/* Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2005 CrystalClear Software, Inc. * Use, modification and distribution is subject to the * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * Author: Jeff Garland, Bart Garst */ #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp" #include "../testfrmwk.hpp" #include "boost/lexical_cast.hpp" #include #include // missing or misspelled parts of date string tests // 'output_str' will be overwritten with what() from caught exception bool failure_tests(std::string date_spec, std::string& output_str) { using namespace boost::gregorian; bool result = false; date d(not_a_date_time); try { d = from_simple_string(date_spec); } catch(bad_year& by){ // ex: "205-Jan-15" result = true; output_str = by.what(); } catch(bad_month& bm){ // ex: "2005-Jsn-15" result = true; output_str = bm.what(); } catch(bad_day_of_month& bd){ // ex: "2005-Jan-51" result = true; output_str = bd.what(); } catch(...){ // test failed - unexpected exception, leave result set to false } return result; } int main() { // Examples from 8601 // Full date // Extended CCYY-MM-DD std::string s("2001-10-5"); //This one aborts gcc2.95.3 on mandrake 8.1 linux with //bad lexical cast? try { boost::gregorian::date d(boost::gregorian::from_string(s)); check("check year", d.year() == 2001); check("check month", d.month() == 10); check("check day", d.day() == 5); } catch(std::exception& e) { check("parse 2001-10-5", false); std::cout << "Fail: " << e.what() << std::endl; } { using namespace boost::gregorian; // date objects from strings & strings to date objects date d(2000, 2, 29); date d2 = from_string("2000-2-29"); check("2000-2-29", d2 == d); date d3 = from_string("2000-FEB-29"); check("2000-FEB-29 (uppercase)", d3 == d); date d4 = from_string("2000-february-29"); check("2000-february-29 (lowercase)", d4 == d); date d5 = from_string(to_simple_string(d)); check("date to string to date", d5 == d); date d6 = from_string(to_iso_extended_string(d)); check("date to string to date", d6 == d); date d7 = from_us_string("Feb-29-2000"); check("date from month-day-year string", d7 == d); date d8 = from_uk_string("29-Feb-2000"); check("date from day-month-year string", d8 == d); { std::string sn("20050229"); // no Feb-29 in 2005 date dn(not_a_date_time); try { dn = date_from_iso_string(sn); check("Expected exception not thrown: from ISO string (bad_day_of_month)", false); std::cout << date_from_iso_string(sn) << std::endl; } catch(bad_day_of_month&) { check("Caught expected exception: bad_day_of_month ", true); } catch(...) { check("Caught unexpected exception", false); } /* not currently passing due to a bug in boost::offset_separator (reported 2005-Aug-02) sn = "2005022"; // missing a digit try { d = date_from_iso_string(sn); check("Expected exception not thrown: from ISO string (missing digit)", false); std::cout << date_from_iso_string(sn) << std::endl; } catch(bad_day_of_month& e) { check("Caught expected exception: bad_day_of_month ", true); } catch(...) { check("Caught unexpected exception", false); } */ sn = "20050228"; // now it's correct dn = date_from_iso_string(sn); check("from ISO string", date(2005,Feb,28) == dn); } date d9 = from_us_string(__DATE__); std::cout << "Today's date: " << to_simple_string(d9) << std::endl; date d10 = from_us_string("Feb 29, 2000"); std::cout << "With comma: " << to_simple_string(d10) << std::endl; check("american date with comma: Feb 29, 2000 ", d10 == d); date d11 = from_us_string("feb 29 2000"); check("american date with comma: feb 29 2000 ", d11 == d); // test for missing or misspelled date spec components std::string output_str("unexpected exception caught"); check("Year misspelled/out of range: " + output_str, failure_tests("205-Jan-15", output_str)); output_str = "unexpected exception caught"; check("Month misspelled: " + output_str, failure_tests("2005-Jsn-15", output_str)); output_str = "unexpected exception caught"; check("Day out of range: " + output_str, failure_tests("2005-Jan-55", output_str)); output_str = "unexpected exception caught"; check("Missing month and day: " + output_str, failure_tests("2005", output_str)); output_str = "unexpected exception caught"; check("Missing day: " + output_str, failure_tests("2005-Jan", output_str)); #if defined(BOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LOCALE) || defined(BOOST_NO_STD_ITERATOR_TRAITS) || !defined(USE_DATE_TIME_PRE_1_33_FACET_IO) //TODO -- all these PRE_1_33 exclusions need to be removed. In the meantime, don't make //this stuff fail. #if defined(USE_DATE_TIME_PRE_1_33_FACET_IO) check("input streaming for date not available", false); // force a failure #endif #else { std::stringstream ss("2000-2-29"); ss >> d2; check("2000-2-29 stream-in", d2 == d); } { std::stringstream ss("2000-FEB-29"); ss >> d2; //std::cout << d2 << std::endl; check("2000-FEB-29 stream-in (uppercase)", d2 == d); } { std::stringstream ss("2000-february-29"); ss >> d2; check("2000-february-29 stream-in (lowercase)", d2 == d); } // the removed (3) tests require a stream manipulator for date_order // and date_separator (not yet implemented) /*{ std::stringstream ss("Feb-29-2000"); ss >> d2; check("date from month-day-year string stream-in", d2 == d); } { std::stringstream ss("29-Feb-2000"); ss >> d2; check("date from day-month-year string stream-in", d2 == d); } { std::stringstream ss("Feb 29, 2000"); ss >> d2; check("american date with comma: Feb 29, 2000 stream-in", d2 == d); }*/ #endif //BOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LOCALE // check proper range d = date(2001, 1, 1); d2 = from_string("2001-Jan-1"); d3 = from_string("2001-January-1"); check("January", d == d2); check("January", d == d3); d = date(2001, 12, 1); d2 = from_string("2001-Dec-1"); d3 = from_string("2001-December-1"); check("December", d == d2); check("December", d == d3); #if defined(BOOST_NO_STD_ITERATOR_TRAITS) check("date from stream not available: no std iterator traits", false); #else // from stream d = date(2000, 10, 31); std::stringstream ss(""); ss << "2000-Oct-31 is Halloween 2k!"; std::istream_iterator iter(ss), eos; check("from stream - stringstream", d == from_stream(iter, eos)); #if !(defined(BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING)) #if !(defined(BOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_WISTREAM_ITERATOR)) std::wstringstream ws; ws << "2000-Oct-31 is Halloween 2k!"; std::istream_iterator witer(ws), weos; check("from stream - wstringstream", d == from_stream(witer, weos)); #endif // NO_WSTREAM_ITERATOR #endif // BOOST_NO_WSTRING char d2_string[] = {"2000-10-31 is Halloween 2k!"}; char* end = d2_string + sizeof(d2_string) - 1; check("from stream - char[]", d == from_stream(d2_string, end)); std::string s1_string("2000-Oct-31 is Halloween 2k!"); std::string::iterator s1_start = s1_string.begin(); std::string::iterator s1_end = s1_string.end(); check("from stream - string", d == from_stream(s1_start, s1_end)); #ifndef BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING std::wstring w1_string(boost::lexical_cast("2000-Oct-31 is Halloween 2k!")); std::wstring::iterator w1_start = w1_string.begin(); std::wstring::iterator w1_end = w1_string.end(); check("from stream - wstring", d == from_stream(w1_start, w1_end)); #endif // BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING #endif // BOOST_NO_STD_ITERATOR_TRAITS /* date objects from strings & strings to date objects * with misspelled months */ try { date bd = from_string("2002-Jull-4"); std::cout << "Shouldn't be reached." << boost::gregorian::to_simple_string(bd) << std::endl; } catch(boost::gregorian::bad_month&){ check("bad spelling 'Jull'", true); } catch(std::exception& e){ check("bad spelling", false); std::cout << "Fail: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } try { std::string s2("2001-12-41"); //oops should be 31 boost::gregorian::date bad_day(boost::gregorian::from_string(s2)); //won't construct check("check bad day", false); //The line below won't execute, but make the compiler think //we are using bad day.... std::cout << "Oh oh, this shouldn't be reached: " << boost::gregorian::to_iso_string(bad_day) << std::endl; } catch(boost::gregorian::bad_day_of_month&) { //expected check("check bad day", true); } catch(std::exception& e) { //oops wrong exception check("check bad day", false); std::cout << "Fail: " << e.what() << std::endl; } try { std::string s2("2001-02-29"); //oops should be 28 boost::gregorian::date bad_day(boost::gregorian::from_string(s2)); //won't construct check("check bad leap year", false); //The line below won't execute, but make the compiler think //we are using bad day.... std::cout << "Oh oh, this shouldn't be reached: " << boost::gregorian::to_iso_string(bad_day) << std::endl; } catch(boost::gregorian::bad_day_of_month&) { //expected check("check bad leap year", true); } catch(std::exception& e) { //oops wrong exception check("check bad leap year", false); std::cout << "Fail: " << e.what() << std::endl; } try { std::string s2("2001-14-1"); //oops should be <= 12 boost::gregorian::date bad_month(boost::date_time::parse_date(s2)); check("check bad month", false); //fail the test //The line below won't execute, but make the compiler think //we are using bad day.... std::cout << "Oh oh, this shouldn't be reached: " << boost::gregorian::to_iso_string(bad_month) << std::endl; } catch(boost::gregorian::bad_month&) { //expected check("check bad month", true); } catch(std::exception& e) { //oops wrong exception check("check bad month", false); std::cout << "Fail: " << e.what() << std::endl; } //This one aborts gcc2.95.3 on mandrake 8.1 linux with //bad lexical cast? try { //Example of ISO Standard -- CCYYMMDD using namespace boost::gregorian; std::string ud("20011009"); //2001-Oct-09 date d1(boost::gregorian::from_undelimited_string(ud)); // std::cout << to_string(d1) << std::endl; check("undelimited date string", d1 == date(2001,Oct,9)); std::string ad("2001/10/09"); date d2(boost::date_time::parse_date(ad)); check("check american date", d2 == date(2001,Oct,9)); } catch(std::exception& e) { check("more parsing", false); std::cout << "Fail: " << e.what() << std::endl; } using namespace boost::gregorian; std::string s2("2003-07-28"); date d2(from_string(s2)); check("check date", d2.month() == 7 && d2.year() == 2003 && d2.day() == 28); // std::string s1("2001-Oct-5"); // gregorian::date d1(parse_date(s1)); // check("check month", d1.month() == 10); //Check that the from_string and to_string can be reversed date d10(2003, 10, 19); std::string d10s = to_simple_string(d10); date d11 = from_simple_string(d10s); check("to from string inversion", d10 == d11); try { using namespace boost::gregorian; std::string ud(""); //empty string error sf bug# 1155556 date d1(from_simple_string(ud)); check("empty string", false); //should never reach this piont (void)d1; } catch(std::exception& e) { check(std::string("empty string parse (exception expected): ") + e.what(), true); } //Calendar Week + Day Number // CCYYWwwDThhmmss // 1986W105T // week == 10 day=5 // see page 5 //Duration rep //CCYYMMDDThhmmss/PnYnMnDTnHnMnS return printTestStats(); }