(box), std::back_inserter(result)); // return elements intersecting poly but not within box bgi::query(tree, bgi::intersects(poly) && !bgi::within(box), std::back_inserter(result)); // return elements overlapping box and meeting my_fun value predicate bgi::query(tree, bgi::overlaps(box) && bgi::satisfies(my_fun), std::back_inserter(result)); // return 5 elements nearest to pt and elements are intersecting box bgi::query(tree, bgi::nearest(pt, 5) && bgi::intersects(box), std::back_inserter(result)); // For each found value do_something (it is a type of function object) tree.query(bgi::intersects(box), boost::make_function_output_iterator(do_something())); `` [heading Throws] If Value copy constructor or copy assignment throws. [warning Only one [^[link group__predicates_1ga8772d9d3e5b12b3292f7d94d47310e3e nearest()]] predicate may be passed to the query. Passing more of them results in compile-time error.] [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1ga45c2b7b112bf730d10367e10df62aa3c] [section qbegin(rtree<...> const &, Predicates const &)] '''qbegin''' Returns the query iterator pointing at the begin of the query range. [heading Description] This method returns the iterator which may be used to perform iterative queries. For the information about the predicates which may be passed to this method see [link group__rtree__functions_1gadb43b211d5d743ebe2ef256328286e95 query()].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``,` `typename Predicates``>` `rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::const_query_iterator` `qbegin``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &` `tree``,` `Predicates const &` `predicates``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &`][ `tree` ][The rtree. ]] [[`Predicates const &`][ `predicates` ][Predicates.]] ] [heading Returns] The iterator pointing at the begin of the query range. [heading Example] `` std::for_each(bgi::qbegin(tree, bgi::nearest(pt, 3)), bgi::qend(tree), do_something()); `` [heading Iterator category] ForwardIterator [heading Throws] If predicates copy throws. If allocation throws. [warning The modification of the rtree may invalidate the iterators.] [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1ga5c9a1eb0421bf2c702392247d48143e5] [section qend(rtree<...> const &)] '''qend''' Returns the query iterator pointing at the end of the query range. [heading Description] This method returns the iterator which may be used to check if the query has ended.[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``>` `rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::const_query_iterator` `qend``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &` `tree``)` ] [heading Returns] The iterator pointing at the end of the query range. [heading Example] `` std::for_each(bgi::qbegin(tree, bgi::nearest(pt, 3)), bgi::qend(tree), do_something()); `` [heading Iterator category] ForwardIterator [heading Throws] Nothing [warning The modification of the rtree may invalidate the iterators.] [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1ga2467dc6ac90303496abd6ebd136eba18] [section begin(rtree<...> const &)] '''begin''' Returns the iterator pointing at the begin of the rtree values range. [heading Description] This method returns the iterator which may be used to iterate over all values stored in the rtree.[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``>` `rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::const_iterator` `begin``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &` `tree``)` ] [heading Returns] The iterator pointing at the begin of the range. [heading Example] `` std::for_each(bgi::begin(tree), bgi::end(tree), do_something()); // the same as std::for_each(boost::begin(tree), boost::end(tree), do_something()); `` [heading Iterator category] ForwardIterator [heading Throws] If allocation throws. [warning The modification of the rtree may invalidate the iterators.] [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1ga8fd1e53d8492643cbc9840ff715bb736] [section end(rtree<...> const &)] '''end''' Returns the iterator pointing at the end of the rtree values range. [heading Description] This method returns the iterator which may be compared with the iterator returned by [link group__rtree__functions_1ga2467dc6ac90303496abd6ebd136eba18 begin()] in order to check if the iteration has ended.[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``>` `rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::const_iterator` `end``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &` `tree``)` ] [heading Returns] The iterator pointing at the end of the range. [heading Example] `` std::for_each(bgi::begin(tree), bgi::end(tree), do_something()); // the same as std::for_each(boost::begin(tree), boost::end(tree), do_something()); `` [heading Iterator category] ForwardIterator [heading Throws] Nothing. [warning The modification of the rtree may invalidate the iterators.] [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1gabaca6c24c3838a8164aa3700c459e7a4] [section clear(rtree<...> &)] '''clear''' Remove all values from the index. [heading Description] It calls [^[link classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1rtree_1a1bec40977c175983f585c4488cf8fe3c rtree::clear()]].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``>` `void` `clear``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &` `tree``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &`][ `tree` ][The spatial index. ]] ] [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1gaa19a09e7b5f0a86a4b74ef2342de1d68] [section size(rtree<...> const &)] '''size''' Get the number of values stored in the index. [heading Description] It calls [^[link classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1rtree_1a7a7bfa3ce751e0c357c36e1bb238c523 rtree::size()]].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``>` `size_t` `size``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &` `tree``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &`][ `tree` ][The spatial index.]] ] [heading Returns] The number of values stored in the index. [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1gaba44e2fb12fdc7b528bfee56a88e0844] [section empty(rtree<...> const &)] '''empty''' Query if there are no values stored in the index. [heading Description] It calls [^[link classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1rtree_1a18bed92ff302df192215c3809fe5272e rtree::empty()]].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``>` `bool` `empty``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &` `tree``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &`][ `tree` ][The spatial index.]] ] [heading Returns] true if there are no values in the index. [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1ga4e43e7720c66e88959ff511a7462a3ff] [section bounds(rtree<...> const &)] '''bounds''' Get the box containing all stored values or an invalid box if the index has no values. [heading Description] It calls [^`rtree::envelope()`].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``>` `rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::bounds_type` `bounds``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &` `tree``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > const &`][ `tree` ][The spatial index.]] ] [heading Returns] The box containing all stored values or an invalid box. [endsect] [#group__rtree__functions_1gaa1250318a78d7e27ba8f3537eb0ddb3f] [section swap(rtree<...> &, rtree<...> &)] '''swap''' Exchanges the contents of the container with those of other. [heading Description] It calls [^[link classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1rtree_1aedb719dfece91d298e9ee56878524c9b rtree::swap()]].[heading Synopsis] [pre `template<``typename Value``,` `typename Parameters``,` `typename IndexableGetter``,` `typename EqualTo``,` `typename Allocator``>` `void` `swap``(``rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &` `l``,` `rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &` `r``)` ] [heading Parameter(s)] [table [[Type][Name][Description]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &`][ `l` ][The first rtree. ]] [[`rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator > &`][ `r` ][The second rtree. ]] ] [endsect] [endsect]