// Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Hartmut Kaiser // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // Simple lexer/parser to test the Spirit installation. // // This example shows, how to create a simple lexer recognizing 5 different // tokens, and how to use a single token definition as the skip parser during // the parsing. Additionally, it demonstrates how to use one of the defined // tokens as a parser component in the grammar. // // The grammar recognizes a simple input structure, for instance: // // { // hello world, hello it is me // } // // Any number of simple sentences (optionally comma separated) inside a pair // of curly braces will be matched. // #define BOOST_SPIRIT_LEXERTL_DEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "example.hpp" using namespace boost::spirit; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Token definition /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template struct example1_tokens : lex::lexer { example1_tokens() { // define tokens and associate them with the lexer identifier = "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"; this->self = lex::char_(',') | '{' | '}' | identifier; // any token definition to be used as the skip parser during parsing // has to be associated with a separate lexer state (here 'WS') this->white_space = "[ \\t\\n]+"; this->self("WS") = white_space; } lex::token_def<> identifier, white_space; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Grammar definition /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template struct example1_grammar : qi::grammar > > { template example1_grammar(TokenDef const& tok) : example1_grammar::base_type(start) { start = '{' >> *(tok.identifier >> -ascii::char_(',')) >> '}'; } qi::rule > > start; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main() { // iterator type used to expose the underlying input stream typedef std::string::iterator base_iterator_type; // This is the token type to return from the lexer iterator typedef lex::lexertl::token token_type; // This is the lexer type to use to tokenize the input. // We use the lexertl based lexer engine. typedef lex::lexertl::lexer lexer_type; // This is the lexer type (derived from the given lexer type). typedef example1_tokens example1_lex; // This is the iterator type exposed by the lexer typedef example1_lex::iterator_type iterator_type; // This is the type of the grammar to parse typedef example1_grammar example1_grammar; // now we use the types defined above to create the lexer and grammar // object instances needed to invoke the parsing process example1_lex lex; // Our lexer example1_grammar calc(lex); // Our grammar definition std::string str (read_from_file("example1.input")); // At this point we generate the iterator pair used to expose the // tokenized input stream. std::string::iterator it = str.begin(); iterator_type iter = lex.begin(it, str.end()); iterator_type end = lex.end(); // Parsing is done based on the token stream, not the character // stream read from the input. // Note, how we use the token_def defined above as the skip parser. It must // be explicitly wrapped inside a state directive, switching the lexer // state for the duration of skipping whitespace. bool r = qi::phrase_parse(iter, end, calc, qi::in_state("WS")[lex.white_space]); if (r && iter == end) { std::cout << "-------------------------\n"; std::cout << "Parsing succeeded\n"; std::cout << "-------------------------\n"; } else { std::string rest(iter, end); std::cout << "-------------------------\n"; std::cout << "Parsing failed\n"; std::cout << "stopped at: \"" << rest << "\"\n"; std::cout << "-------------------------\n"; } std::cout << "Bye... :-) \n\n"; return 0; }