[/============================================================================ Boost.Geometry Index Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Adam Wulkiewicz. Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) =============================================================================/] [section Exception safety] In order to be exception-safe the __rtree__ requires: * exception-safe copy constructor and copy assignment of the `__value__`. * exception-safe copy constructor and copy assignment of the `CoordinateType` used in the `Indexable`. * nonthrowing copy constructor of the `Translator`. * nonthrowing destructors of above types. [table [[Operation] [exception-safety]] [[`rtree()`] [ /nothrow/ ]] [[`rtree(Iterator, Iterator)`] [ *strong* ]] [[`~rtree()`] [ /nothrow/ ]] [[][]] [[`rtree(rtree const&)`] [ *strong* ]] [[`operator=(rtree const&)`] [ *strong* ]] [[][]] [[`rtree(rtree &&)`] [ /nothrow/ ]] [[`operator=(rtree &&)`] [ /nothrow/ or *strong* [footnote /nothrow/ - if allocators are equal, *strong* - otherwise]]] [[`swap(rtree &)`] [ /nothrow/ ]] [[][]] [[`insert(__value__)`] [ not safe [footnote If this operation throws, the R-tree may be left in an inconsistent state, elements must not be inserted or removed, methods may return invalid data.]]] [[`insert(Iterator, Iterator)`][ not safe ]] [[`insert(Range)`] [ not safe ]] [[`remove(__value__)`] [ not safe ]] [[`remove(Iterator, Iterator)`][ not safe ]] [[`remove(Range)`] [ not safe ]] [[`clear()`] [ /nothrow/ ]] [[][]] [[`spatial_query(...)`] [ *strong* ]] [[`nearest_query(...)`] [ *strong* ]] [[`count(ValueOrIndexable)`] [ /nothrow/ ]] [[][]] [[`size()`] [ /nothrow/ ]] [[`empty()`] [ /nothrow/ ]] [[`box()`] [ /nothrow/ or *strong* [footnote /nothrow/ - if `CoordinateType` has nonthrowing copy constructor, *strong* - otherwise]]] [[][]] [[`get_allocator()`] [ /nothrow/ ]] [[`parameters()`] [ /nothrow/ ]] [[`translator()`] [ /nothrow/ ]] ] [endsect] [/Exception safety/]