# # Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # import path ; import configure ; import ../../build/log-platform-config ; rule has-config-flag ( flag : properties * ) { if ( "$(flag)" in $(properties) || "$(flag)=1" in $(properties) ) { return 1 ; } else { return ; } } rule check-message-compiler ( properties * ) { local result ; if windows in $(properties) { if ! [ has-config-flag BOOST_LOG_WITHOUT_EVENT_LOG : $(properties) ] { local has_mc = [ configure.builds /boost/log/message-compiler//test-availability : $(properties) : message-compiler ] ; if ! $(has_mc) { result = BOOST_LOG_WITHOUT_EVENT_LOG ; } } else { # This branch is needed to fix building with MinGW result = BOOST_LOG_WITHOUT_EVENT_LOG ; } } else { result = BOOST_LOG_WITHOUT_EVENT_LOG ; } return $(result) ; } project : requirements @log-platform-config.set-platform-defines @check-message-compiler shared:BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK msvc:_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS msvc:_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE msvc:_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS msvc:_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE msvc:/bigobj msvc:/wd4503 # decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated msvc:/wd4456 # declaration of 'A' hides previous local declaration msvc:/wd4459 # declaration of 'A' hides global declaration msvc:/wd4003 # not enough actual parameters for macro 'X' - caused by BOOST_PP_IS_EMPTY and BOOST_PP_IS_BEGIN_PARENS which are used by Fusion intel-win:_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS intel-win:_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE intel-win:_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS intel-win:_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE darwin:-ftemplate-depth-1024 gcc:-ftemplate-depth-1024 gcc:-fno-strict-aliasing # avoids strict aliasing violations in other Boost components # Disable Intel warnings: # warning #177: function "X" was declared but never referenced # warning #780: using-declaration ignored -- it refers to the current namespace # warning #2196: routine is both "inline" and "noinline" # remark #1782: #pragma once is obsolete. Use #ifndef guard instead. # remark #193: zero used for undefined preprocessing identifier "X" # remark #304: access control not specified ("public" by default) # remark #981: operands are evaluated in unspecified order # remark #1418: external function definition with no prior declaration # Mostly comes from Boost.Phoenix: warning #411: class "X" defines no constructor to initialize the following: reference member "Y"... # warning #734: "X" (declared at line N of "file.hpp"), required for copy that was eliminated, is inaccessible # warning #279: controlling expression is constant intel-win:"/Qwd177,780,2196,1782,193,304,981,1418,411,734,279" intel-linux:"-wd177,780,2196,1782,193,304,981,1418,411,734,279" intel-darwin:"-wd177,780,2196,1782,193,304,981,1418,411,734,279" # Boost.Interprocess does not compile on Cygwin: https://github.com/boostorg/interprocess/issues/76 cygwin:BOOST_LOG_WITHOUT_IPC /boost/log//boost_log /boost/log//boost_log_setup /boost/date_time//boost_date_time /boost/filesystem//boost_filesystem /boost/thread//boost_thread multi ; # Compiles each .cpp file in this directory into a separate executable rule compile_all { #ECHO executing compile_all rule ; local all_rules = ; for local file in [ glob *.cpp ] { local exename = [ MATCH "([^.]*).cpp$" : [ path.basename $(file) ] ] ; #ECHO "exename = $(exename)" ; all_rules += [ exe $(exename) : $(file) ] ; } #ECHO $(all_rules) ; return $(all_rules) ; } compile_all ;