[/============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ===============================================================================/] [section:lexer Supported Regular Expressions] [table Regular expressions support [[Expression] [Meaning]] [[`x`] [Match any character `x`]] [[`.`] [Match any except newline (or optionally *any* character)]] [[`"..."`] [All characters taken as literals between double quotes, except escape sequences]] [[`[xyz]`] [A character class; in this case matches `x`, `y` or `z`]] [[`[abj-oZ]`] [A character class with a range in it; matches `a`, `b` any letter from `j` through `o` or a `Z`]] [[`[^A-Z]`] [A negated character class i.e. any character but those in the class. In this case, any character except an uppercase letter]] [[`r*`] [Zero or more r's (greedy), where r is any regular expression]] [[`r*?`] [Zero or more r's (abstemious), where r is any regular expression]] [[`r+`] [One or more r's (greedy)]] [[`r+?`] [One or more r's (abstemious)]] [[`r?`] [Zero or one r's (greedy), i.e. optional]] [[`r??`] [Zero or one r's (abstemious), i.e. optional]] [[`r{2,5}`] [Anywhere between two and five r's (greedy)]] [[`r{2,5}?`] [Anywhere between two and five r's (abstemious)]] [[`r{2,}`] [Two or more r's (greedy)]] [[`r{2,}?`] [Two or more r's (abstemious)]] [[`r{4}`] [Exactly four r's]] [[`{NAME}`] [The macro `NAME` (see below)]] [[`"[xyz]\"foo"`] [The literal string `[xyz]\"foo`]] [[`\X`] [If X is `a`, `b`, `e`, `n`, `r`, `f`, `t`, `v` then the ANSI-C interpretation of `\x`. Otherwise a literal `X` (used to escape operators such as `*`)]] [[`\0`] [A NUL character (ASCII code 0)]] [[`\123`] [The character with octal value 123]] [[`\x2a`] [The character with hexadecimal value 2a]] [[`\cX`] [A named control character `X`.]] [[`\a`] [A shortcut for Alert (bell).]] [[`\b`] [A shortcut for Backspace]] [[`\e`] [A shortcut for ESC (escape character `0x1b`)]] [[`\n`] [A shortcut for newline]] [[`\r`] [A shortcut for carriage return]] [[`\f`] [A shortcut for form feed `0x0c`]] [[`\t`] [A shortcut for horizontal tab `0x09`]] [[`\v`] [A shortcut for vertical tab `0x0b`]] [[`\d`] [A shortcut for `[0-9]`]] [[`\D`] [A shortcut for `[^0-9]`]] [[`\s`] [A shortcut for `[\x20\t\n\r\f\v]`]] [[`\S`] [A shortcut for `[^\x20\t\n\r\f\v]`]] [[`\w`] [A shortcut for `[a-zA-Z0-9_]`]] [[`\W`] [A shortcut for `[^a-zA-Z0-9_]`]] [[`(r)`] [Match an `r`; parenthesis are used to override precedence (see below)]] [[`(?r-s:pattern)`] [apply option 'r' and omit option 's' while interpreting pattern. Options may be zero or more of the characters 'i' or 's'. 'i' means case-insensitive. '-i' means case-sensitive. 's' alters the meaning of the '.' syntax to match any single character whatsoever. '-s' alters the meaning of '.' to match any character except '`\n`'.]] [[`rs`] [The regular expression `r` followed by the regular expression `s` (a sequence)]] [[`r|s`] [Either an `r` or and `s`]] [[`^r`] [An `r` but only at the beginning of a line (i.e. when just starting to scan, or right after a newline has been scanned)]] [[`r`$] [An `r` but only at the end of a line (i.e. just before a newline)]] ] [note POSIX character classes are not currently supported, due to performance issues when creating them in wide character mode.] [tip If you want to build tokens for syntaxes that recognize items like quotes (`"'"`, `'"'`) and backslash (`\`), here is example syntax to get you started. The lesson here really is to remember that both c++, as well as regular expressions require escaping with `\` for some constructs, which can cascade. `` quote1 = "'"; // match single "'" quote2 = "\\\""; // match single '"' literal_quote1 = "\\'"; // match backslash followed by single "'" literal_quote2 = "\\\\\\\""; // match backslash followed by single '"' literal_backslash = "\\\\\\\\"; // match two backslashes `` ] [heading Regular Expression Precedence] * `rs` has highest precedence * `r*` has next highest (`+`, `?`, `{n,m}` have the same precedence as `*`) * `r|s` has the lowest precedence [heading Macros] Regular expressions can be given a name and referred to in rules using the syntax `{NAME}` where `NAME` is the name you have given to the macro. A macro name can be at most 30 characters long and must start with a `_` or a letter. Subsequent characters can be `_`, `-`, a letter or a decimal digit. [endsect]