/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Hartmut Kaiser http://spirit.sourceforge.net/ Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) =============================================================================*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Demonstrate regular expression parser objects // See the "Regular Expression Parser" chapter in the User's Guide. // // This sample requires an installed version of the boost regex library // (http://www.boost.org) The sample was tested with boost V1.28.0 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The following header must be included, if regular expression support is // required for Spirit. // // The BOOST_SPIRIT_NO_REGEX_LIB PP constant should be defined, if you're // using the Boost.Regex library from one translation unit only. Otherwise // you have to link with the Boost.Regex library as defined in the related // documentation (see. http://www.boost.org). // // For Boost > V1.32.0 you'll always have to link against the Boost.Regex // libraries. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if BOOST_VERSION <= 103200 #define BOOST_SPIRIT_NO_REGEX_LIB #endif #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // used namespaces using namespace std; using namespace BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main entry point int main() { const char *ptest = "123 E 456"; const char *prx = "[1-9]+[[:space:]]*E[[:space:]]*"; cout << "Parse " << ptest << " against regular expression: " << prx << endl; // 1. direct use of rxlit<> rxstrlit<> regexpr(prx); parse_info<> result; string str; result = parse (ptest, regexpr[assign(str)]); if (result.hit) { cout << "Parsed regular expression successfully!" << endl; cout << "Matched (" << (int)result.length << ") characters: "; cout << "\"" << str << "\"" << endl; } else { cout << "Failed to parse regular expression!" << endl; } cout << endl; // 2. use of regex_p predefined parser object str.empty(); result = parse (ptest, regex_p(prx)[assign(str)]); if (result.hit) { cout << "Parsed regular expression successfully!" << endl; cout << "Matched (" << (int)result.length << ") characters: "; cout << "\"" << str << "\"" << endl; } else { cout << "Failed to parse regular expression!" << endl; } cout << endl; // 3. test the regression reported by Grzegorz Marcin Koczyk (gkoczyk@echostar.pl) string str1; string str2; char const *ptest1 = "Token whatever \nToken"; result = parse(ptest1, rxstrlit<>("Token")[assign(str1)] >> rxstrlit<>("Token")[assign(str2)]); if (!result.hit) cout << "Parsed regular expression successfully!" << endl; else cout << "Failed to parse regular expression!" << endl; cout << endl; return 0; }