// // Copyright 2012 Christian Henning // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 // See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // #ifndef BOOST_GIL_EXTENSION_IO_PNM_DETAIL_WRITE_HPP #define BOOST_GIL_EXTENSION_IO_PNM_DETAIL_WRITE_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace gil { #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, >= 1400) #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4512) //assignment operator could not be generated #endif namespace detail { struct pnm_write_is_supported { template< typename View > struct apply : public is_write_supported< typename get_pixel_type< View >::type , pnm_tag > {}; }; } // namespace detail /// /// PNM Writer /// template< typename Device > class writer< Device , pnm_tag > : public writer_backend< Device , pnm_tag > { private: using backend_t = writer_backend; public: writer( const Device& io_dev , const image_write_info< pnm_tag >& info ) : backend_t( io_dev , info ) {} template< typename View > void apply( const View& view ) { using pixel_t = typename get_pixel_type::type; std::size_t width = view.width(); std::size_t height = view.height(); std::size_t chn = num_channels< View >::value; std::size_t pitch = chn * width; unsigned int type = get_type< num_channels< View >::value >( is_bit_aligned< pixel_t >() ); // write header // Add a white space at each string so read_int() can decide when a numbers ends. std::string str( "P" ); str += std::to_string( type ) + std::string( " " ); this->_io_dev.print_line( str ); str.clear(); str += std::to_string( width ) + std::string( " " ); this->_io_dev.print_line( str ); str.clear(); str += std::to_string( height ) + std::string( " " ); this->_io_dev.print_line( str ); if( type != pnm_image_type::mono_bin_t::value ) { this->_io_dev.print_line( "255 "); } // write data write_data( view , pitch , typename is_bit_aligned< pixel_t >::type() ); } private: template< int Channels > unsigned int get_type( std::true_type /* is_bit_aligned */ ) { return mp11::mp_if_c < Channels == 1, pnm_image_type::mono_bin_t, pnm_image_type::color_bin_t >::value; } template< int Channels > unsigned int get_type( std::false_type /* is_bit_aligned */ ) { return mp11::mp_if_c < Channels == 1, pnm_image_type::gray_bin_t, pnm_image_type::color_bin_t >::value; } template< typename View > void write_data( const View& src , std::size_t pitch , const std::true_type& // bit_aligned ) { static_assert(std::is_same::value, ""); byte_vector_t row( pitch / 8 ); using x_it_t = typename View::x_iterator; x_it_t row_it = x_it_t( &( *row.begin() )); detail::negate_bits negate; detail::mirror_bits mirror; for (typename View::y_coord_t y = 0; y < src.height(); ++y) { std::copy(src.row_begin(y), src.row_end(y), row_it); mirror(row); negate(row); this->_io_dev.write(&row.front(), pitch / 8); } } template< typename View > void write_data( const View& src , std::size_t pitch , const std::false_type& // bit_aligned ) { std::vector< pixel< typename channel_type< View >::type , layout::type > > > buf( src.width() ); // using pixel_t = typename View::value_type; // using view_t = typename view_type_from_pixel< pixel_t >::type; //view_t row = interleaved_view( src.width() // , 1 // , reinterpret_cast< pixel_t* >( &buf.front() ) // , pitch // ); byte_t* row_addr = reinterpret_cast< byte_t* >( &buf.front() ); for( typename View::y_coord_t y = 0 ; y < src.height() ; ++y ) { //copy_pixels( subimage_view( src // , 0 // , (int) y // , (int) src.width() // , 1 // ) // , row // ); std::copy( src.row_begin( y ) , src.row_end ( y ) , buf.begin() ); this->_io_dev.write( row_addr, pitch ); } } }; /// /// PNM Writer /// template< typename Device > class dynamic_image_writer< Device , pnm_tag > : public writer< Device , pnm_tag > { using parent_t = writer; public: dynamic_image_writer( const Device& io_dev , const image_write_info< pnm_tag >& info ) : parent_t( io_dev , info ) {} template< typename Views > void apply( const any_image_view< Views >& views ) { detail::dynamic_io_fnobj< detail::pnm_write_is_supported , parent_t > op( this ); apply_operation( views, op ); } }; #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, >= 1400) #pragma warning(pop) #endif } // gil } // boost #endif