[/============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ===============================================================================/] This quick reference section is provided for convenience. You can use this section as sort of a "cheat-sheet" on the most commonly used Karma components. It is not intended to be complete, but should give you an easy way to recall a particular component without having to dig up on pages upon pages of reference documentation. [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////] [section Common Notation] [variablelist Notation [[`G`] [Generator type]] [[`g, a, b, c, d`] [Generator objects]] [[`A, B, C, D`] [Attribute types of generators `a`, `b`, `c`, and `d`]] [[`I`] [The iterator type used for generation]] [[`Unused`] [An `unused_type`]] [[`Context`] [The enclosing rule's `Context` type]] [[`attrib`] [An attribute value]] [[`Attrib`] [An attribute type]] [[`b`] [A boolean expression]] [[`B`] [A type to be interpreted in boolean expressions]] [[`fg`] [A (lazy generator) function with signature `G(Unused, Context)`]] [[`fa`] [A (semantic action) function with signature `void(Attrib&, Context, bool&)`. The third parameter is a boolean flag that can be set to false to force the generator to fail. Both `Context` and the boolean flag are optional.]] [[`outiter`] [An output iterator to receive the generated output]] [[`Ch`] [Character-class specific character type (See __char_class_types__)]] [[`ch, ch2`] [Character-class specific character (See __char_class_types__)]] [[`charset`] [Character-set specifier string (example: `"a-z0-9"`)]] [[`str`] [Character-class specific string (See __char_class_types__)]] [[`Str`] [Attribute of `str`: `std::basic_string` where `T` is the underlying character type of `str`]] [[`num`] [Numeric literal, any integer or real number type]] [[`Num`] [Attribute of `num`: any integer or real number type]] [[`tuple<>`] [Used as a placeholder for a fusion sequence]] [[`vector<>`] [Used as a placeholder for an STL container]] [[`variant<>`] [Used as a placeholder for a boost::variant]] [[`optional<>`] [Used as a placeholder for a boost::optional]] ] [endsect] [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////] [section:primitive_generators Karma Generators] [section:char Character Generators] See here for more information about __karma_char__. [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[karma_char `ch`]] [`Unused`] [Generate `ch`]] [[[karma_char `lit(ch)`]] [`Unused`] [Generate `ch`]] [[[karma_char `char_`]] [`Ch`] [Generate character supplied as the attribute]] [[[karma_char `char_(ch)`]] [`Ch`] [Generate `ch`, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[karma_char `char_("c")`]] [`Ch`] [Generate a single char string literal, `c`, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[karma_char `char_(ch, ch2)`]][`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute, if it belongs to the character range from `ch` to `ch2`]] [[[karma_char `char_(charset)`]][`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute, if it belongs to the character set `charset`]] [[[karma_char_class `alnum`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::isalnum` in the character set defined by `NS`]] [[[karma_char_class `alpha`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::isalpha` in the character set defined by `NS`]] [[[karma_char_class `blank`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::isblank` in the character set defined by `NS`]] [[[karma_char_class `cntrl`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::iscntrl` in the character set defined by `NS`]] [[[karma_char_class `digit`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::isdigit` in the character set defined by `NS`]] [[[karma_char_class `graph`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::isgraph` in the character set defined by `NS`]] [[[karma_char_class `print`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::isprint` in the character set defined by `NS`]] [[[karma_char_class `punct`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::ispunct` in the character set defined by `NS`]] [[[karma_char_class `space`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::isspace`, or a single space character in the character set defined by `NS`]] [[[karma_char_class `xdigit`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::isxdigit` in the character set defined by `NS`]] [[[karma_char_class `lower`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::islower` in the character set defined by `NS`]] [[[karma_char_class `upper`]] [`Ch`] [Generate the character supplied as the attribute if it satisfies the concept of `std::isupper` in the character set defined by `NS`]] ] [endsect] [section:string String Generators] See here for more information about [karma_string String Generators]. [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[karma_string `str`]] [`Unused`] [Generate `str`]] [[[karma_string `lit(str)`]] [`Unused`] [Generate `str`]] [[[karma_string `string`]] [`Str`] [Generate string supplied as the attribute]] [[[karma_string `string(str)`]] [`Str`] [Generate `str`, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[karma_symbols `symbols`]][`Attr`] [Declare a symbol table, `sym`. `Attr` is the The type of the original attribute to be used as the key into the symbol generator. `T` is the data type associated with each key.]] [[ `` sym.add (attr1, val1) (attr2, val2) /*...more...*/ ; `` ] [N/A] [Add symbols into a symbol table, `sym`. val1 and val2 are optional data of type `T`, the data type associated with each key.]] [[`sym`] [`T`] [Emits entries in the symbol table, `sym`. If attribute is found in the symbol table, the corresponding value is emitted. If `sym` does not store values, the original attribute is emitted.]] ] [endsect] [section:real_number Real Number Generators] See here for more information about __karma_numeric__. [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[real_number `lit(num)`]] [`Unused`] [Generate `num`]] [[[real_number `float_`]] [`float`] [Generate a real number from a `float`]] [[[real_number `float_(num)`]] [`float`] [Generate `num` as a real number from a `float`, if an attribute is supplied it must match `num`]] [[[real_number `double_`]] [`double`] [Generate a real number from a `double`]] [[[real_number `double_(num)`]] [`double`] [Generate a `num` as a real number from a `double`, if an attribute is supplied it must match `num`]] [[[real_number `long_double`]] [`long double`] [Generate a real number from a `long double`]] [[[real_number `long_double(num)`]] [`long double`] [Generate `num` as a real number from a `long double`, if an attribute is supplied it must match `num`]] [[[real_number ``real_generator< Num, Policies >()``]] [`Num`] [Generate a real number `Num` using the supplied real number formatting policies]] [[[real_number ``real_generator< Num, Policies >()(num)``]] [`Num`] [Generate real number `num` as a `Num` using the supplied real number formatting policies, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] ] [endsect] [section:signed_int Integer Generators] [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[signed_int `lit(num)`]] [`Unused`] [Generate `num`]] [[[signed_int `short_`]] [`short`] [Generate a short integer]] [[[signed_int `short_(num)`]] [`short`] [Generate `num` as a short integer, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[signed_int `int_`]] [`int`] [Generate an int]] [[[signed_int `int_(num)`]] [`int`] [Generate `num` as an int, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[signed_int `long_`]] [`long`] [Generate a long integer]] [[[signed_int `long_(num)`]] [`long`] [Generate `num` as long integer, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[signed_int `long_long`]] [`long long`] [Generate a long long]] [[[signed_int `long_long(num)`]] [`long long`] [Generate `num` as a long long, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[signed_int ``int_generator< Num, Radix, force_sign >()``]] [`Num`] [Generate a `Num`]] [[[signed_int ``int_generator< Num, Radix, force_sign >()(num)``]] [`Num`] [Generate a `num` as a `Num`, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] ] [endsect] [section:unsigned_int Unsigned Integer Generators] [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[unsigned_int `lit(num)`]] [`Unused`] [Generate `num`]] [[[unsigned_int `ushort_`]] [`unsigned short`] [Generate an unsigned short integer]] [[[unsigned_int `ushort_(num)`]] [`unsigned short`] [Generate `num` as an unsigned short integer, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[unsigned_int `uint_`]] [`unsigned int`] [Generate an unsigned int]] [[[unsigned_int `uint_(num)`]] [`unsigned int`] [Generate `num` as an unsigned int, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[unsigned_int `ulong_`]] [`unsigned long`] [Generate an unsigned long integer]] [[[unsigned_int `ulong_(num)`]] [`unsigned long`] [Generate `num` as an unsigned long integer, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[unsigned_int `ulong_long`]] [`unsigned long long`] [Generate an unsigned long long]] [[[unsigned_int `ulong_long(num)`]] [`unsigned long long`] [Generate `num` as an unsigned long long, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[unsigned_int `bin`]] [`unsigned int`] [Generate a binary integer from an `unsigned int`]] [[[unsigned_int `oct`]] [`unsigned int`] [Generate an octal integer from an `unsigned int`]] [[[unsigned_int `hex`]] [`unsigned int`] [Generate a hexadecimal integer from an `unsigned int`]] [[[unsigned_int ``uint_generator< Num, Radix >()``]] [`Num`] [Generate an unsigned `Num`]] [[[unsigned_int ``uint_generator< Num, Radix >()(num)``]] [`Num`] [Generate an unsigned `num` as a `Num`, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] ] [endsect] [section:boolean Boolean Generators] [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[boolean `lit(num)`]] [`Unused`] [Generate `num`]] [[[boolean `bool_`]] [`bool`] [Generate a boolean]] [[[boolean `bool_(b)`]] [`bool`] [Generate `b` as a boolean, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] [[[boolean ``bool_generator< B, Policies >()``]] [`B`] [Generate a boolean of type `B`]] [[[boolean ``bool_generator< B, Policies >()(b)``]] [`B`] [Generate a boolean `b` as a `B`, if an attribute is supplied it must match]] ] [endsect] [section:stream Stream Generators] See here for more information about [karma_stream Stream Generators]. [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[karma_stream `stream`]] [`hold_any`] [Generate narrow character (`char`) based output using the matching streaming `operator<<()`]] [[[karma_stream `stream(s)`]] [`Unused`] [Generate narrow character (`char`) based output from the immediate argument `s` using the matching streaming `operator<<()`]] [[[karma_stream `wstream`]] [`whold_any`] [Generate wide character (`wchar_t`) based output using the matching streaming `operator<<()`]] [[[karma_stream `wstream(s)`]] [`Unused`] [Generate wide character (`wchar_t`) based output from the immediate argument `s` using the matching streaming `operator<<()`]] [ [[karma_stream ``stream_generator< Char >()``]] [`basic_hold_any`] [Generate output based on the given character type (`Char`) using the matching streaming `operator<<()`]] [ [[karma_stream ``stream_generator< Char >()(s)``]] [`Unused`] [Generate output based on the given character type `Char` from the immediate argument `s` using the matching streaming `operator<<()`]] ] [endsect] [section:binary Binary Generators] See here for more information about __karma_binary__. [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[karma_native_binary `byte_`]] [8 bits native endian] [Generate an 8 bit binary]] [[[karma_native_binary `word`]] [16 bits native endian] [Generate a 16 bit binary in native endian representation]] [[[karma_big_binary `big_word`]] [16 bits big endian] [Generate a 16 bit binary in big endian representation]] [[[karma_little_binary `little_word`]] [16 bits little endian] [Generate a 16 bit binary in little endian representation]] [[[karma_native_binary `dword`]] [32 bits native endian] [Generate a 32 bit binary in native endian representation]] [[[karma_big_binary `big_dword`]] [32 bits big endian] [Generate a 32 bit binary in big endian representation]] [[[karma_little_binary `little_dword`]][32 bits little endian] [Generate a 32 bit binary in little endian representation]] [[[karma_native_binary `qword`]] [64 bits native endian] [Generate a 64 bit binary in native endian representation]] [[[karma_big_binary `big_qword`]] [64 bits big endian] [Generate a 64 bit binary in big endian representation]] [[[karma_little_binary `little_qword`]][64 bits little endian] [Generate a 64 bit binary in little endian representation]] [[`pad(num)`] [`Unused`] [Generate additional null bytes allowing to align generated output with memory addresses divisible by `num`.]] ] [endsect] [section:auxiliary Auxiliary Generators] See here for more information about __karma_auxiliary__. [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[karma_attr_cast `attr_cast(a)`]] [`Exposed`] [Invoke `a` while supplying an attribute of type `Exposed`.]] [[__karma_eol__] [`Unused`] [Generate the end of line (`\n`)]] [[__karma_eps__] [`Unused`] [Generate an empty string]] [[__karma_feps__] [`Unused`] [If `b` is true, generate an empty string]] [[[karma_lazy `lazy(fg)`]] [Attribute of `G` where `G` is the return type of `fg`] [Invoke `fg` at generation time, returning a generator `g` which is then called to generate.]] [[[karma_lazy `fg`]] [see [karma_lazy `lazy(fg)`] above] [Equivalent to [karma_lazy `lazy(fg)`]]] ] [endsect] [section:auto Auto Generators] See here for more information about [karma_auto Auto Generators]. [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[karma_auto `auto_`]] [`hold_any`] [Generate output using a generator created from the supplied attribute type using the __create_generator__ API function.]] ] [endsect] [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////] [section:operators Generator Operators] See here for more information about __karma_operator__. [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[link spirit.karma.reference.operator.not_predicate `!a`]] [`A`] [Not predicate. Ensure that `a` does not succeed generating, but don't create any output]] [[[link spirit.karma.reference.operator.and_predicate `&a`]] [`A`] [And predicate. Ensure that `a` does succeed generating, but don't create any output]] [[[link spirit.karma.reference.operator.optional `-a`]] [`optional`] [Optional. Generate `a` zero or one time]] [[[link spirit.karma.reference.operator.kleene `*a`]] [`vector`] [Kleene. Generate `a` zero or more times]] [[[link spirit.karma.reference.operator.plus `+a`]] [`vector`] [Plus. Generate `a` one or more times]] [[[link spirit.karma.reference.operator.alternative `a | b`]] [`variant`] [Alternative. Generate `a` or `b`]] [[[link spirit.karma.reference.operator.sequence `a << b`]] [`tuple`] [Sequence. Generate `a` followed by `b`]] [[[link spirit.karma.reference.operator.list `a % b`]] [`vector`] [List. Generate `a` delimited `b` one or more times]] ] [:For more information about the attribute propagation rules implemented by the compound generators please see __sec_karma_compound__.] [endsect] [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////] [section:directives Generator Directives] See here for more information about __karma_directive__. [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[[karma_upperlower `lower`]`[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` as lower case]] [[[karma_upperlower `upper`]`[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` as upper case]] [[[karma_align `left_align`]`[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` left aligned in column of width `BOOST_KARMA_DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH`]] [[[karma_align `left_align`]`(num)[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` left aligned in column of width `num`]] [[[karma_align `left_align`]`(g)[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` left aligned in column of width `BOOST_KARMA_DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH` while using `g` to generate the necessary padding]] [[[karma_align `left_align`]`(num, g)[a]`][`A`] [Generate `a` left aligned in column of width `num` while using `g` to generate the necessary padding]] [[[karma_align `center`]`[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` centered in column of width `BOOST_KARMA_DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH`]] [[[karma_align `center`]`(num)[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` centered in column of width `num`]] [[[karma_align `center`]`(g)[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` centered in column of width `BOOST_KARMA_DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH` while using `g` to generate the necessary padding]] [[[karma_align `center`]`(num, g)[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` centered in column of width `num` while using `g` to generate the necessary padding]] [[[karma_align `right_align`]`[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` right aligned in column of width `BOOST_KARMA_DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH`]] [[[karma_align `right_align`]`(num)[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` right aligned in column of width `num`]] [[[karma_align `right_align`]`(g)[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` right aligned in column of width `BOOST_KARMA_DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH` while using `g` to generate the necessary padding]] [[[karma_align `right_align`]`(num, g)[a]`][`A`][Generate `a` right aligned in column of width `num` while using `g` to generate the necessary padding]] [[[karma_maxwidth `maxwidth`]`[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` truncated to column of width `BOOST_KARMA_DEFAULT_FIELD_MAXWIDTH`]] [[[karma_maxwidth `maxwidth`]`(num)[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` truncated to column of width `num`]] [[[karma_repeat `repeat`]`[a]`] [`vector`] [Repeat `a` zero or more times]] [[[karma_repeat `repeat`]`(num)[a]`] [`vector`] [Repeat `a` `num` times]] [[[karma_repeat `repeat`]`(num1, num2)[a]`] [`vector`] [Repeat `a` `num1` to `num2` times]] [[[karma_repeat `repeat`]`(num, inf)[a]`] [`vector`] [Repeat `a` `num` or more times]] [[__karma_verbatim__`[a]`][`A`] [Disable delimited generation for `a`. Performs post delimiting.]] [[[karma_delimit `delimit`]`[a]`] [`A`] [Reestablish the delimiter that got inhibited by verbatim]] [[[karma_delimit `delimit`]`(d)[a]`] [`A`] [Use `d` as a delimiter for generating `a`]] [[[karma_no_delimit `no_delimit`]`[a]`] [`A`] [Disable delimited generation for `a`. No post-delimiting step performed.]] [[__karma_as__`()[a]`] [`A`] [Force atomic output from arbitrary attribute types]] [[__karma_as_string__`[a]`] [`A`] [Force atomic output from string attributes]] [[__karma_as_wstring__`[a]`] [`A`] [Force atomic output from wide character string attributes]] [[__karma_omit__`[a]`] [`A`] [Consume the attribute type of `a` without generating anything. The embedded generator will be always executed.]] [[__karma_skip__`[a]`] [`A`] [Consume the attribute type of `a` without generating anything. The embedded generator will never be executed.]] [[__karma_duplicate__`[a]`] [`A`] [The supplied attribute will be duplicated and passed unchanged to all embedded elements of a sequence.]] [[__karma_buffer__`[a]`][`A`] [Temporarily intercept the output generated by `a`, flushing it only after `a` succeeded]] [[[karma_columns `columns`]`[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` split into `BOOST_KARMA_DEFAULT_COLUMNS` number of columns using `karma::eol` as column delimiter]] [[[karma_columns `columns`]`(num)[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` split into `num` number of columns using `karma::eol` as column delimiter]] [[[karma_columns `columns`]`(g)[a]`] [`A`] [Generate `a` split into `BOOST_KARMA_DEFAULT_COLUMNS` number of columns using `g` as column delimiter]] [[[karma_columns `columns`]`(num, g)[a]`][`A`][Generate `a` split into `num` number of columns using `g` as column delimiter]] ] [endsect] [section:action Generator Semantic Actions] [table [[Expression] [Attribute] [Description]] [[`g[fa]`] [Attribute of `g`] [Call semantic action `fa` before invoking `g`]] ] [endsect] [endsect] [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////] [section Compound Attribute Rules] [heading Notation] The notation we use is of the form: a: A, b: B, ... --> composite-expression: composite-attribute `a`, `b`, etc. are the operands. `A`, `B`, etc. are the operand's attribute types. `composite-expression` is the expression involving the operands and `composite-attribute` is the resulting attribute type of the composite expression. For instance: a: A, b: B --> (a << b): tuple which reads as: given, `a` and `b` are generators, and `A` is the type of the attribute of `a`, and `B` is the type of the attribute of `b`, then the type of the attribute of `a << b` will be `tuple`. [important In the attribute tables, we will use `vector` and `tuple` as placeholders only. The notation of `vector` stands for ['any __stl__ container] holding elements of type `A` and the notation `tuple` stands for ['any __fusion__ sequence] holding `A`, `B`, ... etc. elements. The notation of `variant` stands for ['a __boost_variant__] capable of holding `A`, `B`, ... etc. elements. Finally, `Unused` stands for __unused_type__. ] [heading Compound Generator Attribute Types] [table [[Expression] [Attribute]] [[__karma_sequence__ (`a << b`)] [``a: A, b: B --> (a << b): tuple a: A, b: Unused --> (a << b): A a: Unused, b: B --> (a << b): B a: Unused, b: Unused --> (a << b): Unused a: A, b: A --> (a << b): vector a: vector, b: A --> (a << b): vector a: A, b: vector --> (a << b): vector a: vector, b: vector --> (a << b): vector``]] [[__karma_alternative__ (`a | b`)] [``a: A, b: B --> (a | b): variant a: A, b: Unused --> (a | b): A a: Unused, b: B --> (a | b): B a: Unused, b: Unused --> (a | b): Unused a: A, b: A --> (a | b): A``]] [[[karma_kleene Kleene (`*a`)]] [``a: A --> *a: vector a: Unused --> *a: Unused``]] [[__karma_plus__ (`+a`)] [``a: A --> +a: vector a: Unused --> +a: Unused``]] [[__karma_list__ (`a % b`)] [``a: A, b: B --> (a % b): vector a: Unused, b: B --> (a % b): Unused``]] [[[karma_repeat Repetition] (`repeat[]`)] [``a: A --> repeat(...,...)[a]: vector a: Unused --> repeat(...,...)[a]: Unused``]] [[__karma_optional__ (`-a`)] [``a: A --> -a: optional a: Unused --> -a: Unused``]] [[__karma_and_predicate__ (`&a`)] [`a: A --> &a: A`]] [[__karma_not_predicate__ (`!a`)] [`a: A --> !a: A`]] ] [endsect] [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////] [section:non_terminals Nonterminals] See here for more information about __karma_nonterminal__. [variablelist Notation [[`RT`] [Synthesized attribute. The rule or grammar's return type.]] [[`Arg1`, `Arg2`, `ArgN`] [Inherited attributes. Zero or more arguments.]] [[`L1`, `L2`, `LN`] [Zero or more local variables.]] [[`r, r2`] [Rules]] [[`g`] [A grammar]] [[`p`] [A generator expression]] [[`my_grammar`] [A user defined grammar]] ] [variablelist Terminology [[Signature] [`RT(Arg1, Arg2, ... ,ArgN)`. The signature specifies the synthesized (return value) and inherited (arguments) attributes.]] [[Locals] [`locals`. The local variables.]] [[Delimiter] [The delimit-generator type]] ] [variablelist Template Arguments [[`Iterator`] [The iterator type you will use for parsing.]] [[`A1`, `A2`, `A3`] [Can be one of 1) Signature 2) Locals 3) Delimiter.]] ] [table [[Expression] [Description]] [[`rule r(name);`] [Rule declaration. `OutputIterator` is required. `A1, A2, A3` are optional and can be specified in any order. `name` is an optional string that gives the rule its name, useful for debugging.]] [[`rule r(r2);`] [Copy construct rule `r` from rule `r2`.]] [[`r = r2;`] [Assign rule `r2` to `r`. `boost::shared_ptr` semantics.]] [[`r.alias()`] [Return an alias of `r`. The alias is a generator that holds a reference to `r`. Reference semantics.]] [[`r.copy()`] [Get a copy of `r`.]] [[`r.name(name)`] [Set the name of a rule]] [[`r.name()`] [Get the name of a rule]] [[debug(r)] [Debug rule `r`]] [[`r = g;`] [Rule definition]] [[`r %= g;`] [Auto-rule definition. The attribute of `g` should be compatible with the synthesized attribute of `r`. When `g` is successful, its attribute is automatically propagated to `r`'s synthesized attribute.]] [[ `` template struct my_grammar : grammar { my_grammar() : my_grammar::base_type(start, name) { // Rule definitions start = /* ... */; } rule start; // more rule declarations... }; `` ] [Grammar definition. `name` is an optional string that gives the grammar its name, useful for debugging.]] [[my_grammar g] [Instantiate a grammar]] [[`g.name(name)`] [Set the name of a grammar]] [[`g.name()`] [Get the name of a grammar]] ] [endsect] [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////] [section:semantic_actions Generator Semantic Actions] Semantic Actions may be attached to any generator as follows: g[f] where `f` is a function with the signatures: void f(Attrib&); void f(Attrib&, Context&); void f(Attrib&, Context&, bool&); You can use __boost_bind__ to bind member functions. For function objects, the allowed signatures are: void operator()(Attrib&, unused_type, unused_type) const; void operator()(Attrib&, Context&, unused_type) const; void operator()(Attrib&, Context&, bool&) const; The `unused_type` is used in the signatures above to signify 'don't care'. For more information see __karma_actions__. [endsect] [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////] [section Phoenix] __phoenix__ makes it easier to attach semantic actions. You just inline your lambda expressions: g[phoenix-lambda-expression] __karma__ provides some __phoenix__ placeholders to access important information from the `Attrib` and `Context` that are otherwise fiddly to extract. [variablelist Spirit.Karma specific Phoenix placeholders [[`_1, _2, ... , _N`] [Nth attribute of `g`]] [[`_val`] [The enclosing rule's synthesized attribute.]] [[`_r1, _r2, ... , _rN`] [The enclosing rule's Nth inherited attribute.]] [[`_a, _b, ... , _j`] [The enclosing rule's local variables (`_a` refers to the first).]] [[`_pass`] [Assign `false` to `_pass` to force a generator failure.]] ] [important All placeholders mentioned above are defined in the namespace `boost::spirit` and, for your convenience, are available in the namespace `boost::spirit::karma` as well.] For more information see __karma_actions__. [endsect]