++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |Boost| Pointer Container Library ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. |Boost| image:: boost.png Class ``reversible_ptr_container`` ------------------------------------ This class is not a real class that can be found in the library. Its purpose is to present the general interface of all the pointer containers. **Hierarchy:** - ``reversible_ptr_container`` - `ptr_sequence_adapter `_ - `ptr_vector `_ - `ptr_list `_ - `ptr_deque `_ - `ptr_array `_ - `associative_ptr_container `_ - `ptr_set_adapter `_ - `ptr_multiset_adapter `_ - `ptr_map_adapter `_ - `ptr_multi_map_adapter `_ - `ptr_set `_ - `ptr_multi_set `_ - `ptr_map `_ - `ptr_multimap `_ **Navigate:** - `home `_ - `reference `_ **synopsis:** .. parsed-literal:: namespace boost { template < class T, class CloneAllocator, class VoidPtrContainer > class reversible_ptr_container { public: // `typedefs`_ typedef T* value_type; typedef T& reference; typedef const T& const_reference; typedef *implementation defined* iterator; typedef *implementation defined* const_iterator; typedef typename VoidPtrContainer::differnce_type difference_type; typedef typename VoidPtrContainer::size_type size_type; typedef typename VoidPtrContainer::allocator_type allocator_type; typedef *implementation defined* reverse_iterator; typedef *implementation defined* const_reverse_iterator; typedef *implementation defined* auto_type; public: // `construct/copy/destroy`_ reversible_ptr_container(); explicit reversible_ptr_container( const reversible_ptr_container& r ); template< class Derived > explicit reversible_ptr_container( const reversible_ptr_container& r ); explicit reversible_ptr_container( compatible-smart-ptr r ); template< class InputIterator > reversible_ptr_container( InputIterator first, InputIterator last ); ~reversible_ptr_container(); reversible_ptr_container& operator=( const reversible_ptr_container& r ); template reversible_ptr_container& operator=( const reversible_ptr_container& r ); reversible_ptr_container& operator=( compatible-smart-ptr r ); allocator_type get_allocator() const; public: // `iterators`_ iterator begin(); const_iterator begin() const; iterator end(); const_iterator end() const; reverse_iterator rbegin(); const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const; reverse_iterator rend(); const_reverse_iterator rend() const; public: // `capacity`_ size_type size() const; size_type max_size() const; bool empty() const; public: // `modifiers`_ void swap( reversible_ptr_container& r ); void clear(): VoidPtrContainer& base(); const VoidPtrContainer& base() const; public: // `pointer container requirements`_ auto_type replace( iterator position, T* x ); template< class U > auto_type replace( iterator position, compatible-smart-ptr x ); compatible-smart-ptr clone() const; compatible-smart-ptr release(); auto_type release( iterator position ); }; // class 'reversible_ptr_container' // `comparison`_ template < class T, class CA, class VPC > bool operator==( const reversible_ptr_container& x, const reversible_ptr_container& y); template < class T, class CA, class VPC > bool operator<( const reversible_ptr_container& x, const reversible_ptr_container& y); template < class T, class CA, class VPC > bool operator!=( const reversible_ptr_container& x, const reversible_ptr_container& y); template < class T, class CA, class VPC > bool operator>( const reversible_ptr_container& x, const reversible_ptr_container& y); template < class T, class CA, class VPC > bool operator>=( const reversible_ptr_container& x, const reversible_ptr_container& y); template < class T, class CA, class VPC > bool operator<=( const reversible_ptr_container& x, const reversible_ptr_container& y); template< class T, class CA, class VPC > void swap( reversible_ptr_container& x, reversible_ptr_container& y ); // cloneability_ template< class T, class CA, class VPC > reversible_ptr_container* new_clone( const reversible_ptr_container& r ); // `null predicate`_ template< class Iterator > bool is_null( Iterator i ); // `serialization`_ template void serialize( Archive& ar, reversible_ptr_container& c, const unsigned int version ); } // namespace 'boost' Semantics --------- .. _`typedefs`: Semantics: typedefs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Notice how these two types differ: - ``typedef T* value_type;`` - notice this has pointer type - ``typedef T& reference;`` - notice this is not a pointer type This is done to be able to add pointers directly to the container, but to hide the pointers externally. .. - ``typedef *implementation defined* object_type;`` - this is ``T`` for sequences and sets - this is ``std::pair`` for maps Also notice that - ``typedef ... iterator`` allows one to iterate over ``T&`` objects, not ``T*``. Note that:: iterator i = ...; i.base(); returns an iterator that allows one to iterate over ``void*`` elements (*this is very rarely needed and you should not use the functionality unless you know what you are doing*). - ``typedef ... auto_type`` This declaration hides a pointer pointer type. You can rely on the following operations .. parsed-literal:: T* operator->() const; T& operator*() const; T* release(); ~auto_type(); operator *implementation-defined bool*\ (); The destructor will delete the stored object *using the clone allocator of the container* (this explains why we cannot use ``std::auto_ptr`` nor ``std::unique_ptr``). It might help to think it is just a ``compatible-smart-ptr``. You can also return the pointer from a function or assign it to another pointer via the ``move()`` function .. parsed-literal:: auto_type ptr = ...; auto_type other = boost::ptr_container::move( ptr ); return boost::ptr_container::move( other ); .. _construct/copy/destroy: Semantics: construct/copy/destroy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``reversible_ptr_container();`` - Effects: Constructs an empty container - Postconditions: ``size() == 0`` .. - ``reversible_ptr_container( size_type n, const T& x );`` - Effects: Constructs a container with ``n`` clones of ``x`` - Postconditions: ``size() == n`` - ``explicit reversible_ptr_container( const reversible_ptr_container& r );`` - Effects: Constructs a container by cloning all elements of ``r`` - ``template< class Derived > explicit reversible_ptr_container( const reversible_ptr_container& r );`` - Effects: Constructs a container by cloning all elements of ``r`` - Requirements: ``Derived`` is derived from ``T`` - ``explicit reversible_ptr_container( compatible-smart-ptr< reversible_ptr_container > r );`` - Effects: Constructs a container by taking ownership of the supplied pointers - ``template< class InputIterator >`` ``reversible_ptr_container( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );`` - Requirements: ``(first,last]`` is a valid range - Effects: Constructs a container with a cloned range of ``(first,last]`` - Postconditions: ``size() == std::distance( first, last )`` - ``~reversible_ptr_container();`` - Effects: Deletes the stored objects via the clone allocator - Throws: Nothing - ``reversible_ptr_container& operator=( const reversible_ptr_container& r );`` - Effects: Assigns a clone of ``r`` - Exception safety: strong guarantee - ``template reversible_ptr_container& operator=( const reversible_ptr_container& r );`` - Effects: Assigns a clone of ``r`` - Requirements: ``Derived`` is derived from ``T`` - Exception safety: Strong guarantee - ``reversible_ptr_container& operator=( compatible-smart-ptr r );`` - Effects: Deletes the stored objects and then takes ownership of the supplied pointers - Throws: Nothing - ``allocator_type get_allocator() const;`` - Effects: Returns a copy of the allocator of the container object .. _iterators: Semantics: iterators ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **See also:** `iterator invalidation `_ - ``iterator begin();`` - ``const_iterator begin() const;`` - Effects: Returns a mutable/non-mutable iterator with ``value_type T`` - Throws: Nothing - ``iterator end();`` - ``const_iterator end() const;`` - Effects: Returns a mutable/non-mutable iterator with ``value_type T`` - Throws: Nothing - ``reverse_iterator rbegin();`` - ``const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;`` - Effects: Returns a mutable/non-mutable reverse iterator with ``value_type T`` - Throws: Nothing - ``reverse_iterator rend();`` - ``const_reverse_iterator rend() const;`` - Effects: Returns a mutable/non-mutable reverse iterator with ``value_type T`` - Throws: Nothing .. _capacity: Semantics: capacity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``size_type size() const;`` - Effects: Returns the number of stored elements - Throws: Nothing - ``size_type max_size() const;`` - Effects: Returns the maximum number of stored elements - Throws: Nothing - ``bool empty() const;`` - Effects: Returns whether the container is empty or not - Throws: Nothing .. _modifiers: Semantics: modifiers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``void swap( reversible_ptr_container& r );`` - Effects: Swaps the content of the two containers - Throws: Nothing - ``void clear();`` - Effects: Destroys all object of the container - Postconditions: ``empty() == true`` - Throws: Nothing - ``VoidPtrContainer& base();`` - ``const VoidPtrContainer& base() const;`` - Returns: a reference to the wrapped container .. _`pointer container requirements`: Semantics: pointer container requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``auto_type replace( iterator position, T* x );`` - Requirements: ``not empty() and x != 0`` - Effects: returns the object pointed to by ``position`` and replaces it with ``x``. - Throws: ``bad_ptr_container_operation`` if the container is empty and ``bad_pointer`` if ``x == 0``. - Exception safety: Strong guarantee - ``template< class U > auto_type replace( iterator position, compatible-smart-ptr x );`` - Effects: ``return replace( position, x.release() );`` - ``compatible-smart-ptr< reversible_ptr_container > clone() const;`` - Effects: Returns a deep copy of the container - Throws: ``std::bad_alloc`` if there is not enough memory to make a clone of the container - Complexity: Linear - ``compatible-smart-ptr< reversible_ptr_container > release();`` - Effects: Releases ownership of the container. This is a useful way of returning a container from a function. - Postconditions: ``empty() == true`` - Throws: ``std::bad_alloc`` if the return value cannot be allocated - Exception safety: Strong guarantee - ``auto_type release( iterator position );`` - Requirements: ``not empty();`` - Effects: Releases ownership of the pointer referred to by position - Postconditions: ``size()`` is one less - Throws: ``bad_ptr_container_operation`` if the container is empty - Exception safety: Strong guarantee .. _comparison: Semantics: comparison ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These functions compare the underlying range of objects. So :: operation( const ptr_container& l, const ptr_container& r ); has the effect one would expect of normal standard containers. Hence objects are compared and not the pointers to objects. .. _`cloneability`: Semantics: cloneability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``template< class T, class CloneAllocator > reversible_ptr_container* new_clone( const reversible_ptr_container& r );`` - Effects: ``return r.clone().release();`` - Remarks: This function is only defined for concrete `pointer containers`_, but not for `pointer container adapters`_. .. _`pointer containers`: ptr_container.html#smart-containers .. _`pointer container adapters`: ptr_container.html#smart-container-adapters .. _`null predicate`: Semantics: null predicate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``template< class Iterator > bool is_null( Iterator i );`` - Requirements: ``i`` is a valid dereferencable iterator - Returns: ``*i.base() == 0;`` .. _`serialization`: Semantics: serialization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All containers can be serialized by means of `Boost.Serialization`__. For an overview, see `Serialization of Pointer Containers`_. .. __: ../../serialization/index.html .. _`Serialization of Pointer Containers`: reference.html#serialization :: template void serialize( Archive& ar, reversible_ptr_container& c, const unsigned int version ); - Effects: Saves or loads the container to/from the archive. - Remarks: This function is called automatically be stream operators in Boost.Serialization - Exception safety: Loading gives the basic guarantee .. raw:: html
:Copyright: Thorsten Ottosen 2004-2007. Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (see LICENSE_1_0.txt__). __ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt